Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

Join Jeanie Marie Kraft, Lic. Ac., for her talk "The Holistic Dog" on Jan. 9, 2006, 6:30PM-8:00PM at Whole Foods Market in Swampscott, MA.

Salem, MA (PRWEB) December 30, 2005

Just like humans, nearly every dog could benefit from a healthier lifestyle. Even more so during the winter when many dogs will have more difficulty moving and suffer from the canine equivalent of seasonal affective disorder. Is your dog moving more slowly these days? Has your dog been diagnosed with hip dysplasia or another movement disorder? Have you wondered how acupuncture or herbs might help?

To help you help your four-pawed friends, on January 9, 2006 from 6:30PM to 8:00PM Jeanie Marie Kraft, Lic. Ac. of Four Paws Acupuncture (www. fourpawsacupuncture. com) will present "The Holistic Dog." During this 90 minute presentation, you will learn how good nutrition, acupuncture and herbal therapy can help keep your dog healthy and happy. She will present specific strategies and products that help during these cold winter months and answer your questions.

"Many dog owners will get up on these cold, winter mornings to walk their dogs," said Jeanie Marie recently, "and they can't help but notice that their dogs just don't move as easily as they used to, they don't jump as much. But if you look in their eyes, you can see there is still a puppy waiting to come out and play." "Acupuncture, herbs and nutrition aren't magic," she said, "but they help bring out that puppy again."

Jeanie Marie Kraft is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, nutritionist and author living in Salem, Massachusetts with a private practice treating dogs with acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She has special interest in pain and dysfunction syndromes including hip dysplasia. She is a former faculty member of the Canadian College of Oriental Medicine (Toronto, Canada) and has written two books and several articles about Oriental Medicine. She has been treating dogs (and humans) with acupuncture for over 10 years.

Keep those tails wagging! To register for this talk visit Whole Foods Market at 331 Paradise Road, Swampscott, MA 01907 or call (781) 592-2200. Registration is $5 per person.

For further information about Four Paws Acupuncture contact Jeanie Marie Kraft, Lic. Ac. by telephone at 978-729-9593 or on the web at www. fourpawsacupuncture. com.

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