DDT Ban Opens Pesticide Market To Alternative Methods And Products To Controlling Recent Bed Bug Infestation

DDT Ban Opens Pesticide Market To Alternative Methods And Products To Controlling Recent Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bug infestation products are important in controlling the infestation. Recently there has been a lot of problems with bed bugs up and down the east coast.

Austin, TX (PRWEB) October 22, 2010

The 1972 DDT ban in the United States and subsequent worldwide ban, substitutes have been taking over the insecticide market for the past 30+ years.

Recognizing recent reports of bed bug invasions in large cities like New York, bedbugshredder. com/blog has developed a new effective and safe formula for ridding households of bed bugs.

DDT, once hailed as the only synthetic insecticide with close to a 100% rate of effectiveness has been of the market for close to 40 years. Since then some insect spread diseases and parasites have been on the rise, most recently bed bugs. Due to DDT being harmful to animals, humans and the environment and not being reintroduced for public use in the foreseeable future bedbugshredder. com/blog has developed a natural, non-toxic formula that is effective and most importantly safe to use around children and pets.

“I couldn't believe that we were having a bed bug resurgence in this country“, said Jason, Bed Bug Shredder developer, “but something had to be done to kill these critters. People are way more aware of chemicals and they want natural. No fumes and no poisons. That's where we come in”. Bed Bug Shredder is toxin and poison free leaving users with a sense of calm knowing they aren't exposing their family to dangerous chemicals.

If bed bugs are detected on clothing or in the car they have most likely been transported into the home. They are not relegated to just the bed. Preferring dark and warm places to live in, bed bugs aren't relegated to only the bed many times being found in couch upholstery, dog beds, cars, dresser and closets living in the clothing. Bedbugshredder. com/blog is designed to kill these pests without effecting your or your family's health.

For anyone interested in learning more about ridding your home of bed bugs visit http://www. gettingridofbedbugs. com
