BSI Team Creates Blue Spring Professional - The Doctor's Line of Products

BSI Team Creates Blue Spring Professional - The Doctor's Line of Products

Debra Murray, President of Blue Spring International (BSI), has announced a new brand extension of the successful Blue Spring natural pain relief products, Blue Spring Professional. Blue Spring Professional was created because of a market need of Chiropractors and Health Care professionals to provide pure and natural products to their patients. This Doctor's line of products was developed in collaboration with Dr. Allen Unruh, DC., president of Creative Health Choices, Inc. in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Oklahoma City, OK (PRWEB) December 23, 2007

Debra Murray, President of Blue Spring International (BSI), has announced a new brand extension of the successful Blue Spring natural pain relief products, Blue Spring Professional. Blue Spring Professional was created because of a market need of Chiropractors and Health Care professionals to provide pure and natural products to their patients. This Doctor's line of products was developed in collaboration with Dr. Allen Unruh, DC., president of Creative Health Choices, Inc. in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Dr. Allen Unruh, a chiropractor, author and public speaker, knew that offering an effective product his patients could use in conjunction with their chiropractic treatments would be the perfect solution for getting the results he wanted. Since the 1970s, he has been forming a list of his ideal product features that read: 1) must have ingredients that would help decrease inflammation and enhance the healing process, 2) must smell good to both his male and female patients, 3) must give long lasting relief, 4) must be natural, 5) must be registered with the FDA as an Over-The-Count pain reliever, 6) must be manufactured by a company that would stand behind the product and guarantee its results, 7) must contain high quality, effective ingredients, 8) must be convenient and easy to use, yet look professional and 9) must not be sticky when applied, or leave a sticky feeling on skin or clothing.

After many years of testing various products to find the features he was looking for, Dr. Unruh decided to test Blue Spring's pain relief products. He ordered enough to begin testing 25 of his patients. The results were as effective as he had hoped for and pain relief was almost immediate, most of the time within minutes. "Every patient of mine said it didn't even compare to the previous analgesics I used to offer them. Many come to my office and tell me their co-workers tried it and want them to purchase some for them. I have never had that happen before. In addition, many purchase it and send it to some of their relatives who are in pain," reports Unruh.

In a few short weeks, he was in Oklahoma, meeting with BSI's owner and the research and development team. The timing was right, Blue Spring had a patent on an enhanced version of their already effective pain relief product, ready for production. The best news was that this new and improved version had no added fragrance or color. In addition, the natural white color of the product looked good and the natural fragrance smelled great. This was a product that Dr. Unruh knew he could put his professional image behind.

"Blue Spring Professional" was created to market a Doctor's Line of Products sold exclusively to health care professionals. Dr. Unruh could finally check off 100% of his list and be on the forefront of offering a great line of products to his colleagues. Best of all, health care professionals could offer their patients a quality line of products that they felt comfortably matched and complemented their professional image. Research and Development at Blue Spring Professional will continue to talk to doctors and their patients in order to create the most effective products that best meet their urgent needs. Our goal is to increase the Doctor's Line of products to total 25 by January of 2009.

Blue Spring Professional is a certified woman-owned business. The company looks for diversity in everything it does. The President, Debra Murray, gives her time mentoring women throughout the world. In the recent past she has visited Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to mentor women business owners in developing countries. Three women business owners from Afghanistan were guests in her home and were mentored at Blue Spring in 2007. Through doing this she has found that the need for health and wellness is shared throughout the world. For additional information contact: Debra Murray at 405-879-5866 or dmurray @ bluespringwellness. com or check our site at www. drspainformula. com/product. aspx? pid=488 (http://www. drspainformula. com/product. aspx? pid=488).

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