UCW Academy of Health Preps to Combat Spread of H1N1

UCW Academy of Health Preps to Combat Spread of H1N1

College arms students and faculty with up-to-date prevention info to fend off Swine Flu

Victoria, BC (Vocus) October 22, 2009 –

As British Columbians face another wave of H1N1 this fall, UCW Academy of Health (http://www. academyofhealth. ca) is arming their students and faculty with up-to-date information and preventative tips in order to reduce the impact on campus life.

“Transmission of H1N1 is the same as any seasonal flu virus,” says Patricia Hitchens, Director of Nursing at UCW Academy of Health. “Therefore it is important that our students and instructors follow the same guidelines they would to prevent the flu – which will help keep them, and those around them, healthy.”

Informational posters around the Victoria campus outline the difference between flu and cold symptoms and include instructions on proper hand washing techniques. In addition, fact sheets are also being used to dispell myths about H1N1 contraction. The more information students and instructors have, the more likely they’ll be to practice precautions and prevent the spread of the flu on campus.

“It is especially important during flu season,” adds Hitchens. “All health care professionals and students need follow the guidance of the infection control practices both on-campus and in clinical settings.”

The Academy’s H1N1 plan is in line with recommendations by the BC Centre for Disease Control, who recommend good old fashioned soap and water as the best way to keep the flu at bay. The plan will also be implemented at the new Richmond campus when it opens in January.

For more information about UCW Academy of Health, visit http://www. academyofhealth. ca (http://www. academyofhealth. ca)

About UCW Academy of Health

UCW Academy of Health (http://www. academyofhealth. ca (http://www. academyofhealth. ca)) provides accelerated market-driven career training programs to students seeking a skills-based education as an entry point into a competitive job market. UCW Academy of Health strives to be a center of excellence for health care related training where students master the tools, techniques and technologies used in their chosen career fields. Health services curriculum is developed based on recommendations and input from consultants, professionals and practitioners in the field to ensure that graduates develop the specific skill sets that the industry demands.

For more information:

Warren Mailey

Communications Manager

604 915-7288, ext 2130
