Keep Health Care Burdens Off of Your Family

Keep Health Care Burdens Off of Your Family

Create a Living Will in minutes with LawDepot's new online form.

Desert Hot Springs, CA (PRWEB) June 15, 2007

Despite an increase in popularity after the media coverage given to the Terri Schiavo story in 2005, living wills are only held by 41% of Americans. LawDepot. com's recently revised Living Will form (http://www. lawdepot. com/contracts/living-will/) makes it fast and easy to draft a living will.

A living will is a document that allows a person to convey his or her wishes regarding medical treatment in the event that he or she is unable to personally convey them. LawDepot's Living Will form (http://www. lawdepot. com/contracts/living-will/) allows customers to state what type of care they wish to receive in the event that they suffer from a terminal condition, permanent coma, or a persistent vegetative state.

Having a living will also allows individuals to take the burden of their end-of-life care off of their families. The number of Americans with a living will has increased 10% since 2005, likely for this reason. Without a living will, the family may not know what a patient's wishes are. As the Schiavo case illustrated, this can result in a situation in which members of the individual's family cannot agree on what course of action to take. A living will makes the patient's wishes clear and legally binding, and that can help prevent family discord regarding what treatments should or should not be administered.

LawDepot. com has recently revised its Living Will form (http://www. lawdepot. com/contracts/living-will/) to ensure that it is completely up-to-date, and is as fast and easy to use as possible. This form can also be bundled with the Medical Power of Attorney form as part of a full Health Care Directive package.

For more information about the news that is the subject of this release (or for a sample, copy or demo), contact David Pettitt or visit http://www. lawdepot. com/contracts/living-will/ (http://www. lawdepot. com/contracts/living-will/).

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David Pettitt, Business Manager

LawDepot. com


Http://www. lawdepot. com (http://www. lawdepot. com)
