What to Do with Your Tax Rebate or Other "Found Money" -- Thirteen Smart Ideas from "Dummies" author Sheryl Garrett and the Garrett Planning Network

What to Do with Your Tax Rebate or Other "Found Money" -- Thirteen Smart Ideas from "Dummies" author Sheryl Garrett and the Garrett Planning Network

After concluding their tax preparation activities, many people will see that they are entitled to a rebate from Uncle Sam. "Whether your rebate is large or small, you are wise to determine now what you will do when that check arrives," says Sheryl Garrett, CFP®, author of Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies® (Wiley, November 2007) and founder of the Garrett Planning Network. "Don't fritter it away or spend it on a whim."

Shawnee Mission, KS (PRWEB) March 6, 2008

After concluding their tax preparation activities, many people will see that they are entitled to a rebate from Uncle Sam. "Whether your rebate is large or small, you are wise to determine now what you will do when that check arrives," says Sheryl Garrett, CFP®, author of Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies® (Wiley, November 2007) and founder of the Garrett Planning Network (www. GarrettPlanningNetwork. com). "Don't fritter it away or spend it on a whim."

On a recent teleconference, network members brainstormed thirteen ways taxpayers can put this "found money" to work:

1. Put the entire amount toward funding your 2008 IRA contribution. You may contribute up to $5000 for an individual in 2008 (unless you are age 50+ then the maximum is $6000) into a Roth IRA assuming your income falls below the government thresholds (the phase out for singles in 2008 is $101,000-116,000; for married couples, the phase out is $159,000-$169,000). If you anticipate that your earned income for 2008 will be higher than the phase out thresholds, put your "found money" into another qualified retirement plan such as a 401(k) or 403(b) plan, if your employer offers one, (you can't actually contribute your rebate check directly into your employer sponsored retirement plan; however, you can deposit the rebate check into your checking account and increase your payroll withholding for that month by the same dollar amount.) or contribute to a traditional IRA if your income exceeds the Roth IRA thresholds.

2. Give the money to charity and claim that amount as a tax deduction on your 2008 tax return, if you itemize using Schedule A of Form 1040.

3. Sign up with www. kiva. org and provide micro-loans to budding entrepreneurs in third-world countries. If you're feeling especially patriotic, you might consider investing in small business start-ups in the US, for instance: helping a relative by providing seed money for a local venture.

4. Start a tax-sheltered 529 college savings plan to fund your own or children's/grandchildren's educations. Consider funding a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) if you plan on paying private school tuitions through secondary school (Coverdell phase outs in 2008: Single - $95,000-$110,000; Married Filing Jointly - $190,000-$220,000).

5. Check that you have adequate insurance coverage on the following types of policies: property and casualty, life insurance, health insurance, long-term care and disability insurance. Use the tax rebate money to help pay the premiums.

6. Use the rebate money to engage the services of an estate planning attorney. If you don't have a will then have one drawn up. Without a will issues such as child guardianship and disbursements of assets will not be decided by you, but rather the laws of your state. For many families, additional estate planning documents are also needed.

7. Use the money to purchase stock mutual funds at current prices. Some mutual fund companies offer lower initial purchase amounts, especially for IRA's, or even lower if automatic transfers are made from your bank account or paycheck. While the market has been gyrating wildly, it is likely a great time to invest. If you have cash sitting on the sidelines, you may miss the next market upswing. Time in the market matters more than trying to time when to get into the market. If you are investing for the long-term, you can't afford not to be invested in stocks. Remember the old adage, "buy low and sell high." Stock prices are low right now. Consider international as well as domestic opportunities.

8. If you have credit card debt, pay off as much as possible. For free credit reports go to www. annualcreditreport. com. Use part of the money to obtain your credit score from www. FICO. com (the rating that shows how credit-worthy you are). Correct any incorrect items on your credit report and work to keep your report clean and your credit score strong. Make your payments on time and don't take on more debt than you should. Try to live below your means. Get help at www. Credit. com or your local Consumer Credit Counseling Services center.

9. Mortgage interest rates are the lowest we've seen in a long time. If you have a good credit score, now might be a good time to refinance your first mortgage and/or to wrap your Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) debt or second mortgage into a more attractive home loan. If you have a variable rate loan and plan to stay in your current house for awhile you probably want to lock in a fixed rate mortgage now. Use your "found money" to help pay refinancing costs.

10. During economic slowdowns, including a recession, job losses and/or business declines are inevitable. Take a course, add to your credentials and consider how you can improve your skill set to make yourself as attractive as possible in the marketplace.

11. Schedule your annual check ups with your doctor and your dentist. Use the tax rebate money to pay the deductible and co-payments. Join the YMCA or the local health club, consult with a nutritionist, or buy a piece of exercise equipment (and be sure to use it!). Without your health, wealth is not important.

12. Schedule a financial check up for yourself. Annual trips to the dentist, the doctor - and your financial planner - are wise investments. A professional financial advisor can help you answer questions such as: Are you doing the right things? Are you appropriately insured? and Would a Roth IRA or 401(k) be right for you?

13. Purchase a gift certificate, for a set amount of professional financial advice, for a loved one. If you can't afford or don't want to pay for a complete financial plan, find a financial planner who works by the hour and will render as much help and advice in the time allotted by visiting www. GarrettPlanningNetwork. com.


What: An international network of independent professionals who offer financial planning and advice on an hourly-as-needed basis. No commissions or third-party compensation is allowed. Now anyone regardless of income or net worth can hire an objective advisor to help them make better financial decisions.

Network Founder: Sheryl Garrett, CFP® -- author of several financial planning and investment books including her latest, Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies® (Wiley, November 2007). Profiled in hundreds of national publications including: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Kiplinger Personal Finance, MONEY magazine and multiple times on the TODAY show, Bloomberg TV and Fox News affiliated stations. Recipient of numerous industry awards. Named four times to Investment Advisor magazine's annual list of the "Top 25 Most Influential People in Financial Planning."

Headquarters: Shawnee Mission, Kansas (Kansas City metropolitan area)

Year Founded: 2000

Phone: (866) 260-8400

Web: www. GarrettPlanningNetwork. com

Membership Guidelines: Members pay an annual licensing fee in exchange for network training, support and participation. Members also must be CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals or actively working toward that status, independently registered in the state in which they practice or with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and adhere to a strict code of conduct, ethics and compensation.

Number of Members: Approximately 300 across the United States and overseas.


Counseling in Washington DC Gets An Upgrade

Counseling in Washington DC Gets An Upgrade

Theravive. com has opened and filled its Washington DC therapist network. Values therapy and counseling addresses the needs of individuals, couples, and families from a foundation of sound values with the goal of healing and positive change. In addition Washington DC, services have expanded to St Louis, San Francisco, Ottawa, and Colorado Springs. The Theravive network ephasizes the critical importance of healthy families in today's word.

Washington, D. C. (PRWEB) June 13, 2009

Theravive. com fills its Washington Network, while opening spaces for credentialed therapists in St. Louis, San Francisco, Columbia, and Colorado Springs.

