The Home Front

The Home Front

4thishouse. com and Artemis telecoms join hands once again to help people in need.

Canton, MI (PRWEB) September 16, 2005

Hurricane Katrina has come and gone, almost year after the great tsunami of Asia the world is once again faced with a disaster at a global scale. Though the people affected by Hurricane Katrina are mostly American the world will suffer economically for years as a ripple effect of the natural disaster.

Is the true what they say about people? That we really do not care? That we people forget? 4thishouse. com, Artemis Telecom in conjunction with World Care International and Center for Health and Human Services will prove that we donÂ’t.

In spite of the economic implications of the storm the people affected directly by the storm tries their best to survive. The news is starting to die down and like everything else those who are not directly affected forgets about it. The water in New Orleans however although being pumped out is still there. Bodies are still un-recovered, families are still separated and people are still left without their homes.

The Real Estate Industry will continue to provide quality service and 4thishouse being a non profit organization have been donating itÂ’s proceeds to the victims of Hurricane Katrina as it has been donating to the Tsunami victims of Asia. Putting its educational programs on hold to help those in dire need, the battle returns to the home front. For the past 2 years World Care International has been concentrating its efforts in Asia while providing quality service to Americans by helping them sell their homes efficiently while saving them money.

Bringing the efforts back to our home country will prove that Americans are not spared from the tragedies that inflict human beings. Efforts to provide food water and eventually cheap housing are now underway. In spite of our limited resources since our donations are mainly from the service we provide to the Real Estate industry we are giving a helping hand to those who needs it the most.

Though are efforts are concentrated on Education we cannot as a humanitarian society turn our backs when the people who fuel our services are now the same people who need the worlds help. 100% of 4thishouse. com proceeds are given entirely to these people and we are happy to give them. We make people happy by taking their money by giving them premium real estate service and we give it back to the people.

We are not alone. Everyone can lend a helping hand; the world today may be too fast and too busy to do so. Internet has solved all that. We no longer have to leave the comfort of our homes to provide support for these people. We do not do this cause we are heroes we do this cause we do not forget. Through 4thishouse. com and World Care Fund International Americans have helped thousands across Asia, we are now helping Americans. We do not forget. Cause one day the victim will be us. And it will be our turn to ask for a helping hand. When that dark day arrives, we pray that other people have not forgotten us.

We wonÂ’t, they wonÂ’t and someday you wonÂ’t. The Human Race will not forget. History may not write it. Mass Media will stop showing it. But the people will always remember.
