Business and Life Coach Announces New Edition of Popular Self-Help eBook

Business and Life Coach Announces New Edition of Popular Self-Help eBook

Nationally known self-help guru and motivational speaker Clay S. Nelson announces a new edition of his popular eBook The Balanced Life, available as a free download from the Clay Nelson Life Balance web site.

Santa Barbara, CA (PRWEB) June 25, 2007

In June of 2006, Clay Nelson Life Balance released The Balanced Life eBook (http://www. claynelsonlifebalance. com/ebook/pr) -- a free collection of company founder Clay S. Nelson's most requested articles and tools aimed at helping readers put fun, family and financial freedom into their business and personal lives.

Thousands of downloads later, the company is pleased to announce the release of an expanded Second Edition, updating the original collection of articles to address two popular life balance topics:

Building Excitement for Living

Part of giving up complacency and creating enthusiasm for life is recognizing that 80% of your life is working really great -- it's just the other 20% that needs improvement. After all, only you have a say in how your life turns out, and learning to live life from the 80% -- even just one small step at a time -- will eventually make building excitement for living second nature.

Overcoming Workaholic Ways

Often we are so conditioned to the idea of work-work-work that anything short of working creates anxieties and a sense of failure. But the costs of being a workaholic run very high--often coming at the expense of physical health, strained or failed relationships, even failure of the business itself! This article sheds new light on recognizing the workaholic cycle, and the good news that the workaholic cycle can be broken with a few key steps.

"We released the original edition of The Balanced Life with the hope of enriching peoples' lives," Nelson explains, "and the response we've gotten has been phenomenal. The concepts behind life balance have resonated with so many of our readers. It's my hope that with the new articles included in the Second Edition, we'll continue that work."

"Let's face it -- if you've been even moderately successful in business, at some point somebody in your life has probably hinted that you might be focusing a little too much on the company and not taking the time to take care of yourself and spend time with your family." Nelson continues, "Sound familiar? But the first steps towards life-altering change may not always seem so clear, and many times the fear of actually getting what we want can be the biggest obstacle in our way! Let my eBook The Balanced Life be your guide towards creating the future you really want to have."

For subscribers to the company's new 6-month Tele-Seminar program option, a complimentary printed and bound version of the The Balanced Life Second Edition is included. The Clay Nelson Life Balance Tele-Seminar program is an interactive tele-conference hosted by Clay Nelson, focusing on a different life balance topic each month.

To download a free copy of The Balanced Life, and for more information about upcoming Tele-Seminars, please visit http://www. claynelsonlifebalance. com (http://www. claynelsonlifebalance. com).

A nationally known http://www. claynelsonlifebalance. com/speaking. html (http://www. claynelsonlifebalance. com/speaking. html), workshop leader, and radio talk show host, Nelson has developed the innovative programs offered by Clay Nelson Life Balance to help people and businesses reach their greatest potential, maximize profits and most importantly, make themselves and their families happier. He founded the company out of his own life philosophy, to teach what one has learned in life is the greatest gift one can give.