With the recent expansion of Theravive into the District of Columbia, all therapist spots have been filled, and the city is now closed. Counseling Washington DC (http://www. theravive. com/cities/dc/counseling-washington. aspx) now provides public access to ten highly trained and credentialed therapists with varying specializations and backgrounds for the betterment of their relationships and individual mental health. Supported specialties include marriage & family counseling, addictions, bereavement, abuse, depression, and anxiety among several others. The immediate closure of Washington is a testimony to the successful and rapid expansion of the Theravive Network across the United States and Canada, providing effective therapy and mental health resources for people of all walks of life.

New coverage has also expanded into Maryland with the most recent addition of Columbia, boosting the network services to a presence in 26 states and 7 Canadian provinces.

"Having a strong presence in Maryland has always been one of our goals," states Arthur Hunter, Director of Information Services. "We anticipate that this expansion will translate into future growth in the region."

With counseling Columbia (http://www. theravive. com/cities/md/counseling-columbia. aspx), individuals living within distance to the city have a new resource available to them for their mental health needs. The propensity to rapidly close down cities to new potential therapists underscores the urgency for counselors and psychologists who wish to be listed act quickly. No other therapist directory imposes strict limits on listings, making Theravive. com unique in its directory model. The reason for limiting therapists is primarily to increase client contacts for member counselors on the directory.

In addition to expansion in Washington and Maryland, June 10th also saw the addition of St. Louis and Colorado Springs to begin a growing presence in Missouri and Colorado. St Louis marks a new direction for a planned southern reach that will carry on throughout the summer. Counseling St Louis (http://www. theravive. com/cities/mo/counseling-st-louis. aspx) aims to bring relief and resolution to struggling families and marriages on the brink of divorce. Additionally, grief and loss support, aging issues, stress, and anxiety are also addressed, all while underscoring positive and strong moral values. Near the Rockies, counseling Colorado Springs (http://www. theravive. com/cities/co/counseling-colorado-springs. aspx) reaches individuals from Monument to Fountain Valley, including the US Air Force Academy and Fort Carson. Individuals in these areas with counseling and therapy needs are now being assisted, having a wide selection of resources available to them. The availability of a credentialed, values-based therapist to serve the on-demand needs of individuals and families is a primary focus of the Network's vision.

Theravive is the only professional therapist directory that promotes strong moral values as a foundation for counseling and therapy. In short, believing in saving marriages, in restoring relationships, in individual dignity, and the equal value of all people is at the heart of their belief in good counseling.

"Having transparent values among therapists is healthy, as it only further empowers clients to make the best decision regarding their health care," states Arthur. "Research has verified that values free counseling is a non-existent creature. Because therapy can sometimes have low success rates, making values transparent is simply another tool a client has when searching for a therapist. Any tool that potentially increases the success rate of therapy is both beneficial and empowering for the client."

Because Theravive. com has focus throughout North America, Canadians are also serviced through its provincial arms. This dual focus on both the United States and Canada promotes the underlying philosophy that common needs in people are not bound by geopolitical borders, but transcend both region and politics. Specific strategies are being implemented throughout the summer to further reach the Canadian people. Counselling Ottawa (http://www. theravive. com/cities/on/counselling-ottawa. aspx), for example, has undergone recent improvements in the month of June to bolster its web presence, making itself more readily visible to potential clients searching for psychotherapy or marriage counseling.

One of the differences that Theravive makes in the lives of clients is the philosophy of a non-reliance on therapy. Clients are empowered with the aim of resolution as opposed to simply being returned to a functional state. Often times, treatment can result in a client attending numerous sessions with no definitive strategy for release. Non-reliance is a strategy rooted in the premise that clients have the capability to be genuinely free from their issues. This aim seeks to free the individual from the issues at hand so that there is, eventually, no longer a reliance on counseling sessions. Returning individuals to a healthy state, is the heart of the Network's mission.

Forward Outlook

Expansion into the midwest is anticipated throughout the balance of the summer, with a strong presence planned in Nebraska, Montana, and Iowa. Coastal regions such as California have already seen rapid growth, and may continue to see new sign-ups over the next several months. Counseling San Diego (http://www. theravive. com/cities/ca/counseling-san-diego. aspx), for example, has recently undergone significant enhancements, reaching additional potential clients throughout San Diego Country. Therapists who uphold the Network's values for clients they receive through the site are welcome to join, provided space is still available.

Values Counseling seeks to empower clients by helping them discover new pathways through illumination into their situation, and guiding them with powerful tools to move forward with a renewed ability to achieve goals and dreams. It is this foundation of strong values that brings a unique, transparent model of therapy to the field of counseling.


Research Center To Foster New Copper Technologies, Applied Research Expected To Yield Game-Changing Results For Government, Industry And Consumers

Research Center To Foster New Copper Technologies, Applied Research Expected To Yield Game-Changing Results For Government, Industry And Consumers

The copper industry is pleased to announce today’s launch of a new joint public/private research center that will address energy efficiency, alternative energy, green building and public health for near-term applications.

New York, NY (Vocus) December 12, 2009

The copper industry is pleased to announce today’s launch of a new joint public/private research center that will address energy efficiency, alternative energy, green building and public health for near-term applications.

The Copper Innovation Center (CIC) will foster scientific innovation and collaboration among various public and private entities, including federal, state and local government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutions and universities, and industry stakeholders.

The CIC will provide government and industry the opportunity to leverage the momentum of current projects and stimulate research into new copper technologies. The Center will build upon the ongoing success of five current projects, three focusing on die cast motor technology, which are being executed in conjunction with the U. S. Army Research Laboratory and two public health projects being carried out for the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC), a section of the U. S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC).

“The Copper Innovation Center represents our industry’s determination to take responsibility and lead the effort in developing new technologies that will benefit everyone from government to industry stakeholders to the general consumer,” said Andy Kireta, Sr., president and CEO of the Copper Development Association (CDA).

The die cast copper motor projects currently underway focus on development in three areas: ultra-efficient power systems, lightweight motors for future industrial and defense applications and the application of copper casting technology to developing more efficient pumps, like the one being installed at the large chill water pumping facility at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

One of the public health projects, underway at the military barracks at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC, is comparing the ability of antimicrobial copper heating and air conditioning components with the more commonly used aluminum components in controlling the growth of odor-causing bacteria and fungi in HVAC units.

The second public health project is fitting three hospital intensive care units with antimicrobial copper touch surfaces to determine copper’s efficacy at controlling organisms that cause hospital acquired infections.  

The CIC is a joint initiative of the Copper Development Association, the information, education, marketing and technical development arm of the copper, brass and bronze industries in the United States, and the International Copper Association, a global organization that promotes the unique properties of copper and supports research and development worldwide.

About the Copper Innovation Center (CIC)

The CIC oversees the research and development of innovative applications of copper and copper alloys. It is a joint initiative of the Copper Development Association, the information, education, marketing and technical development arm of the copper, brass and bronze industries in the U. S.A., and the International Copper Association, a global organization that promotes the unique properties of copper and supports research and development worldwide. For more information please visit the Copper Innovation Center (http://www. copperinnovationcenter. org) Website.


