April 28 - May 4 is National Scoop the Poop Week

April 28 - May 4 is National Scoop the Poop Week

Bellingham-based Doo Bandits encourages dog owners of the importance of cleaning up after their dogs with informational booths at city parks.

Bellingham, Washington (PRWEB) April 26, 2009

Bellingham based Doo Bandits encourages dog owners of the importance of cleaning up after their dogs during National Scoop the Poop Week, April 28 - May 4, 2009.

In association with the City of Bellingham, Doo Bandits will be available May 1, 8am to 4pm at Bloedel Donovan Park, 2214 Electric Avenue and May 2, 8am to 5pm at Lake Padden Park, 4882 Samish Way to provide pet waste information and treats for Fido.

There are approximately 27,000 dogs in Whatcom County. The average dog produces ¾ pounds of waste per day. Which means 27,750 lbs. of dog waste per day. That amount of waste can contain 1,241,730,000,000 fecal coliform bacteria.

Dennis Pate, owner of Doo Bandits says, "According to the Washington Department of Ecology, during rains, dog poop melts away and runoff carries it to storm drains, ditches and streams that feed our rivers, lakes and marine waters. The bacteria from dog poop can end up in shellfish, making people who eat those shellfish very sick. The bacteria can also make water unsafe to drink or to swim in. Nutrients from dog poop can also feed the growth of aquatic plants and algae, which, as these decay, use up oxygen in the water that fish and other aquatic life need." Pate would like to remind dog owners to pick up after their pet and carry dog waste bags when they take their dog for a walk.

Dennis recently started Doo Bandits (www. doobandits. com). With an estimated 48,000 dogs in Whatcom county, he felt the owners needed help in cleaning up the "poo"1. It's estimated to be at least 700 "poo" services throughout the country.2 Doo Bandits is Eco-Friendly and use only biodegradable trash bags and and clean their tools only with environmentally safe cleaning products after every use.

Dennis said he wants to help make your life and your pet's life a lot more enjoyable. Dog waste can affect the appearance of your yard, attract pests and flies, pollute, get on your shoes, carpet and other interior surfaces, offend the neighbors, and most importantly, it can endanger the health of your pets and your family. The "Bandit" is here to eliminate the most unpleasant "doodie" of dog ownership.

Weekly, twice a week, every other week, monthly, and one-time service is available. "When I come to your home I will collect the waste and place into double wrapped biodegradable bags for disposal. To help keep your high traffic areas sanitary I disinfect walks, porch or patios in the immediate vicinity of cleaning." Pate said.

In addition Doo Bandits will check outside water bowls and refill during the summer months. They will even advise the owner if anything appears unusual with the dog's stool.

As a member of APAWS-Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (Yes, there is a trade organization) Doo Bandits will strive to uphold a strict standard of what is to be expected in the care and treatment of all animals as expected of APAWS members.

During April Dennis is setting up the schedule for service during the spring and summer. He can be reached at 360-778-1291 or go to www. doobandits. com.


Dennis or Suzanne Pate

P. O. Box 28638

Bellingham, WA 98229


Email: dennis @ doobandits. com, suzanne @ doobandits. com
