Author Claims Peanut Butter Scare Is the Result of Nutritional Ignorance

Author Claims Peanut Butter Scare Is the Result of Nutritional Ignorance

"Even uncontaminated peanut butter poses a serious health risk," claims Ron Garner, author of the new book - "Conscious Health - Choosing Natural Solutions for Optimum Health and Lifelong Vitality."

Vancouver, BC. (PRWEB) February 19, 2007

"Virtually all commercial - grade peanut butter contains unhealthy quantities of sugar and salt. Throw in hydrogenated oils, additives and preservatives, and the loss of vital nutrients due to processing, and you are paving the way for future health problems."

Even having a basic understanding of the nutritional requirements of the body can help you avoid and even reverse debilitating health conditions well into your "Golden" years.

"Conscious Health - Choosing Natural Solutions for Optimum Health and Lifelong Vitality" is an easy to follow, comprehensive guide designed to help you protect your family and demystify the secrets of vibrant health, mental clarity and endless stamina.

Ron Garner goes on to say, "We don't need all these "convenience" foods advertised on TV and in magazines… our bodies were not made to handle them. Why take a short-term dietary risk when you can go back to the basics and give your body what it really needs? Real food, balanced hormones, an active, fulfilling sex life - without drugs. Change your life!"

He has discovered the secrets to enjoying an energetic life free of disease and filled with joy and peace of mind. But he didn't come by this easily. As Ron watched his health rapidly deteriorate he was forced to find answers. He was desperate.

Ron explains: "All my life, I felt there had to be answers as to why we become sick and diseased, and how we can return to health. I asked my physicians, 'Why do doctors only treat symptoms? Why don't they talk about the causes of illnesses?' I received no answers from them, so I asked myself, what can I do? Do I have any power to change my health?"

Doctors, drugs and conventional medicine failed again and again to curb the rising tide of Ron's allergies, eczema, asthma, digestive problems, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, and rapid aging.

Driven by the fear of an early grave, Ron Garner, retired School principal, set out on a journey to discover the simple truth that empowers your body to heal naturally. His research has led him to become an authority on nutrition and a passionate advocate for natural living.

More importantly he restored his body to perfect health and is sharing that priceless knowledge in his new book - "Conscious Health - Choosing Natural Solutions for Optimum Health and Lifelong Vitality."

There is nothing mysterious about enjoying a life free of health problems; it is merely a matter of making the right choices and altering your lifestyle accordingly. Finally, that knowledge can be at your fingertips just by visiting: http://conscioushealth. namastepublishing. com/ (http://conscioushealth. namastepublishing. com/)

Ron Garner, BEd, MSc, Diploma in Natural Health, is a health researcher, educator, author, and speaker. To contact Ron and learn more about "Conscious Health," just visit: http://namastepublishing. com/garner. asp (http://namastepublishing. com/garner. asp)