The Yoga Facelift Offers a Fountain of Youth in Book Form

The Yoga Facelift Offers a Fountain of Youth in Book Form

Women and men alike can reclaim their face with The Yoga Facelift (Conari Press, April 2007), an exercise, energetics, and meditation program specifically designed by Marie-Veronique Nadeau for the most prominent feature of the body. We are inundated with exercise programs to tone abs, biceps, triceps, and insteps, but none to exercise and maintain the most hardworking set of muscles in our entire body, the face!

Newburyport, MA (PRWEB) March 22, 2007

Women and men alike can reclaim their face with The Yoga Facelift (Conari Press, April 2007), an exercise, energetics, and meditation program specifically designed by Marie-Veronique Nadeau for the most prominent feature of the body. We are inundated with exercise programs to tone abs, biceps, triceps, and insteps, but none to exercise and maintain the most hardworking set of muscles in our entire body, the face.

The Yoga Facelift

The All-Natural, Do-it-Yourself Program

For Looking Younger and Feeling Better

Marie-Veronique Nadeau

Nadeau has devised a holistic method for ridding the face of frown lines, reducing extra chins, and eradicating chicken neck. Her book is filled with useful charts, instructive photographs, and simple and natural exercises that readers can do in just five or ten minutes every day while waiting in traffic, talking on the phone, or working in front of the computer, all the while taking years off their face. 

Stop the madness of identity theft inherent in Botox and dangerous plastic surgeries, ditch the collagen and enter the world of Nadeau's restorative yoga therapy. The Yoga Facelift will enhance inner and outer beauty and help readers to put their best face forward.

Marie-Veronique Nadeau, creator of The Yoga Facelift, is a chemist and a licensed aesthetician, and she is living proof of the effectiveness of her work. She hosts Yoga Facelift classes at Elephant Pharmacy, and runs her own cosmetics company. She also operates a heavily-trafficked website (www. m-vskintherapy. com) and has a highly successful Yoga Facelift practice. She resides in Berkeley, California.

The Yoga Facelift by Marie-Veronique Nadeau; Published by Conari Press; Publication date: April, 2007; Price: $19.95; Paperback with flaps; ISBN-13: 978-1-57324-278-3; Category: Health & Beauty; Available wherever books are sold or through the publisher at (800) 423-7087, orders(at)redwheelweiser. com, or online at www. conari. com.




(PRWEB) February 22, 2001


(Oxford, MI)......"Minnie Pauz"™, the "hottest" cartoon character for women has made her debut on the Russian websites

Kpacota http://www. krasota. ru/krasota/news/show. htpl? id=1279 (http://www. krasota. ru/krasota/news/show. htpl? id=1279) and

Runet http://news. runet. com/russian/it/news. html? news=16686&sec=5 (http://news. runet. com/russian/it/news. html? news=16686&sec=5) One of the most familiar phrases that goes along with the concept of this humorous icon is, "If you don't get it, you ain't there yet". Creator, Dee Adams, is amazed that her cartoon seems to overcome all language and culture barriers. "Maybe this is a new way to improve relations with Russia," says Adams, "through the common experience of menopause!"

Since no one had actually interviewed Adams, there was some question about what the article was about and were any copyright laws broken, but after several attempts to translate the article, it was determined that it had been picked up from a recent column from the ABCNEWS. com site. At this time, it's not clear if ABCNEWS. com considers this as copyright infringement. When the writer, Dianne Lynch, was notified, she commented, "...this kind of thing happens all the time. My columns end up on listserves all over the world; there's no sense of copyright or anything like that outside the US."

Adams intends for "Minnie Pauz"™ to become as important in the world of women's health as Smokey the Bear was to Forest Fire Prevention. Healthcare professionals and companies love having a new approach to dealing with the millions of women who are experiencing the "change". "The competition to get the attention of the huge babyboomer (menopausal) market is intense," says Adams, "and Minnie Pauz is positioned to help change the look of healthcare advertising." How much further would you need to reach than Russia? Point made.

Adams is available for interview or to write a piece for your publication. Inquires for advertising or promotional appearances can be sent to Dee Adams through her website: http://www. minniepauz. com (http://www. minniepauz. com)

Contact: media@minniepauz. com

ZumBrunnen Selected to Present Two Educational Sessions at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) Annual Meeting

ZumBrunnen Selected to Present Two Educational Sessions at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) Annual Meeting

ZumBrunnen, an Atlanta-based building consulting firm specializing in senior living facilities, is presenting two educational seminars at the AAHSA Annual Meeting & Exposition. zumBrunnen will also have representatives at booth 1504 in the exposition hall.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) October 27, 2010

zumBrunnen, Inc., an independent building consulting firm, is presenting two educational seminars at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) Annual Meeting & Exposition being held October 31 - November 3, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA. In addition to the presentations, representatives from zumBrunnen will also be in booth 1504 in the exposition area.

Two senior project managers from zumBrunnen will present a session titled "Strategies to Prevent Construction Project Pitfalls" on November 2 from 8:00 am - 9:30 am under the Design & Project Development track. The session will be presented by Doug McMillan, P. E., LEED AP, Director of Project Management and William R. Pippine, P. E., LEED Green Associate, Senior Project Manager.

The session focuses on how to select the right development team, conduct pre-construction planning and generate accurate budgets to prevent costly mistakes once construction begins. The session will discuss how to maximize oversight of the development and construction process while spending a minimum amount of time on day-to-day project issues. Attendees will also gain a new perspective on negotiating favorable contracts that avoid contractual language traps and fairly balance risk for all parties

ZumBrunnen will also be co-presenting a session titled "Strategic Capital Planning to Ensure Your Mission and Thrive" on November 3 from 8:00 am - 9:30 am under the Financial Management track. John zumBrunnen, Founder and President of the firm, will make the joint presentation with Mario McKenzie, Partner of LarsonAllen LLP.

The session will illustrate how the increasing capital needs and requirements of physical plants necessitate a more thoughtful approach to short-term and long-term financial planning. The session will highlight the process of facility assessment and long-term capital replacement planning in light of market defend-ability, physical aging of assets and the demand for new facilities and services. Attendees will also learn about various methodologies and proprietary techniques used for financial planning and facility assessment and how to integrate them into their strategic capital plan.

About AAHSA:

The American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) is an association of 5,700 not-for-profit organizations dedicated to expanding the world of possibilities for aging. AAHSA advances policies, promotes practices and conducts research that supports, enables and empowers people to live fully as they age. AAHSA's members offer a continuum of aging services including: adult day services, home health, community services, senior housing, assisted living residences, continuing care retirement communities and nursing homes. For more information, please visit http://www. aahsa. org.

