Spring Break Travel Begins with iTriage

Spring Break Travel Begins with iTriage

Travelers can now find healthcare providers and ER wait times anywhere in the country

Lakewood, CO (PRWEB) March 12, 2010

Families and college students preparing to travel during the annual ritual known as Spring Break received a boost of support for their healthcare today from Healthagen®-- developer of iTriage (http://www. iTriageHealth. com)®.

Spring Break travelers can use the iTriage app to find medical information, healthcare providers and quickly find healthcare facilities anywhere in the country. Spring break travelers have assurance that in the event of an injury, or illness, they can quickly find the closest point of care and not waste time. By downloading the iTriage application for the iPhone®, iPod Touch® or Android™, or logging onto http://www. iTriageHealth. com (http://www. iTriageHealth. com) from any Web-enabled device, spring break travelers will be able to find healthcare using the GPS capabilities of iTriage whether on the beach or on top of the ski slopes.

Healthcare providers anticipate a spike in new patients during spring break, especially in resort areas and coastal towns. Families and college students traveling to Florida, one of the nation’s most popular spring break destinations, have the added benefit of accessing average Emergency Room wait times anywhere in the state, at any HCA hospital on iTriage. With a nationwide directory of every hospital, urgent care center, retail clinic, pharmacy and physician, iTriage makes finding help easier than ever, allowing spring break travelers more time to spend enjoying their vacation, if they get mobile (http://www. iTriageHealth. com/get-mobile) with iTriage.

“Nobody likes to get sick on vacation. iTriage makes it easy for families and college students to access healthcare information and providers while vacationing away from home during Spring Break or any time of the year.” said Peter Hudson, M. D. CEO, Healthagen. “iTriage puts actionable healthcare information into the hands of travelers, so that when illness or an accident occurs, all the information needed to search symptoms or find a facility is in their hands.”

ITriage Resources:

Search iTriage for symptoms, diseases, procedures and providers See an iTriage demo on the Healthagen site Click here to download iTriage on iTunes (http://itunes. apple. com/WebObjects/MZStore. woa/wa/viewSoftware? id=304696939&mt=8) or at the Android Market Follow iTriage on Twitter Friend iTriage on Facebook
