Catching the Green Wave—Ecoseeker’s Internet Search Engine and the Cultural Creatives

Catching the Green Wave—Ecoseeker’s Internet Search Engine and the Cultural Creatives

Devoted entirely to the Cultural Creatives, www. EcoSeeker. com is a new Internet search engine positioning itself the catch the green wave. A large new subculture of people has morphed out of the Traditional Heartlanders and the Modernists. They are the Transmodern Cultural Creatives.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) September 15, 2004

Devoted entirely to the Cultural Creatives, www. EcoSeeker. com is a new Internet search engine positioning itself the catch the green wave. A large new subculture of people has morphed out of the Traditional Heartlanders and the Modernists. They are the Transmodern Cultural Creatives. And what is a Cultural Creative? According to Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson, authors of The Cultural Creatives, “(They) are 50 million Americans who care deeply about ecology and saving the planet, about relationships, peace, social justice, and about authenticity, self actualization, spirituality and self-expression. They're activists, volunteers and contributors to good causes more than other Americans.” Most Cultural Creatives do not realize that they number as many as 1 in 4 in N. America and the European union.

Susan Landes, founder and CEO of www. EcoSeeker. com, reports that she was elated when she first heard the term Cultural Creative. “People had tried to categorize me as New Age, but I’m not. It was very satisfying and affirming to have a name that truly fits my values, and to know that there are more of us than I knew.”

According to RayÂ’s research, Cultural Creatives value:

· Ecological sustainability, beyond environmentalism: If you can name an aspect of ecology and sustainability, they are emphatically for it, and are leading the way. Cultural Creatives demonstrate awareness of a large range of issues, including wanting to rebuild neighborhoods and communities, ecological sustainability and limits to growth, seeing nature as sacred, wanting to stop corporate polluters, being anti-big-business, wanting voluntary simplicity, being willing to pay to clean up the environment and to stop global warming.

· Globalism: Two of the top values for Cultural Creatives are xenophilism (love of travel to foreign places, of foreigners and the exotic) and ecological sustainability, which strongly includes concern for the planetary ecology and stewardship, and population problems.

· Feminism, women's issues, relationships, family: The fact that Cultural Creatives are 60 percent women is a major key to understanding this subculture. Much of the focus on women's issues in politics comes from them--including concerns about violence and abuse of women and children, desire to rebuild neighborhoods and community, desire to improve caring relationships, and concerns about family (though they are no more family-oriented than most North Americans, it is near the top in their list of values).

· Altruism, self-actualization, alternative health care, spirituality and spiritual psychology: This is a complex of highly interrelated beliefs and values centered on the inner life. In reality, this is a new sense of the sacred that incorporates personal growth psychology and the spiritual and service to others as all one orientation. It also includes a stronger trend toward holistic health and alternative health care as part of this complex.

· Well-developed social conscience and social optimism: Contrary to some social critics, an emphasis on the personal does not exclude the political or social conscience, though individuals may focus on them in sequence. Cultural Creatives are engaged in the world just as much as in personal and spiritual issues. Rebuilding and healing society is related to healing ourselves, physically and spiritually. With that goes a guarded social optimism.

“This group is innovative, constantly combining the values of Traditionals and Moderns and transforming them into entirely new civic associations like political parties, unions, civic clubs, think tanks, institutes, foundations, charities, clinics, and churches. This is really about a new kind of holism. Take a yoga center for example: is it a business, a spiritual place, an education center, a health and exercise place, or a way of life? The answer is Yes to all the above. We're crossing categories all the time.”

According to www. CulturalCreatives. org, “A new industry is appearing: Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, and it was $230 Billion in the U. S. in 2000, and $540 Billion worldwide. And the Cultural Creatives are their entire market. They are the drivers of the demand that we go beyond environmental regulation to real ecological sustainability, to change our entire way of life accordingly. They demand authenticity -- at home, in the stores, at work, and in politics. They support women's issues in many areas of life. They insist on seeing the big picture in news stories and ads. This is already influencing the marketplace and public life.”

“If people don't know about the Cultural Creatives they may be left behind, wondering where all the changes are coming from. After all, any time one in four Americans are changing their minds in fundamental ways, it's worth paying attention to, because it's going to change your life too.”

Ecoseeker is a Green Internet search engine and directory of earth-friendly products and services that support healthy sustainable living. It has 24 categories featuring everything from Alternative Health and Fitness to Eco Travel, Solar Energy, Non-Profit Organizations, and Organic Gardening. It can be found at www. EcoSeeker. com. Landes says, “It’s a total joy to be providing a directory of products, services, and publicity to the Cultural Creatives because these are my values and way of life.”

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