McAllister Software Systems® Launches AVImark® Practice Builder

McAllister Software Systems® Launches AVImark® Practice Builder

New service helps veterinarians use their software to improve the value of their business.

Piedmont, MO (PRWEB) June 18, 2009

Veterinarians around the country are looking for ways to use their software to improve the profitability and value of their business. As a result, McAllister Software Systems has launched AVImark Practice Builder, a new service that offers quarterly data optimization, monthly business metrics reporting, and profitability seminars around the country for AVImark practices.

"AVImark Practice Builder is like a fitness program for a veterinary practice," said Stephen McAllister, president of McAllister Software Systems. "Data optimization is an initial 'boot camp' that immediately repairs data problems, which is the first step to understanding and improving practice health, and ensuring accurate data for better decision-making. Monthly metrics reports provide regular 'check-ups' to monitor business health against other comparable practices in the same region. And profitability seminars teach veterinarians how to use their data to improve the health and value of their business. McAllister Software Systems is committed to helping our customers achieve that goal." 

AVImark Practice Builder's data optimization cleans and streamlines data to ensure accuracy and help AVImark operate more efficiently. Most often, the service identifies and fixes data that was entered incorrectly or was deleted without the proper utilities. Other areas of focus include security and network setup, incorrect or missing client and patient data, and reminder protocols. 

Once data is optimized, a practice will receive monthly Practice Builder metrics reports, powered through an integration with McAllister Software Systems' partner, Veterinary Metrics, and are benchmarked against similar clinics in the area. Reports allow a practice to measure key business performance statistics, such as revenue sources, new client activity, and current client activity, compared with other clinics in their region. This helps veterinarians identify opportunities to increase profitability and measure improvement over time.

Practice Builder seminars will be presented by Practice Management Consultant Dr. Martin Miller. These one-day seminars, called "Profitability, Productivity and Practice Value," will focus on how practices can use the data in AVImark to increase their value.

"Sometimes the right question isn't, 'What can I do with my software,' but rather, 'What can my software do for my business?" said Dr. Miller. "AVImark makes it easy to measure and manage a veterinary practice from several angles, using computer reports to determine profitability, appraise the value of a practice, and see different approaches to influence the numbers. Taking the time to learn the value of a practice will help veterinarians plan a secure future."

The first seminar will be held on June 24 in St. Petersburg, FL. Veterinarians can get more information about the seminar schedule at http://www. avimark. net/solutions/practice-builder (http://www. avimark. net/solutions/practice-builder).

About McAllister Software Systems, Inc.

McAllister Software Systems, Inc., creators of AVImark, has been delivering industry-leading veterinary software since 1988. Today, AVImark has become the most popular, best-selling software in the veterinary industry, available exclusively through Henry Schein, Inc. Through award-winning training and technical support, McAllister helps practices reach their greatest potential by using AVImark to its fullest capacity. The company also offers other innovative products and services, such as MSS Data Vault, McAllister Payment Solutions, MSS IT Solutions, MSS Pet I. D. Cards, MSS Reminder Cards, and Veterinary Wholesale Supply. Headquartered in Piedmont, MO, the company employs more than 125 people and offers products and services to more than 9,000 veterinary clinics in the United States, Canada and South Africa. For more information, visit www. avimark. net.
