The Home Based Business Industry is Bigger than Ever, So Why are So Many People Still Unemployed and So Very Few People Even Finding Something to Suit Their Needs?

The Home Based Business Industry is Bigger than Ever, So Why are So Many People Still Unemployed and So Very Few People Even Finding Something to Suit Their Needs?

Every month thousands of people will fill out online forms, answer magazine advertisements, call into television commercials and radio ads looking for a way to make money at home. Sadly, however, very few ever earn what they are looking for.

(PRWEB) April 24, 2005

Even more amazing are the amount of people who everyday live their lives on their last leg, literally. Bankruptcy and unemployment plagues many homes that desire to have Mom at home and Dad with the family. The Golden Years have become nothing more than holding open a door at Costco or Walmart because Social Security is not all it was 'cracked' up to be. Face it-the average American spends his or her day making someone else wealthy and lives paycheck to paycheck borrowing from their Uncle Visa and Cousin Mastercard more than anyone wants to admit.

How can it be that homes are being built all over the US valued at over $ 500,000 and yet the average American is so in debt that they can't even meet their monthly bills? Could it be that we have been sold a bill of goods that is finally proving to be a lie? Could it be that letters after your name don't necessarily mean you're guaranteed a secure position of employment? Is our generation of children who couldn't read and whose ACT's that were dumbed down now stepping into Corporate America asking for life on a silver platter and life is not serving them well?

The Home Based Business Arena along with Self Employment seems to have a staggering record of people who lost it all, went bankrupt, lost their homes, their cars, even their health, marriages and in some rare cases all that they owned. What is it that makes these people so different than anyone else? We believe it's a matter of choice.

We were taught in school that you will become what you chose to become. We were taught to believe in ourselves, we were taught to follow our dreams, and yet when life slapped us hard in the face, many people gave up on even trying to think past the end of the week. There is however a way 'up' rather than a way 'out' that thousands are turning to each day, and that is taking control of their lives, once and for all.

If you are one who thought your dreams were just something that came into reality when you closed your eyes at night, and you have a strong desire to educate yourself on how to go 'up' rather than just a desire to get 'out' of where you are at, we'd love to hear from you. We are a group of purpose driven Moms and Dads; College Students, Sr. Citizens and Singles who are living life on purpose. We sure aren't going to promise you a get-rich-quick-scheme but we'd love to share with you what has helped thousands of our families find what a regular J-O-B didn't offer. Results sure do speak louder than words and we'd love to train you how to do what we have all learned from the comfort of our own home.

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