The Ethereal Dimension: Mystical Pathways to Health Revealed

The Ethereal Dimension: Mystical Pathways to Health Revealed

With the veil lifting on The Ethereal Dimension, secrets of the past are being revealed, and the exciting and optimistic path to the future is opening before us. As Carl Sagan, the eminent Astronomer often said, "We are all made of Star Stuff". This implies a connection and suggests that we are of each other. The long suspected mystical and tenuous connecting links are being revealed through the agency of Energy of Nature Healing. The Uniting Energy and wondrous beauty of The Ethereal Dimension is gradually unfolding for all of us. Changing the nature of who we are and what we do. The ultimate good that will not be denied.

Portarlington Victoria (PRWEB) July 8, 2006

With the veil lifting on The Ethereal Dimension, secrets of the past are being revealed, and the exciting and optimistic path to the future is opening before us.

As Carl Sagan, the eminent Astronomer, often said, "We are all made of Star Stuff". This implies a connection and suggests that we are of each other.

The long suspected mystical and tenuous connecting links are being revealed through the agency of Energy of Nature Healing. The Uniting Energy and wondrous beauty of The Ethereal Dimension is gradually unfolding for all of us. Changing the nature of who we are and what we do. The ultimate good that will not be denied.

The Uniting Energy and wondrous beauty of The Ethereal Dimension is gradually unfolding for all of us. Changing the nature of who we are and what we do. The ultimate good that will not be denied.

The Ethereal Dimension.

The mystical path that speeds Energy of Nature Healing from The Healer wherever he, or she, may be, in a nano second to recipients in distant parts of Planet Earth is now explained by The Ethereal Dimension. The hidden but ever present magic like quality that seeks out those in need and have them feel the healing presence.

The Ethereal Dimension.

Every day many hundreds of Distance Healers make healing contact with people seeking their help from all over the world.

The seemingly impossible mechanics that makes this work have long been hidden in mystique. Going back to ancient times when healers in some tribes were revered and in some others were in danger if they mentioned their healing power.

Modern communications have made possible the new era of Distance Healing, where people from any part of the world can request help and get it the same day.

This has raised the question of how this can possibly be? How does it get there? How does it work?

These questions, that had no convincing answers, can now be explained by the revelation that is The Ethereal Dimension.
