Patients of Courage Share Strength Following Plastic Surgery

Patients of Courage Share Strength Following Plastic Surgery

Honored at American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting

Toronto, ON (Vocus) October 2, 2010

A former police officer injured in the line of duty, a teenage girl with a craniofacial anomaly, a breast reconstruction patient, and man injured by a drunk driver are being named honorees of the Patients of Courage: Triumph Over Adversity awards by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) at Plastic Surgery 2010 in the Metro Toronto Convention Center on October 3. These unselfish individuals endured numerous reconstructive plastic surgeries and use their experiences, strength and determination to help others in need.

The Patients of Courage: Triumph Over Adversity program is supported by Ethicon, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company. Continuing in the spirit of giving, Ethicon will donate, on behalf of each of the honorees, $5,000 to four non-profit organizations providing reconstructive plastic surgery services to people in need.

“ASPS Member Surgeons are privileged to share this important moment in their patients’ lives,” said ASPS President Michael McGuire, MD. “These are extraordinary people who have overcome adversity to do amazing things for so many people.”

Saydee Robinson, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Robinson was born with Crouzon Syndrome. Although a little shy, she uses her experiences and knowledge of craniofacial anomalies to teach her peers, teachers, and the public about the exceptional challenges confronting people with craniofacial differences. She has undergone over a dozen surgeries by multiple pediatric specialists in her 16 years. She recalls her most challenging and life-changing surgery involving the placement of rigid external distraction device at 10 years of age. This surgery likely began her quest to teach others about craniofacial anomalies after she explained to her Girl Scout troop what she was wearing and why. Two years later, she shared the information with her 7th grade classmates, and the information was so well received that her teacher encouraged Robinson and her classmates to present this information to the mayor and two local senators. Eventually, that led Robinson to speak in front of the state legislature to propose a Craniofacial Awareness Day for Michigan. Her story was so compelling, the ‘day’ turned into Michigan State Resolution No. 147 designating February 2008 as Michigan Craniofacial Month.

Jason Schechterle, Scottsdale, Ariz. - The former Phoenix police officer was at a stop light in his Crown Victoria police cruiser when a cab, whose driver was having a seizure, struck him from behind traveling approximately 115 mph. His gas tank exploded, trapping him in the car. Fortunately, a fire truck was at the same intersection and firemen were able to pull him from the car. He has received 52 operations to reconstruct fourth degree burns of the head, face and hands. With a passion for serving and protecting, Schechterle briefly returned to work as a homicide detective but had to retire from the police force because of difficulty firing his service weapon. A beloved member of his community, he is known for giving inspirational speeches to various audiences and was asked to run with the Olympic torch before the 2002 Olympics.

He continues to serve and inspire his community by participating in Camp Courage Burn Camp, the 100 Club of Arizona for Police Officers and Firefighters killed in the line of duty, and the Jason Schechterle Annual Scholarship Ball which had over 1,000 attendees last year.

Marcus Engel, St. Louis - Engel is now a successful professional speaker and author, but seventeen years ago doctors weren’t sure if he would live He and two friends were struck by a drunk driver who ran a red light, launching Engel from the car. Massive injuries to the face left him blind in both eyes and a facial skeleton in as many pieces as a dropped egg. He had multiple lengthy surgeries to reconstruct the face, chest, abdomen, thigh, and leg fractures and soft tissues injuries. Following his initial hospitalization, Engel moved away to attend the Colorado School for the Visually Impaired where he learned how to thrive in the world without the aid of his vision. He returned to Southwest Missouri State University and completed his undergraduate degree in 2000. His experience as a patient gave him a unique perspective that he now shares with healthcare professionals, high school, and college students around the country. He has authored three books that inspire healthcare professionals to excellence and remind how important it is to practice compassionate care and communications. Marcus is now giving back to society by showing courage, but he is also giving back directly to healthcare providers by offering constructive criticism that allows them to be better surgeons and caregivers..

Donna Creighton, Salt Lake City - Creighton was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990. She underwent lumpectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy. In 2000, even after 10 years of eating well, exercising, and taking care of her emotional well-being, she had a new occurrence and underwent mastectomy with immediate TRAM flap reconstruction. In 2006, Creighton tested positive for BRCA mutation; a mastectomy followed by SGAP flap reconstruction were performed. After the second occurrence, she decided that her healing should include sharing with other women affected by breast cancer. She became very active in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and was ultimately nominated to their national board of directors. In 2004, Donna was asked to join the Image Reborn Foundation as executive director. Image Reborn is a non-profit organization that hosts free retreats for women with breast cancer. Since joining Image Reborn, Creighton has increased the number of retreats from 3-4 per year, to 12-13 annually. She also recognized the need to customize retreats for women with specific needs. Under her leadership, the Foundation has received many awards, including the prestigious Susan G. Komen recognition for being the most innovative organization.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the largest organization of board-certified plastic surgeons in the world. Representing more than 7,000 physician members, the Society is recognized as a leading authority and information source on cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. The ASPS comprises more than 90 percent of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States. Founded in 1931, the Society represents physicians certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Editor’s Note: Reporters can register to attend Plastic Surgery 2010 and arrange interviews with presenters by logging on to http://www1.plasticsurgery. org/ebusiness4/media/mediaregistration. aspx or by contacting ASPS Public Relations at (847) 228-9900 or in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 2 – Oct. 5 at (416) 585-3870.
