Women’s Pharma & Healthcare Marketing Sessions Highlight M2W®–HC™

Women’s Pharma & Healthcare Marketing Sessions Highlight M2W®–HC™

Top brands like Bayer, Aetna, American Cancer Society, Pink Tank and Ketchum will present their findings on marketing to female consumers at the 2nd Annual M2W-HC -- The Marketing Pharma & Healthcare to Women Conference, November 16 & 17, 2010, Chicago.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) August 3, 2010

Case studies by Bayer and the American Cancer Society, research presentations by Pink Tank and Ketchum, a new media marketing panel led by Aetna, and a brand-critical imc2 session on social media marketing highlight the 2nd annual M2W®-HC™ — Marketing Pharma & Healthcare to Women Conference, November 16 & 17, Chicago Cultural Center.

“M2W-HC ® is attended by brand marketing teams and execs from leading pharma and healthcare marketers (http://www. m2w-hc. com/get_connected. html),” explained Nan McCann, M2W®–HC™ Chair. “We’ve had attendance from a really broad range of brands including Microsoft Health Solutions, AARP, Kraft, GlaxoSmithKline, Brigham & Women’s, Clorox and Sanofi-aventis, just to name a very few.”

“Every aspect of the consumer pharma and healthcare marketing community realizes that women are the primary decision makers for almost every aspect of their business. From childcare and eldercare, to OTC pharmaceuticals, hospitalization and insurance, women are responsible for almost all the decision making. For example, according to Tom Peters, they make 93% of all OTC pharma decisions.”

“Today the media landscape has totally transformed. No longer are women with health needs waiting for answers to come to them. They are actively engaged in the information process,” McCann said.

“Through compelling case studies, research, and how-to sessions (http://www. m2w-hc. com/sessions. html), M2W®–HC™ helps brands navigate this new communication environment, sharpen their marketing skills, improve their efficiency and escalate their ROI with their most important customers. This conference is an imperative for anyone in the health, wellness and pharma category who wants to succeed, because women are the key.”

M2W®–HC™ is sponsored by (http://www. m2w-hc. com/sponsors. html) Associate Sponsors: imc2, Ketchum, Draftfcb, Aetna, Pink Tank, PMP. Affiliate Sponsors: The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, Women Heart, American Cancer Society, Look Good … Feel Better. Showcase Sponsors: Pentel, Get Healthy Promos. com, Carolina Pad, e-Healthcare Solutions. Video Journalism Resource: SNIPPIES.

For conference schedule and information: www. m2w-hc. com or 860.724.2649 x11. M2W®–HC™ is produced by PME® Enterprises LLC, 216 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06106.
