Sales Leads for Pennies; Affordable Sales Lead Generation Using 21st Century Techniques

Sales Leads for Pennies; Affordable Sales Lead Generation Using 21st Century Techniques.

How Important is a Qualified Health Insurance Lead, Life Insurance Lead, Mortgage Lead, MLM Lead or Business Sales Lead to Your Business?

(PRWEB) September 1, 2003

Can you ever have enough quality sales leads?

August, 2003 -- In my case, as a licensed health insurance agent in Texas, I was frustrated by my inability to generate as many sales leads as I needed in order to have a successful health insurance business. I was chasing my own tail, spending countless hours on the phone cold calling, spending money on newspaper and radio ads, sending out mailers and networking at every opportunity. Everyone else I knew in the business was chasing those elusive sales leads using these same old tired techniques,

A Sales Lead Generation Web Site was my Solution

What is the best way to generate health insurance leads, life insurance leads, mortgage leads, mlm leads or business sales leads?

My breakthrough came from an unlikely source - my clients! I just had to ask to find out that more than 90% of them initiated their search for health insurance on the internet. That information was a revelation for me! I had purchased health insurance and life insurance leads from those huge sales lead generation companies and had been disappointed with both the quality and volume of sales generated from these pricey internet sales leads. I was naive enough two years ago to think a sales lead generation web site was a simple process!

Step by Step Business Sales Lead Generation

A business sales lead could be a health insurance lead, life insurance lead, mortgage lead, real estate lead, mlm lead or any kind of sales lead.

The sales generation concept is the same regardless of the type of sales lead. You have to make your presence known so people can find you first. Then you have to present a credible web presence. I didn't know anything about the internet sales lead generation process when I started. I got ripped off, taken advantage of and banned from one search engine while I was learning the ropes. Search engine optimization, keyword density, meta tags, html, css, rss --- heck, it was every bit Greek to me! Somewhere along the way, it started to make sense and the end result has been very satisfying!

My Inbox is Flooded with High Quality Sales Leads Every Day!

My Marketing Plan Runs Itself for Less than $2 per Sales Lead

Once I figured out how those complicated search engines work, how to write professional ad copy, internet marketing, web site design, keyword optimization and about 50 other components of a successful sales lead generation web site, it was pretty easy to figure out how to put it all together. Right about now, I bet you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I can understand your confusion because I have been right there in your shoes! Wouldn't it be great to have a source of information to take you step by step through the entire process?

My updated 44 page Sales Lead Generation e-book explains the entire process step by step!

I have done your research for you. If you can use Microsoft Word, you can build and market your own sales lead generation web site. I show you the best sources for web site components, ethical search engine optimization techniques that really work, how to pick those important keywords..... everything you need to establish a professional, credible web presence and generate qualified health insurance leads, life insurance leads, mortgage leads or any type of business sales lead 7 days a week / 24 hours a day!

Http://www.724leads. com/ (http://www.724leads. com/)