Is the Fat You Eat Killing You?

Is the Fat You Eat Killing You?

Well, yes, probably most of it, if your fat intake is made up of saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats, it is having a major negative impact on your state of health. You may not feel some of it or you just feel tired all the time. Find out what Jake, two seagulls, a herd of pigeons and a dog named Transit think about all this fat and get some easy to understand answers.

(PRWEB) December 3, 2003

"Two seagulls, a herd of pigeons and my dog named Transit just can’t be wrong on this one. I come to the beach every weekend and share my fries, hot dog and popcorn … and you should see em! Act like they haven’t eaten in weeks and they just got done with the tourist on the beach blanket next to mine," Jake remarks to Bob Weinstein, known as the Health Colonel, who is conducting one of his military-style workouts on Fort Lauderdale Beach. “Jake, everybody likes to have a little fun with food and, yes, I too will indulge in a hot dog every now and then and enjoy every bite! Sugar, salt and fat intake can actually act like a drug and the seagulls, pigeons and your dog Transit are responding just like us.”

Jake and his dog Transit both were overweight. Walking across the sand was a visible burden for both of them. Why Jake would name his dog Transit remains a mystery. When Transit walked – or really more like waddled – he should’ve had a sign on his back end that said “WIDE LOAD, PASS WITH CAUTION”. "Mass" Transit takes on a whole new meaning. Anyhow, I guess Transit must have been a fast moving, agile dog once upon a time. Jake loved Transit and shared everything with him, even made him overweight just like Jake. When they would walk it was hard to tell who imitated whom. You’d think they were related.

“Bob, what can I do to get rid of this extra fat on me and ol’ Transit? I’m 48, have a sedentary office job and the only exercise I get is to drive to the grocery store and walk the aisles. “ Jake asks. Bob responds with the reply that has been heard over and over again, “Eat right and exercise. I know that that statement alone will not help you to get started. Let’s keep it simple and easy to understand. Here’s some of what you need to know …"

DonÂ’t become prey to processed foods. Treat your trip to the grocery store like a hunt. And as with every hunt you will find prey and predator. Are you prey or predator when you grocery shop? HereÂ’s a sign I saw in a grocery store: "1 to 12 servings, depending on how your day went." Such a sign is trying to make you the prey! DonÂ’t let it happen! Explore the options and carefully look for whole foods that are closer to nature, which means as unprocessed as possible. You will be surprised at the discoveries you will make and you will raise your level of awareness of just what is healthier and what to avoid! And you will start avoiding certain foods. This much is easy. Stay away from junk foods and the nice to have munchies which are usually high in fat, sugar and/or salt, and eliminate sugar and diet beverages - drink water instead.

Already confused? HereÂ’s a quick and easy overview of what you need to know about fats:

Partially hydrogenated fat is bad fat. Hydrogenated means bombarded with hydrogen. This makes margarine solid and is used in commercial baked goods and to make shortening out of vegetable oil.

Saturated fat is bad fat. This is naturally hydrogenated fat. No more than 10% of your diet should include saturated fat, which of course means that a little regular saturated fat will probably not harm you.

Trans fats are very bad, if not worse than saturated and hydrogenated. No, it has nothing to do with oversized cross dressers! This stuff (oils) is processed with high heat to make the oils stable for a longer shelf life.

No, you're not going to fall over dead if you eat a muffin at a coffee shop, bakery or from the grocery store.

What you will find in the grocery store and restaurants is that trans fat is “hidden" and wrongfully sold as "good" fat. Canola oil, soy oil and corn oil are bad fats because they contain lots of trans fats to extend the shelf life. I recommend throwing this stuff away and never cooking with it or using it on salads again! Anything called "salad oil" or "vegetable oil” has lots of trans fats.

Olive, peanut and sesame oils are some excellent examples of good fats as long as they are cold pressed. There are others. These are stable fats in their natural state and can therefore naturally have a long shelf life.

My advice to you is to eat natural, cold pressed, oils that have not been processed, such as coconut, peanut, olive, sesame. Be aware that the word “natural” does not mean that the fat or oil is still in its natural state. It really is not very natural if it has been processed.

The good fats in the right quantities have many benefits for your health. The good fats protect against aging, improve the immune system, balance hormone production, and improve brain function and vision.

Two things you can do now to live longer and healthier:

1. Make extra virgin olive oil your margarine, butter, vegetable oil, canola oil or whatever bad oil you use.

2. Stay away from processed foods. Ok, the question comes, "Well what's processed food?" Here's my definition on what it is not. Food in its natural state is not processed. Ok, that still doesn't help you. If the food is in it's natural "killed' state, be it plant or animal, it is natural.

A couple of quick test questions on whether food is processed or not: Which oatmeal is processed, instant or the stuff you have to cook a long time? You get it! The stuff you have to cook a long time is closest to its natural "killed" state. Which are processed … canned or frozen vegetables? Canned, of course. Frozen is not processed as long as it was in it's natural "killed" state when it went into deep freeze. What about all those sandwich meats to include hotdogs? They are processed unless they are indeed in their natural, ‘killed” state. Organic does not mean natural. Organic could actually be processed or natural.

See a doctor on all health concerns to include nutrition and exercise.

About the trainer and author:

Born in Washington, D. C., grew up in Virginia and spent twenty years in Berlin, Germany, Bob Weinstein is retired from the Army Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel with 30 years of service. He has been featured on television's Fox Sports Net and in the men's lifestyle magazine RAZOR. His background is unique and diverse... military instructor, attorney, motivational speaker, wellness coach, certified corporate trainer, certified personal trainer with ACE, and fluent in German and English. He has also worked in the corporate environment in various management capacities. In furthering the fitness aspect of his military years, he started his own business "Fountain of Youth Fitness" and specializes in a military-style workout on Fort Lauderdale Beach that incorporates strength, cardio, flexibility and agility training, both personal training and group sessions. He is known as The Health Colonel and is a motivational speaker on topics of leadership, team building, sales, fitness, nutrition, health, wellness and the importance of the interrelationship of people. He is also presently writing a book on health and wellness. His mission is to help others lead healthier and happier lives. More about The Health Colonel at www. BeachBootCamp. net.

Press Releases by Bob Weinstein:

Fitness Guru and Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bob Weinstein Featured in RAZOR MAGAZINE, The Definitive Men's Lifestyle Magazine. “Five Weight-Loss Tips from the Health Colonel” and "Battle of the Bulge"

Http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/12/prweb92819.php (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/12/prweb92819.php)

Drop and Give Me Twenty You Sorry Sack of Potatoes! A Satirical Depiction of A Serious Boot Camp Workout.

Http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/10/prweb84711.php (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/10/prweb84711.php)


Http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/10/prweb84304.htm (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/10/prweb84304.htm)


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Charity Programs Help Average People Achieve Remarkable Goals

Http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/7/prweb73187.htm (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/7/prweb73187.htm)


600 push-ups and eleven mile run on Fort Lauderdale Beach in the sand after 4 months of training with The Health Colonel.

Http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/7/prweb73122.htm (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2003/7/prweb73122.htm)