About zumBrunnen:

ZumBrunnen, Inc. was founded in 1989. The Atlanta-based firm specializes in construction consulting, facility assessments, property condition assessments and long-range capital reserve planning services for a diverse list of national clients. The firm is also recognized for their proprietary FacilityForecast® Software System, a unique facilities condition assessment and budgeting tool designed to forecast and manage long-term capital replacement expenses and to provide custom reserve funding plans designed to their client's business model.

The firm has completed notable projects in a variety of market sectors including senior living, healthcare, multi-family, educational, institutional, mixed use, retail, office, warehouse, industrial, hospitality and public assembly. In addition to membership in AAHSA and numerous state chapters, the firm is involved in other associations such as the American Seniors Housing Association (ASHA), Coalition for Leadership in Aging Services (CLAS), Life Services Network (LSN), National Multi Housing Council (NMHC), Association of Professional Reserve Analysts (APRA), Community Associations Institute (CAI), Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, North Carolina Association of Independent Schools (NCAIS) and the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS).

For more information about zumBrunnen, please visit http://www. zumbrunnen. com.

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Deep Rock Water's Tips for Staying Cool

Deep Rock Water's Tips for Staying Cool

With forecasters predicting another hot day in Colorado, Deep Rock Water Company of Denver provides these tips and techniques for staying healthy and cool during the heat wave. For instance, children overheat more quickly than adults and pouring water over your head doesn't work.

Denver, CO (PRWEB) July 23, 2010

Yes, you can dream of cool fall breezes and the changing leaves, or racing down your favorite ski slope, or the crunching sound of snow under your boots or icicles on the house. It's another hot day in Colorado.

As sweet as they are, those cheery visions won't help your body deal with near record heat Denver and the Front Range have been experiencing this summer, but these tips from Deep Rock Water Company (www. deeprockwater. com) can help you stay healthy in the heat:

 Children overheat more quickly than adults. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www. cdc. gov/Features/ExtremeHeat/ (http://www. cdc. gov/Features/ExtremeHeat/)) advise that because children have a larger surface area in relation to body mass, they often gain heat faster than adults on hot summer days.  Children need four to eight ounces of fluid before beginning outdoor activities and five to nine ounces every 20 minutes while they are outside. That may seem like a lot. It is, and it's needed.  Adults require 17 to 20 ounces of fluid before beginning outdoor activity in this heat, and should drink seven to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during activity.  For both adults and children, your fluid needs do not stop when your activity is over. Both adults and children should consume at least 24 ounces of fluid within the first two hours after outdoor activity.  Don't wait until you are thirsty to seek fluids, because by then, dehydration already has set in. Practice a proactive approach and hydrate yourself before going out - and certainly before exercise or working outside.  Don't drink apple or pear juice in the heat because they include a certain type of sugar that increases water loss. Sugary sodas also can dehydrate you.  Stay away from alcohol and caffeine when out in the heat because they cause you to urinate more, which leads do dehydration.  Pouring water over your head might feel good, but the CDC says it does not have any affect on your core body temperature. Make sure you put plenty of water and other fluids into your body, and get into the shade often.  Can you actually drink too much water? In certain extreme circumstances, the CDC says yes. Recreational hikers and endurance athletes should be reminded that excessive water intake won't replace the body's sodium lost through perspiration. The CDC advises a sodium supplement should be taken along with water with prolonged exercise or heat exposure. For outdoor sports enthusiasts, extreme hikers and wilderness users, salty foods are the most efficient vehicle for salt replacement - along with ample water.  People say, "Oh, I'm used to this and it's no problem for me." Are they right? Can you become acclimated to the heat? The CDC says yes. Heat acclimation is a process of physical adaptation that occurs after a minimum of one to two hours of exercise in the heat each day for at least 10 days. Of course, proper hydration processes discussed above are mandatory during acclimation.  And finally, if you know you need to hydrate and also want to increase the level of electrolytes and salt in your body, and don't have access to a sports drink handy, you can make your own using a measure of one level teaspoon of salt and eight level teaspoons of sugar to one liter of filtered, bottled or boiled drinking water.

Media Contact: 

Andy Bowen



Poiesis Informatics Debuts Workflow Orchestration Suite; Demonstrates University of Chicago Medical Center’s Next Generation Workflow at RSNA 2010, Booth #7021

Poiesis Informatics Debuts Workflow Orchestration Suite; Demonstrates University of Chicago Medical Center’s Next Generation Workflow at RSNA 2010, Booth #7021

Poiesis Informatics, a healthcare IT workflow solutions developer making its first appearance at this month’s RSNA 2010, will debut its recently launched Workflow Orchestration Suite and host demonstrations of next generation workflow solutions with the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Department of Radiology, led by Dr. Paul Chang. Addressing the current real-world needs of radiologists, Poiesis aims to improve delivery of patient care by offering a vendor-neutral solution to produce a fully optimized, integrated workflow.

Pittsburgh, PA (Vocus) November 22, 2010

Poiesis Informatics, a healthcare IT workflow solutions developer making its first appearance at this month’s RSNA 2010, will debut its recently launched Workflow Orchestration Suite and host demonstrations of next generation workflow solutions with the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Department of Radiology, led by Dr. Paul Chang. Addressing the current real-world needs of radiologists, Poiesis aims to improve delivery of patient care by offering a vendor-neutral solution to produce a fully optimized, integrated workflow.

Poiesis will exhibit at Booth #7021 in the North Building, Hall B, at McCormick Place in Chicago, Ill., November 28 – December 2.

University of Chicago Medical Center’s Department of Radiology Demonstrates Next Generation Workflow

Poiesis will demonstrate next generation workflow solutions with its partners from the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC), Department Of Radiology, led by Dr. Paul Chang. The team will demonstrate a UCMC-developed biopsy tool - a comprehensive solution used for improving each step of biopsy workflow, from approving biopsy requests to evaluating biopsy results. The solution suite leverages the orchestration of information from disparate systems using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and is designed to enhance the efficiency and quality of biopsies performed in radiology.

The demonstration will illustrate the workflow facilitated process that starts at the point a request is received from a referring physician via phone, CPOE, fax or in-person, and includes subsequent steps such as filling up an iSite integrated, web-based Biopsy Request Approval form (including automatic display of patient lab data); the selection process used by the radiologist to determine who should perform a biopsy; the scheduling process utilizing the Scheduling Status page in the solution suite; and follow-up after the biopsy, which includes logging of procedure details into the iSite integrated Biopsy Log application, automatic retrieval of pathology results, and radiologist’s follow-up on his/her cases using the Biopsy Follow-Up page from within iSite.

Dr. Chang and his team will also discuss how this application suite has proven to be a continuous quality monitoring tool for the University Of Chicago Department of Radiology.

The Workflow Orchestration Suite

Built on an intelligent technology platform, the Workflow Orchestration Suite leverages existing or best-of-breed systems and connects these systems together for an optimized, context-specific user experience. The suite is comprised of four modules:

 Catalyst™ - An optimized enterprise worklist  Fluency™- A speech-driven reporting and clinical documentation tool featuring Speech Understanding™ technology from M*Modal  Scout™- A comprehensive business analytics tool  Discover™- A clinical search and discovery tool

The Workflow Orchestration Suite allows for the scaling of radiology groups across multi-site, multi-vendor environments with the authoring, productivity and communication tools needed to provide subspecialty, high-quality care. Coupled with Poiesis’ Professional Services offering, the suite provides rich interoperability between disparate systems that contain critical information to support complex workflow models.

