This Edge with Kathy Fettke is Making this Holiday Season a Healing Season. Learning about the silent addiction, Codependency

This Edge with Kathy Fettke is Making this Holiday Season a Healing Season. Learning about the silent addiction, Codependency.

Kathy Fettke is touching many people the month of December by focusing on chemical dependency. But there is one form of dependency that is not focused on enough. Codependency is unrecognized as an illness and causes great damage.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2003

The Edge with Kathy Fettke is focusing on chemical dependency the month of December but there is another dependency we donÂ’t talk about and for that matter hear about, Codependency.

We may not realize it but our own behavior may change when caring about someone with a chemical dependency. Many people become Codependent. Codependent people compulsively react to the chemically dependent persons behavior and tries to control it. Codependent habits may go unrecognized and cause great damage. They may actually help the chemically dependent person stay addicted and prevent the codependent person from living a fulfilling life, sometimes for years after the relationship is gone.

If you believe you might be codependent, learning about codependency is the first step to making a happier life for yourself. This acknowledges also help you create an environment in which a chemically dependent person can get healthy and stay that way.

Here are some recognizable questions:

Do you feel responsible for other peopleÂ’s problems?

Do you find yourself saying yes to things when you want to say NO?

Do you try desperately try to please others?

Do you feel bored or useless when you donÂ’t have a crisis in your life or another personÂ’s problem to solve?

Do you focus on mental time and attention on other people, especially from significant others?

Do you feel uncomfortable when not in a relationship even though you are in and out of highly volatile ones?

If you answered yes to any of these questions please listen to The Edge with Kathy Fettke this Sunday night, December 14 from 8 – 9 PM.

Kathy will have 2 very special guests, Kay Kopit, producer and writer of the film, “I Survived, One Woman’s Journey of Self-Healing and Transformation. Kay will tell her story of her 12-year relationship with an alcoholic and her recovery from codependency.

Her thanks to Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics and her therapy.

More information on Kay at www. isurviveddocumentary. com

Also, Joyce Gidel, M. A., M. F.T. will be talking about characteristics of codependency, recovery and healing. She will also be taking calls with questions and giving information on where you can receive help.

Joyce is a MPI Family Therapist and has a Private Practice in Oakland, CA.

Please make this Holiday Season a healing season call The Edge with Kathy Fettke this Sunday, December 14th from 8 – 9 PM on 910 AM TALK KNEW, San Francisco.

866-331-TALK (866-331-8255)


Contact: Rhonda Boudreaux
