Meniere's Disease Breakthrough

Meniere's Disease Breakthrough

Ten years of Meniere's disease research by Dr. Michael T. Burcon results in elimination of vertigo in 291 out of 300 patients.

Grand Rapids, MI (PRWEB) November 1, 2010

Michael T. Burcon, DC started researching Meniere’s disease (MD) ten years ago after having three MD patients quickly recover from their vertigo under upper cervical specific chiropractic care. His papers have been published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research and the textbook, Upper Cervical Subluxation Complex, a Review of the Chiropractic and Medical Literature, by Kirk Ericksen in 2004.

The First International Symposium on Meniere’s Disease was held in Germany in 1980. Subsequent meetings were held every five years in Boston, Rome and Paris. Dr. Burcon gave his first presentation on Meniere’s to medical doctors in 2005 at the Symposium in Los Angeles. Prior to that Burcon had presented his Meniere’s research to chiropractors. He later gave two presentations to the Prosper Meniere Society in Austria and one to the Politzer Society Meeting at Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Burcon will give his paper, “Cervical Specific Protocol and Results for 300 Meniere’s Patients,” to the Sixth International Symposium on Meniere’s Disease in Kyoto, Japan on November 16. His Session Topic will be, “Novel treatment of inner ear diseases.” He will also make himself available for patient consultations, technique demonstrations and interviews during his week in Japan. On Wednesday, Nov 17, he will give a demonstration at Dr. Wakaki's chiropractic research clinic in Kyoto, at 11 am.

Burcon has established a link between both Meniere’s disease and Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) with whiplash injuries that misalign the base of the skull with the top of the neck creating a lesion affecting the Eustachian tube and/or the Trigeminal ganglion. About half of these traumas are caused by vehicular traumas and the other half from injuries involving head trauma. Burcon believes that the correlation was not made because it takes an average of fifteen years from the time the patient was injured until the onset of symptoms.

Patients typically get diagnosed with MD or TN in middle age. Their injuries most often happened during high school or college years from a car accident, sports injury or fall on their heads. Few patients list these old injuries on their doctor’s admission paper work. In fact, they have often forgotten about them, believing they were not hurt if they were not admitted to the hospital.

Burcon Chiropractic hosted the Meniere’s Research Center’s 10th Annual Meniere’s Disease and Trigeminal Neuralgia Seminar in Grand Rapids, MI last June. Seventy doctors, patients and caregivers from five States and Canada participated. James Tomasi, author of “What Time Tuesday?” was the featured speaker. Next years seminar will be held in Ventura, CA, hosted by Dr. Jedidiah T. Smith.

Burcon has produced three Health Talk videos for GRTV. Copies of Health Talk are available free on DVD and USTREAM.