About Poiesis Informatics

Pittsburgh, Pa-based Poiesis Informatics develops healthcare IT solutions that orchestrate an optimized workflow experience through rich interoperability of healthcare systems, resulting in measurable improvements in workplace efficiency and quality of care. Their solutions are currently implemented within some of the nation’s top hospitals, including Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Henry Ford Health System, University of Chicago Medical Center and University of Mississippi Medical Center. For more information, please visit http://www. poiesisinformatics. com.

Media Contact:

Emma Douglas

KNB Communications

203-504-8230 ext. 107



British Library Selects Apex CoVantage as Digitization Partner in Expanding the Repository of UK PubMed Central

British Library Selects Apex CoVantage as Digitization Partner in Expanding the Repository of UK PubMed Central

Apex CoVantage, a leading knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) company, is pleased to announce another renewal from one of its long-standing customers, the British Library.

Herndon, VA (PRWEB) November 9, 2007

Apex CoVantage, a leading knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) company, is pleased to announce another renewal from one of its long-standing customers, the British Library. One year ago, the British Library, in partnership with The University of Manchester and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), took on the development and management of UK PubMed Central (UKPMC), a free-to-access online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed research journals. Today, the foundation of the repository has been successfully established and now the Library has chosen Apex CoVantage as its digitization partner to enlarge the collection in anticipation of an increase in participation by authors and publishers.

"With the guiding vision of accelerating scientific discovery in biomedical and life sciences by providing immediate and free access to the latest research as published in peer-reviewed journals, Apex is proud to partner with the British Library on this important project. By continuing what has been an effective, long-term partnership with Apex, the Library will experience quality content from a production system that is highly scalable with a guarantee of reliable standards no matter how high production volume becomes," said Peter Taylor, Senior VP of Sales at Apex.

Apex has been the digitization partner for the PubMed Central projects in the UK and the US since their inceptions. As a result, Apex's production system is tested and proven to deliver content that fully meets the requirements set out in the National Library of Medicine DTD and the demanding quality standards. Additionally, since Apex is a collaborative partner of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which manages the PubMed Central project, the British Library is assured that the UKPMC manuscripts will be in perfect synchronization with US manuscripts at all times.

About Apex CoVantage

Apex CoVantage is a US provider of global Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). Apex helps businesses to execute precise knowledge, information and communications strategies through our diverse people, technology and workflow systems. We opened our first KPO service center in 1988 and subsequently pioneered the market for offshore, knowledge-based solutions. Today, we provide content, engineering and contact center solutions from a global network of state-of-the-art facilities with US-based project management and leadership. In every industry, our clients are reaching the next level of service performance in partnership with Apex CoVantage.

About The British Library

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It provides world class information services to the academic, business, research and scientific communities and offers unparalleled access to the world's largest and most comprehensive research collection. The British Library's collections include 150 million items from every era of written human history beginning with Chinese oracle bones dating from 300 BC, right up to the latest e-journals. Further information is available on the Library's website at www. bl. uk


UK Catering Equipment Market to Reach $1.49 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc

UK Catering Equipment Market to Reach $1.49 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

GIA announces the release of a comprehensive UK report on Catering Equipment market. The UK market for catering equipment is projected to reach $1.49 billion by the year 2015. Although tempered by the recent economic recession, the market is expected to recover and gain poise in the next few years, ably guided by modernization and replacement needs, and recent innovation within the industry.

San Jose, California (PRWEB) February 22, 2010

The market for catering equipment primarily depends on the health of the total catering industry. Therefore, the recent setback in the UK catering market, courtesy a slump in tourism and curtailed/cancelled business events such as conferences, off-site meetings and parties, has also resulted in a downslide in the growth of catering equipment market during the last two years. Recession induced trends such as lower disposable incomes and changes in the consumer spending habits have increased the popularity of home entertainment and home leisure, which in turn have cut down the demand for catering and catering equipment emerging from social venues such as restaurants and banquet halls. However, industry players are optimistic about a revival in the industry during the next few years. Post recession growth in the UK Catering Equipment (http://www. strategyr. com/Catering_Equipment_Market_Report. asp) market will be driven by revival in the economy, subsequent improvement in number of tourists to the nation, growth in income levels, urbanization, roll out of new catering outlets and expansion of commercial establishments, all of which will enhance the catering service (http://www. strategyr. com/Catering_Equipment_Market_Report. asp) portfolio and therefore, the demand for catering equipment.

Growth will also be driven by modernization & replacement needs, which are generated by natural wear-and-tear of plug-in catering equipment, rapid developments in product design, and increased sales of cold and frozen foods, all of which demand modernization or replacement of existing equipment. With manufacturers focusing on developing innovative and functional products to influence consumers' choice of purchase, several new products across cooking, warming, refrigeration, and beverage categories are emerging of late. For instance, rising power costs has led to the development of energy-efficient and eco friendly equipment.

Key players in the marketplace include Aga Rangemaster Group Plc, AHT Cooling Systems GmbH, Bunzl Lockhart Catering Equipment Ltd, Dawson MMP Ltd, Enodis PLC, Foster Refrigerator, Franke Sissons Ltd, Hobart UK Ltd, Lincat Group PLC, ScoMac Catering Equipment Ltd, Valera Ltd, and Winterhalter Ltd.

The report titled "Catering Equipment: A UK Market Report" announced by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., provides a review of noteworthy market trends, growth drivers and issues. The report also enumerates recent acquisitions, and other strategic industry activities. This study provides market estimates and projections in terms of annual revenue (in US$ million) for the UK market.

For more details about this market research report, please visit - http://www. strategyr. com/Catering_Equipment_Market_Report. asp (http://www. strategyr. com/Catering_Equipment_Market_Report. asp)

About Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (GIA) (http://www. strategyR. com/) is a reputed publisher of off-the-shelf market research. Founded in 1987, the company is globally recognized as one of the world's largest market research publishers. The company employs over 800 people worldwide and publishes more than 1100 full-scale research reports each year. Additionally, the company also offers thousands of smaller research products including company reports, market trend reports, and industry reports encompassing all major industries worldwide.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Telephone 408-528-9966

Fax 408-528-9977

Email press(at)StrategyR(dot)com

Web Site http://www. StrategyR. com/ (http://www. StrategyR. com/)


Celebrity Health & Fitness Expert Forbes Riley’s Outrageous Fortune

Celebrity Health & Fitness Expert Forbes Riley’s Outrageous Fortune

Forbes Riley, Founder/CEO of SpinGym LLC, along with the creators of Skullcandy, Silly Bandz, Bumpits and FitFlops, will be profiled by Forbes Magazine on E! Entertainment’s “Got Rich Quick: Outrageous Fortunes. Premiering Thursday, October 28, 2010, at 10:00 p. m. EST.

St. Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) October 27, 2010 –

E! Entertainment Network is on the rise with such hit shows as “Keeping Up with The Kardashians”, Chelsea Handler's “Chelsea Lately” and “E! News with Ryan Seacrest and Guilana Rancic”. This Thursday pop culture meets pop finance in the Forbes Magazine special, “Got Rich Quick”--spotlighting Forbes Riley and her portable SpinGym product (http://www. MySpinGym. com), as well as four other entrepreneurs who have masterfully turned simple ideas from sandals, head phones and rubber bands into must-have multi-million dollar companies.

Originally launched on the Home Shopping Network (HSN) in January 2010, SpinGym® is now sold internationally and is fast becoming a staple of fitness programs--with certified instructors offering classes incorporating SpinGym® into aerobics, kickboxing, Spinning and Pilates. From frequent fliers to desk jockey’s to fitness clubs and rehab centers; SpinGym®’s popularity stems from the fact that it is stylish, compact, portable, and delivers powerful results.

“Over the years I’ve noticed that so many women have weak upper bodies and hate their arms (especially the saggy underarms)--they are embarrassed to go sleeveless. I originally developed the SpinGym for women who didn’t have time to go to the gym or who didn’t have the strength to do proper push-ups and pull-ups. What’s most surprising is that we are now certifying SpinGym Trainers for use in their cardio, kickboxing and Pilates classes. I think SpinGym’s appeal is that it really is an effective total body gym that fits in the palm of your hand” said Forbes Riley.

Recently the Keynote Speaker at the Chicago Black Inventors Conference (CBIC), Forbes made a resounding impression on the over 1,500 attendees who are hoping their inventions become the next must-have product for American households. “It is easy to see how someone with her energy, passion and commitment can become so successful. Forbes belief in SpinGym is infectious, and her enthusiasm for thinking out of the box extremely motivating. Simply one of the most outstanding speakers I’ve ever heard” said CBIC Chairman Calvin Flowers.

From Fox Business to The Strategy Room, and morning television shows nationwide, Forbes Riley is a recurring fitness and lifestyle expert who brings business acumen and real life experience to millions of viewers who find this mother of 7 year old twins captivating and energizing.

About SpinGym®

Introduced in January 2010, SpinGym® is a unique hand-held fitness product designed for people of all levels of fitness: from athletes to seniors, rehab to recreation. SpinGym® is fast becoming a staple of fitness programs with certified instructors offering classes incorporating SpinGym® into aerobics, kickboxing, Spinning and Pilates across the country.

Stylish, portable, compact, and weighing less than one pound, SpinGym® is a revolutionary new fitness product. Its award-winning, modern European design combines the physics of inertia and isokinetics to create a completely unique way to train, strengthen and sculpt the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and core in just 5 minutes a day. This principle is called GRT (Gyrotronic Resistance Training®), and unlike free weights or gym machines, each rotation of the SpinGym® energizes and activates all the muscles of the upper body simultaneously - a breakthrough in the world of fitness. SpinGym® not only provides resistance, but because of the rotational forces created--it becomes a complete fat melting, calorie burning total body gym. SpinGym is offered with fitness and cardio workout instructional DVDs. For more information visit http://www. MySpinGym. com

About Forbes Riley®

Forbes Riley® is an award winning TV host, author, National Fitness Hall of Fame Inductee, and the Founder / CEO of SpinGym LLC. She is a two-time recipient of the Electronic Retailing Association’s (ERA) “Best Female Presenter of the Year”, and has been awarded “Best Live Shopping On-Air Guest”. She is recognized worldwide for promoting several of the most successful infomercials of all time including the Jack Lalanne Juicer and Living Well Healthmaster, grossing in excess of $1 billion dollars. Forbes is a regular presence on televisions worldwide as a product spokesperson and television host--appearing on such networks as ESPN, TLC, Fit-TV, Animal Planet, ABC Family, HSN, QVC, The Shopping Channel (Canada), QVC London, IdealWorld (London), and recently starred in the feature film about raw food called “Super Charge Me!”. Forbes continuing mission is to promote health, vitality and fitness as a lifestyle, not a fad. She divides her time between Los Angeles and Tampa Bay, with her husband and children. For more information about Forbes Riley, please visit http://www. ForbesRiley. com.


LUCKY TIGER Helps You “Face The Day!”

LUCKY TIGER Helps You “Face The Day!”

LUCKY TIGER Helps You “Face The Day!”

(PRWEB) November 22, 2002

VALHALLA, NY – Do you want cleaner, more youthful looking skin? Do you want your face massaged and purified and then be left with skin that is radiant, alluring and fresh?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then LUCKY TIGER has the product for you!

LUCKY TIGER PRODUCTS Massage Cream (13oz.) professional grade facial cleanser is designed to remove loose, flaky skin and rejuvenate the complexion. The cream traps impurities and lifts them off the face as it is worked over the skin.

According to ivillage. com, in a piece called “Daily Care For Your Radiant Skin”, it states that in one of the five steps to radiant skin, you must “Cleanse properly. Wash your face with water and a mild cleanser twice a day. A gentle and thorough cleaning helps to remove the dead skin cells off the skin's top layer, along with excess oils and bacteria. These culprits cause pimples.”  (http://www. substance. com/skin/care/normal/article/0,11463,217948,00.html (http://www. substance. com/skin/care/normal/article/0,11463,217948,00.html))

Both men and women can benefit from the Massage Cream. We all live in a world where containments and pollutants are a daily way of life. Dirt and other debris are deposited on our skin daily and in order to cleanse our skin, we need a good cream that works! “LUCKY TIGER prides itself on the fact that our products are dedicated to improving the appearance of the skin and hair, and revitalizing the body, states Fred Rosen, Executive Vice President of At Last Naturals, Inc – parent company of Lucky Tiger Products. He went on to say that “We only use traditionally recognized quality ingredients and strive to achieve only the best for our customers!”

LUCKY TIGER & YOU – A Winning Combination! 

For further information about LUCKY TIGER or any of the other At Last Naturals products, call 1-800-527-8123.


Lucky Tiger Products, a division of At Last Naturals, Inc. Located in Valhalla, NY, At Last Naturals has been involved in Natural product research and development for over 35 years. At Last Products are dedicated to improving overall health and wellness by comprising the principles of natural healing with the benefits of modern science. The companyÂ’s product line consists of toiletries, natural alternative products, health and beauty care, and over the counter pharmaceuticals. Its management team has a solid background in natural cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and is a long time advocate of Natural alternative medicine. 


