Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona is announcing plans to donate 20 romantic "reunion" weekends to homecoming troops this holiday season -- and throughout 2004.

(PRWEB) November 26, 2003

SEDONA, AZ, November 24, 2003 -- Premier Bed &

Breakfasts of Sedona (www. bbsedona. net) -- a

Collection of 20 award-winning inns in Northern

Arizona's red rock country -- is giving thanks this holiday season by donating 20 romantic "reunion

Weekends" to U. S. troops returning from active duty in

Iraq, Afghanistan and other locations.

The first 10 weekends will be awarded to homecoming

Servicemen and women from Luke Air Force Base, outside

Phoenix, in random drawings on December 7 and

Valentine's Day 2004. The drawings are being conducted

Under the auspices of Luke's "Hearts Together, Hearts

Apart" programs.

Winners will receive a weekend with their spouses in

The destination USA Today calls "The Most Beautiful

Place in America." Their "Sedona experience" will


 Two nights at a romantic B&B;

 Candlelight dinner at Dahl & DiLuca

Ristorante Italiano, one of the area's most popular


 Pink Jeep tour of red-rock backcountry;

 Massage for two, courtesy of the Sedona

Massage Association.

All Luke military personnel returning from overseas

Deployments are qualified to enter the drawing.

"Military reunions are supposed to be happy times, but

Many families underestimate the stresses that can

Arise," said Sgt. Cory Carmichael," co-director of

Luke's Family Support Center, which sponsors "Hearts

Together, Hearts Apart" to help a growing number of

Families cope with the effects of military

Deployments. "We're very grateful to the Premier Bed &

Breakfasts of Sedona for providing returning service

Personnel and their families with a healthy transition

To civilian life."

Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona is one of the first

B&B associations to provide fully complimentary

"re-entry getaways" to returning troops. Pam Morris,

President of the Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona,

Said, "As innkeepers, we couldn't think of a better

Way to show support, than to open our hearts and our

"homes" to our local heroes."

Media Advisory: The December 7 drawing will be held 6

P. m. at the Polar Ice Rink in Peoria, AZ (on conjunction with

Luke's "Hearts Together" family outing from 4:30-6:30

P. m.).To attend, please call Laurie Berger at



About Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona

Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona is a collection of

20 award-winning inns located less than two hours from

The Grand Canyon in spectacular red rock country.

Close to outdoor adventure, top-name entertainment and

World-class art galleries, Sedona B&Bs' are as unique

As the destination itself. From Victorian-styled

Creekside inns to western-themed B&Bs, there are

Accommodations for every taste and budget. The inns

Have received numerous accolades from top travel

Publications including USA Today, Zagat, Sunset

Magazine and FrommerÂ’s. For more information, visit

Www. bbsedona. net

About Luke Air Force Base

Luke Air Force base, located just outside Phoenix, AZ,

Is the largest fighter training base in the world.

Its Family Support Center, founded in 1982, has

Served as a model for other branches of the military

In supporting families with deployed members, through

Its privately funded Friends of Military Families and

"Hearts Together, Hearts Apart" programs. For more

Information, http://www. luke. af. mil/familysupport/ (http://www. luke. af. mil/familysupport/).

About Dahl & DiLuca

Dahl & DiLuca Ristorante Italiano, best known for its

Authentic cuisine and romantic atmosphere, has been

Voted "Best Italian Restaurant " five years in a row.

Owners Lisa Dahl and Andrea DiLuca recently opened a

Second fine dining establishment, Tuscan-style Cucina

Rustica, in the Village of Oak Creek.

About Pink Jeep Tours

Since 1958, Pink Jeep has been operating award-winning

Tours of Sedona's famous red-rock backcountry. Its

Exclusive Broken Arrow, Ancient Ruin and Diamondback

Gulch excursions offer adventure, Native American

History, nature, geology and panoramic vistas. For

More information, visit www. pinkjeep. com.

About Sedona Massage Association

The Sedona Massage Association was formed in 1995 to

Establish high standards of professionalism in massage

Therapy. Its members are licensed, and have more than

500 training hours in 30 modalities, including

Swedish, shiatsu, sports massage and Sedona's famous

Hot stone therapy. For more information, visit

Www. sedonamassageassociation. com.