'Is Pet Ownership Destroying the Lives of Americans?' Explores the $75 Billion a Year Pet Industry ... and May be an Excellent Research Book for Attorneys and Law Firms

'Is Pet Ownership Destroying the Lives of Americans?' Explores the $75 Billion a Year Pet Industry... and May be an Excellent Research Book for Attorneys and Law Firms

The pet industry has modeled its business operations and "culture" after the tobacco industry. Carole Wade's book explains how pet owners' dog and cat worship is being manipulated to underwrite luxury lifestyles of greedy pet industry tycoons.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 3, 2007

The timely book, "Is Pet Ownership Destroying the Lives of Americans?", available through Amazon. com and also Xlibris. com/bookstore/, describes the relationship between lonely pet owners and their dogs, in particular. The book's research leads the author to conclude that pet industry operatives have long observed and profited mightily from the phenomena of obsessed pet owners.

Today, with pet food poisoning affecting millions of dogs and cats, pet owners are now saddled with huge financial burdens from veterinarian bills, animal hospital statements, owner emotional distress, medication costs and burial expenses for their pet-dog-babies, pet-dog-children, pet-dog-husbands and pet-dog-partners.

In the author's opinion, it is certainly appropriate for pet owners' attorneys to file lawsuits against pet food manufacturers. But the book also highlights the "deep pockets" of pharmaceutical manufacturers and car makers and Madison Avenue advertising firms that have long conspired to enrich themselves by aggressively promoting pet ownership to unthinking lonely men and women. As discussed in "Is Pet Ownership Destroying the Lives of Americans?," pharmaceutical giants exploit aging menopausal women by featuring them with pet-dogs (instead of "family-friendly" views with husbands). And car advertisements frequently picture large dogs sitting alongside male motorists.

Attorneys and law firms should also consider the content in the author's book concerning her viewpoint that many "fraudulent health studies" are financed by the pet industry to promote widespread pet ownership: more animals = more pet food and more pet product sales. And as the author considers to be a mimicking of the tobacco industry model, the pet industry has been enhancing its wealth by "covering-up" millions of dog bitings and dog maulings which go unreported on television and in newspapers. (The tobacco industry -- only recently a loser in class action lawsuits -- had long succeeded in hiding its customers' mortality figures from the news media.)

Carole Wade's book "Is Pet Ownership Destroying the Lives of Americans?" can be purchased at Amazon. com and at Xlibris. com/bookstore/. She herself can be reached through the Random House Partner, Xlibris Corporation, International Plaza II, Suite 340, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19113.