OceanGrown International (OGI) Supports Consumer Interest for Innovative Marine Bioactive, Fucoxanthin

OceanGrown International (OGI) Supports Consumer Interest for Innovative Marine Bioactive, Fucoxanthin

Demand for brown algae extract grows as it may promote fat burn

Salt Lake City (PRWEB) February 19, 2008

OceanGrown™ International (OGI) has a sole focus on the ocean and remains committed to educating the marketplace on emerging marine bioactives. Consumer interest in Fucoxanthin, an extract from brown algae is developing as companies launch products based on this promising nutraceutical. Attention is stemming from recent metabolic and nutritional studies on Fucoxanthin's ability to promote thermogenin and OGI will expand its product lines in 2008 as the market leader of ocean based natural products.

"OceanGrown™ is committed to leading the marketplace with regards to innovative actives from our powerful ocean, such as Fucoxanthin," said Kerry Brown, OGI President and Founding Partner. "We will identify suppliers who invest in the exciting research and science behind advancing marine based nutraceuticals."

A new and fresh natural products company, OceanGrown's product lines will focus on skincare, nutrition and weight management. Advancing consumer interest in Fucoxanthin will allow OGI to expand into the weight management marketplace and promote its philosophy of anti-aging through an active lifestyle. The company launched with a skincare line, OAVE™, which unites Astaxanthin, Icelandic Moss, Irish Seaweed and Antarctic Krill Oil, providing an inside/outside approach with topical and internal offerings. 

"OGI maintains a competitive advantage as we promote unique proprietary blends in our product lines, specifically weight management," said Kerry Brown. "We will continue to differentiate ourselves by blending ocean actives that work synergistically to meet multiple health needs. We are excited to diversify and bring Fucoxanthin to the marketplace through proactive consumer education."

About OceanGrown™ International

OceanGrown™ International (OGI), is a new lifestyle company offering distinct health products based from the ocean's powerful offering of algae, oils (EPA/DHA), seaweed, kelp, moss, sea salts, calcium, coral and other actives. Through proper nutrition, complete skin care and a committed approach to weight management, OGI seeks to redefine the aging process. Fusing retail and direct sales business models, OGI representatives are encouraged to promote healthy activity, sustainability and preservation. For more information on OGI, its ocean derived products and "active aging", please visit www. ogilife. com.


Two Sisters Start Web Business That Sells Only Healthy Cookware

Two Sisters Start Web Business That Sells Only Healthy Cookware

Two sisters from Miami launch a new web business that strives to sell only healthy cookware. Their inspiration came from their parents, one who is a doctor.

Miami, FL (PRWEB) April 14, 2006

Maria Teresa and Ana Maria Peña, 28 and 30 years old were born into a household where healthy cooking is a normal way of life. Their father, Dr. Herb Peña, is a Family Physician and Geriatrician, and their mother studied psychology. “I remember”, says Ana Maria, “when Mom stopped drinking coffee because she knew it wasn’t the best thing for her body.” They also went on to talk about how their mother switched from using tomato sauce to fresh tomatoes, and of how they remember drinking soda at dinner in their younger years but then were given only milk. The white bread was exchanged for whole wheat bread, and eventually the white rice went to parboiled, and, finally to brown rice.

“Healthy eating doesn’t have to taste like diet food”, says Maria Teresa. In fact, the sisters claim that healthy eating can be as pleasurable to the taste buds as it is to the body. This is why their first business idea was to write down all their family recipes in a cookbook to share with the rest of the world, an idea they haven’t discarded, but they realized that all the healthy cooking in the world wouldn’t do a body what it should if the cookware is not healthy. This is why they decided to put together a web business that sells only healthy cookware – www. labellecuisine. net.

“We’ve researched waterless cookware, cast iron cookware, nonstick cookware and many others. We feel that the products we have on our site, and continue bringing to our site are products that, when used properly, will yield an optimum cooking and eating experience,” says Ana Maria. Indeed, one of the features of the site is that it includes helpful articles on how to use and care for your cookware. Along with these are articles that explain how different kinds of cookware work. There is also a newly added feature, a recipe of the month. Yes, these featured monthly recipes will be the family recipes.

The website features stainless steel, cast iron, and nonstick cookware as well as pressure cookers and accessories such as pot racks. Prices range from $17 to $250. For the month of April, La Belle Cuisine (www. labellecuisine. net) will be donating 10% of its proceeds to victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans as well as giving its customers 10% off anything they purchase.

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NYIT Launches New Web Site

NYIT Launches New Web Site

Innovative Web site is driven by new media, social networking, and high functionality

New York, NY (Vocus) March 22, 2010

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) revealed its new, interactive Web site, which, in addition to providing extensive information tailored to specific users, also integrates technology and encourages student involvement through social media.

The new Web site, which can be seen at www. nyit. edu, features a format representative of the contemporary visual brand of NYIT. The site is targeted to the main user groups of NYIT by tailoring information to prospective students, current students, alumni, business and community, faculty and staff, and parents.

All students, faculty, staff, and alumni will have the unique ability to participate in the evolution of the Web site, which will showcase individuals, events, news, and other stories about the global university. The “Get Social” element incorporates social media including profiles, photos, videos, and blogs as well as external social media including official NYIT Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.

“Over the course of the semester, we will integrate tools that will allow members of the NYIT community to upload their own images, blogs, and profiles, as well as the ability to comment and stimulate conversations through our portals,” said Jacquelyn Nealon, Ed. D., vice president for enrollment, communications, and marketing at NYIT.

With two campuses in New York, and five global campuses, this transparency will allow members of all campuses to interact with one other without limitation, although it will give users the ability to tag inappropriate information. The portal will give students access to online learning tools, registration, bills, and school announcements. It will also include a feature, akin to a Wall on Facebook, which is already very familiar to students and easily accessible.

“This idea of giving students open access to the Web site is truly reflective of the kind of individual expression we encourage our students to participate in at NYIT,” said Nealon.

In order to maintain the Web site, NYIT has implemented a new state-of-the-art content management system, called Expression Engine that will allow greater flexibility in design, management, and organization of content, and the ability for content developers throughout NYIT to make updates regularly. The management system adds to the functionality of the Web site because it ensures that the site will constantly evolve to reflect the university and its community.

The development and launch of the Web site was the result of a large team effort made up of members from the Departments of Information Technology and Infrastructure and Communications and Marketing. For more information about NYIT and its new Web site, visit www. nyit. edu.

About NYIT

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees in more than 90 fields of study, including architecture and interior design; arts and sciences; education; engineering and computing sciences; health professions; management; and osteopathic medicine. A non-profit independent, private institution of higher education, NYIT has more than 15,000 students attending campuses on Long Island and Manhattan, online, and at its global campuses. For more than 50 years, NYIT has been guided by its mission to provide career-oriented professional education, offer access to opportunity to all qualified students, and support applications-oriented research that benefits the larger world. To date, 81,500 students have graduated from NYIT. For more information, visit www. nyit. edu.


Briana Samuels

Communications Assistant


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Medicare for Concurrent Group Billing Therapy

Medicare for Concurrent Group Billing Therapy

Athena Software (http://www. athenasoftware. net/features-billing. html) launched a new version of Penelope featuring electronic billing programs that work with Medicare for concurrent group billing therapy.

