LegalTube. com Expands Accutane Lawsuit Information in Response to Continued Requests from Visitors for the Most Current Accutane Information

LegalTube. com Expands Accutane Lawsuit Information in Response to Continued Requests from Visitors for the Most Current Accutane Information

The online attorney directory offers new information regarding Accutane health problems and the lawsuits related to inflammatory bowel disease after using the drug in its Breaking Legal News section.

Birmingham, AL (Vocus) August 16, 2010

Accutane, an acne treatment drug created by Roche Pharmaceuticals and pulled from the market just over one year ago, has been linked to a number of severe side effects. Accutane health problems (http://www. legaltube. com/breaking-news-hot-list/Accutane. aspx) include birth defects, depression that has led to suicide in some cases, and severe intestinal problems. The acne drug was first placed on the market in the United States in 1982 and more than 13 million Americans have used Accutane since that time. Recent visitor inquiries to LegalTube. com include questions about recent Accutane cases and lawsuit time limits. LegalTube. com’s Breaking Legal News section offers extensive information about major drug recalls and lawsuits related to severe side effects that users may experience as result of using those drugs. This legal resource is one of the most popular sections of the online attorney directory.

Accutane intestinal problems (http://www. legaltube. com/breaking-news-hot-list/Accutane. aspx) have the focus of many of LegalTube. com’s visitors in recent weeks. These intestinal problems include Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory disease of the intestines, and ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease caused by Accutane use persists even after the user discontinues using the acne drug.

A 1984 study of the drug that was funded by Roche Pharmaceuticals showed high doses of the drug to be more effective and it was often prescribed in high doses in the US. The extremely high doses of Accutane exposed some users to a number of serious health problems including cataracts, optic neuritis, menstrual disturbances, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, hepatitis, corneal opacities, papilloedema, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, skeletal hyperostosis, extraosseous calcification, psychosis and depression, which have led to numerous lawsuits being filed over the last several years. One of Roche Pharmaceuticals’ primary reasons cited by for discontinuing marketing of the drug was the high cost of defending these Accutane lawsuits (http://www. legaltube. com/breaking-news-hot-list/Accutane. aspx).

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