Market Leading Design Feature Puts Temperature Data Logger On The World Map

Market Leading Design Feature Puts Temperature Data Logger On The World Map

A design feature has placed an otherwise standard temperature monitoring logger on the world map for food safety as leading specialist research establishment choose Tinytag data loggers in 3rd world food project.

Chichester, UK (PRWeb UK) April 2, 2009

A practical design development of the Tinytag temperature data logger (http://www. geminidataloggers. com/applications/food) has made it a perfect fit for monitoring the temperature of delicate produce like strawberries, grapes and flower buds. In a hands-on project undertaken by the Postharvest unit at Writtle College in Essex, Ethiopians are being encouraged to harvest strawberries to a consistently good quality, with the backing of USAID and the help of Tinytag data loggers to record produce core temperature.

Dr Chris Bishop, Principal Lecturer heading up the Postharvest unit, has reported success of the dataloggers in the project. He says: 'It lies in the logger's design: compact and lightweight. Some units are supplied with a thin flying lead probe. I can insert a sensor into the strawberry, into the grape or into the flower bud, depending on my project. This enables extremely accurate core temperature traces to be recorded during harvest and in-transit overland and during air or sea freight. If I'm advising a 3rd world country on attaining and maintaining the best quality, I need convenient, reliable data that my 3rd world counterparts can also understand and act upon'.

Tinytag data loggers (http://www. geminidataloggers. com/applications/logistics) have also monitored the temperature of cigars in transit from Columbia, health supplements from India and lamb from New Zealand. The shock and vibration of can also affect fragile products like computer hard drives, glass and works of art, where Tinytags have been able to identify when the mishandling took place, proving useful in insurance claims.

Gemini Data Loggers designs and manufactures the Tinytag brand of reliable, robust and battery powered data loggers. The loggers have a comprehensive range of sensors to include temperature, humidity, voltage, current, vibration, shock and count, making them suitable for a wide and diverse range of applications. Gemini Data Loggers has an in-house calibration laboratory providing UKAS traceable certification.

For more information on Gemini and Tinytag data loggers, please visit http://www. geminidataloggers. com (http://www. geminidataloggers. com)


Nigel Palmer

01243 813000

Http://www. geminidataloggers. com (http://www. geminidataloggers. com)
