A Message of Love to the Nation

A Message of Love to the Nation

America needs to come together as Americans as one family.

(PRWEB) July 4, 2005

Chicago, IL – Phil Mitchell has a message for each person that enters his trolley. “We all need to come together as Americans as one family. We need to pray to come together.” Phil Mitchell puts on a hat and greets passengers as they enter the trolley. “Welcome and enjoy the city” and a warm smile greets each passenger.

Music fills the air and busy Americans make their way across the city. SoldierÂ’s Field stands out as tribute to WWII veterans. Chicago has so much to offer such as a beautiful river, high buildings, and scenic lakefront.

We are all different in some ways but we have some common ties. The older passengers can remember a more loving time in the past and often express this thought. They are concerned. They had a war to help bring people together. They wonder if all they did was not enough. America has always had its challenges especially during the great wars and its first few years. It was people going forward with strength and character that finally set the tone.

Is it a sense of uncaring in society? Mitchell said, “I think so. It is hard for people to think that the government cares when they see rising health care costs, a stagnant economy, and an insurmountable national debt. It is like they know things are not easy to fix. But things are not going to get fixed if people do not pull together.

“One person can not do it alone. People are more concerned about the here and now rather than building a solid future for their children. Chicago rebuilt from a great fire in 1871. People pulled together and they saw a need. People that get on my trolley want to have a fun time. They are not thinking about other passengers. But it is the bond of caring that holds together the people of this nation.

“We need to be more than just free. We need to shine free and we need to be one caring family. America could be so much closer together. I believe God will set a path for this nation. I am just not so sure that everyone will see it or see a need to build a loving society. Life is so much more beautiful when see people pulling together to help a great cause.

“I see a new and bright light shining across this nation. I see a happy George Washington smiling at a peaceful nation reflected by the press. I see God happy at the path that has been laid before us. Asking all to come forward. I see many people pulling together.

“Maybe it is not so, but it is for me. I will never let that spark die. As long as lights can be lit in our hearts and homes, I will never let this spark die. As long as some Americans continue to care, I will never let this spark die. As long as our ancestors look on and ponder what we are doing, I will never let this spark die. As long as we have an opportunity to rebuild and truly love all Americans, I will never let this spark die. This spark shall light the way to a stronger and more hopeful future. This spark shall light a way for our children. This spark shall call out each name and ask, are you proud to be an American? Then, light the path with prayer before you and please help those that try,” Mitchell said.
