Search for the Holy Grail of Natural Language Processing

Search for the Holy Grail of Natural Language Processing

This Natural Language Selection Engine uses a radically new method to deliver contents on the fly. It uses Natural language Selection methodologies to decipher what the user wants from the given input and deliver content.

(PRWEB) December 29, 2004

"Understanding" language means, amongst other things, knowing what concepts a word or phrase stands for and knowing how to link those concepts together in a meaningful way. It's ironic that natural language, the symbol system that is easiest for humans to learn and use, is hardest for a computer to master.

This quotation from the Microsoft website offers a glimpse of the complexities involved in designing one of the most complex tasks using a computer.

After many years of research on Natural Language processing and the development of a search engine using elements of Natural Language Processing, Targetwoman is poised to offer Athena.

This briefly means that you can generate hundreds or even thousands of pages of rich content about a topic, triggered by your input. In the demo section, you will find information on human health and medicine. Nothing dramatic - you would say. But then consider this: For any medically related term, you have a page written on the fly - all from a tiny database.

The bottomline is here is something which mimics the human ability to decipher a given phrase and provide lucid relevant content.

You will find indepth details here: http://athena. targetwoman. com/ (http://athena. targetwoman. com/)

Try this Beta version to learn about its uses as an Expert Knowledge Base or a part of a highly targeted relevant delivery engine.
