Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com Announces Its New Web Site Launch

Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com Announces Its New Web Site Launch

Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com is one of the few websites dedicated to answering your pet questions online. The retooled website offers archives to the most common questions pet owners have, articles about cat and dog health questions, and of course a chance to ask a vet your question.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 13, 2005

Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com, one the few websites dedicated to answering common pet questions asked by owners, announces its re-launch on Wednesday, Tuesday July 13th, 2005.

The site owner, Chris Suckow, DVM, has dramatically redone the website. “I wanted to make the website easier for people to navigate and get to the information they needed about their pets,” says Suckow.

The site is designed to make it easier to ask your question, or search for an answer to your pet question.

“I’ve added a new format to ask questions. I like receiving questions and helping pet owners out,” says Suckow. “Also for people who don’t want to ask a question, but just search for an answer they can use the search the site option.”

Suckow enjoys reading the questions and trying to help pet owners get the information they want. “I get all sorts of questions. Questions about cats, dogs, gerbils, and even farm animals. I offer help because some people want a second opinion, what to know how a certain prescription can affect their pet, or want to know when they should take their sick pet to visit their veterinarian."

Dr. Suckow has many years of experience helping owners and their pets, and wanted to use the internet to help more people. “The internet is great because I can communicate with pet owners all over the world to try and help their pets,” says Suckow.

The response from pets owners could be tremendous. Sixty-three percent of U. S. households own at least one pet. That equates to over 60 million pet dogs and almost 70 million pet cats in the United States.

About Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com

Free-Online-Veterinarian-Advice. com is one of few websites available today where you can ask a veterinarian your pet question. There are no fees for submitting questions. Unique features include answer archives to weekly pet questions, a searchable site to help find your answer quicker, articles on the latest pet health news, and a Link Hit List to the best pet websites available today. Visit the site at http://www. free-online-veterinarian-advice. com (http://www. free-online-veterinarian-advice. com).
