Growth Hormones Direct Adds Video to Online Database

Growth Hormones Direct Adds Video to Online Database

Growth Hormones Direct adds videos to online database of information providing consumers with information relating to the benefits of homeopathic Human Growth Hormone formulas, growth hormone releaser, HGH injections, etc. Comparing available options prior to starting therapy is vital.

Phoenix, AZ (Vocus) September 9, 2010

Growth Hormones Direct (http://www. growthhormonesdirect. com) adds video to their online database of information providing consumers with information relating to the benefits of homeopathic HGH formulas (http://www. growthhormonesdirect. com/buy-growth-hormone-hgh/index. php), growth hormone releaser, HGH injections, etc. Videos comparing alternatives in HGH treatment options will be added along with additional topics to aid consumers in accessing the maximum benefits of homeopathic HGH treatment (http://www. growthhormonesdirect. com/growth-hormone/growth-hormones-news/growth-hormones-direct-online-database/growth-hormones-direct-online-database).

Other video topics to be released include:

1. Benefits of HGH for mood and mild depression

2. How to maximize benefits from HGH treatment

3. Nutrition guidelines to aid in treatment

4. HGH in combination with medical treatment

5. Suggested uses for HGH

6. Comparing/contrasting between HGH treatments.

Dr. J. Ronald Willis of Growth Hormones Direct said, “We know that in order to take full advantage of the benefits of HGH treatment, individuals need to be informed. They need to have the knowledge they need at their fingertips. That’s the inspiration behind our new emphasis on video tutorials, and informative video clips.”

Growth Hormones Direct urges consumers to watch “Science...Meet Nature” as they reap the benefits of optimizing their hormone levels through proper use of the homeopathic growth hormone formula. Optimal hormone levels allow individuals to enjoy increased general health. Growth Hormones Direct is an Arizona based distributor of quality health foods, supplements, pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals.

To get further information on Growth Hormones Direct or the benefits of the homeopathic growth hormone formula contact:

Contact: Dr. J. Ronald Willis

Company: Growth Hormones Direct

Www. GrowthHormonesDirect. com

Phone: 480-281-7593