Guelph, ON (PRWEB) March 8, 2006

Athena Software (http://www. athenasoftware. net/features-billing. html (http://www. athenasoftware. net/features-billing. html)) launched a new version of Penelope featuring electronic billing programs that work with Medicare for concurrent group billing therapy. Dana Fox, Director of Business Development Athena Software mailto:dana@athenasoftware. net said, “Penelope Case Management and Counseling Software's powerful accounting system makes it easy to intelligently invoice and record payment for even the most difficult funding arrangements.” Fox went on to say, “Invoices, discounts, write-offs, and payments can be logged against the full range of funder types – EAP’s, private insurers, government payers, sliding scale or fee for service clients, public funders (eg. Medicaid), and group policies - and, if need be, all at once and in any combination!” Penelope Counseling / Case Management Software generates claims, invoices, CMS-1500s (formerly HCFA 1500) for individuals or insurers/funders. Penelope's new "shopping cart" model makes it easy to record relevant service item codes for a single activity.

Penelope Counseling/ Case Management Software automatically tracks billable services and provides for single and batch invoicing for the appropriate billable item. A large number of reports can be generated that summarize EAP / funder / payer statistical, account aging, utilization and accounting / financial data.

Athena’s world class case management software will featuring electronic billing programs that work with Medicare for concurrent group billing therapy with the added functionality of fully integrated:

-worker /client scheduling

-client outcome evaluation

-clinical case and session note recording

-program service delivery details

-comprehensive reporting functions

-client self-intake kiosk mode

-internal communications and workflow management tools

-server, backup and operating system

About athena software. net

Athena software is one of the world's most powerful and fully integrated case management and client information solutions designed for counselling, sociology, mental health centers and EAP providers. Athena helps its customers reduce operating costs, increase efficiency and improve customer service by integrating human resources, notes, outcome evaluation and billing into one system. Athena solutions combine decades of combined experience with the power of server-based and open-source database technology. Athena Software, an IBM Business Partner and Server Certified, is listed by the United Way of America’s Outcome Measurement Resource Network (www. unitedway. org/outcomes (http://www. unitedway. org/outcomes)) and supports the United Way of America (UWA) new Standards of Excellence initiative.

Athena gives the power to innovate and customize the system back to the customer without the cost. We make systems integration easy and affordable for people helping others.

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Prevent Colic & Bad Sleep; Support Your BabyÂ’s Health & Development

Prevent Colic & Bad Sleep; Support Your BabyÂ’s Health & Development

Some Fundamental Reasons For Using Nurturing Touch & Massage

Encino, CA (PRWEB) January 25, 2005

A brand new step by step guide “Swedish Child Massage – A Family Guide to Nurturing Touch”, shows new parents and families how to give simple massage techniques to newborns and children. The guide is launched along with an organic Sweet Lavender Baby Massage Oil, the newest addition to the Nicci Maternity Natural Skin Care Collection.

The guide is written by Lena Jelveus, qualified Physical Therapist and Massage Therapist, originally from Sweden, now living in California. She provides experienced professional advice about the benefits of nurturing touch and how to give it. Lena and Nicola Salter (Clinical Aromatherapist and Creator of the Nicci Maternity Collection) have joined forces to promote the profound difference massage can bring to all of us.

New parents especially will be delighted to discover techniques for identifying colic, how to give gentle massage techniques to reduce and improve colic symptoms, how to improve their babyÂ’s sleep, and understand how massage impacts on our bodies to bring better health. In addition, the Baby Massage Oil, is formulated especially for babies and is made from pure sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, vitamins A, C and E, and a tiny percentage of organic Sweet Lavender known to release serotonin from the brain when inhaled, to help relax and calm. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also reduce skin sensitivities. There are no mineral oils or preservatives contained in the blend.

From newborns into childhood, Lena explains very simply the physiological reactions our bodies go through during massage, and addresses how childhood massage can reduce an over fussy childÂ’s need to cling, as well as improve its sleeping patterns.

The guide doesnÂ’t stop there, Lena goes on to demonstrate how massage is even effective during the teenage years to bring balance to the body, welcome relaxation, encourage interaction with the rest of the family and trust.

This valuable guide is available for $19.95 at http://www. jelveus. com/swedish-child-massage. html (http://www. jelveus. com/swedish-child-massage. html) or call 818-817-0049 to order. More information can be found at www. swedishchildmassage. com

The massage oil is available from Aroma 1 at www. Aroma1.com.

Additional Information:

Lena Jelveus is a qualified physical therapist from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in Sweden. She has committed much of her career to teaching massage and touch therapies. Lena has published several books on touch in Sweden and she has also done research on massage and chronic pain with the University of Uppsala. Lena now lives and works in Los Angeles continuing her writing career, research into touch therapy and her private practice.

Nicola Salter trained and became a qualified Clinical Aromatherapist in London, England, where Aromatherapy is used extensively in health care practice. She now lives and works in Los Angeles practicing Clinical Aromatherapy at the Center for Health Enhancement at St John’s Hospital in Santa Monica. She has extensive media and lecturing experience on the health and emotional benefits of Clinical Aromatherapy. She is the creator of the Nicci Fleur de Vie – Fresh Active Skin Care Collection.

Media Contact:

Lena Jelveus

818 817-0049


ForsLean Increases Lean Body Mass and Reduces Body Fat Percentages According to Recent Study

ForsLean Increases Lean Body Mass and Reduces Body Fat Percentages According to Recent Study

In a recent study entitled “Efficacy and Safety of ForsLean® in Increasing Lean Body Mass in Obese Subjects,” participants receiving ForsLean, Sabinsa Corporation's patented Coleus forskohlii extract, showed marked improvements in lean body mass levels and reductions in body fat percentages, body weight and body mass index.

Piscataway, NJ (PRWEB) November 9, 2005

In a recent study entitled “Efficacy and Safety of ForsLean® in Increasing Lean Body Mass in Obese Subjects,” participants receiving ForsLean, Sabinsa Corporation's patented Coleus forskohlii extract, showed marked improvements in lean body mass levels and reductions in body fat percentages, body weight and body mass index.

The 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 50 obese men and women revealed that subjects receiving ForsLean had a statistically significant increase in lean body mass of 1.78 percent compared to a 0.20 percent decrease in the placebo group. Additionally, the mean body fat percentage in the ForsLean group showed a statistically significant drop from 35.8 to 34.0 percent while the placebo group showed an increase from 38.8 to 39.0 percent. And after the course of the study, the mean body mass index for the ForsLean group showed statistically significant decrease from a pre-treatment value of 30.3 to 28.6 after 12 weeks, and while the placebo group decreased from 33.1 to 32.7, the change was not statistically significant.

“This study substantiates the fact that ForsLean beneficially impacts body composition in obese subjects without harmful side effects,” stated Dr. Vladimir Badmaev, vice president of scientific and medical affairs, Sabinsa Corporation. “Today's consumers are increasingly searching out ways to manage their weight in a healthy fashion and ForsLean offers them a solution.”

Study participants were given either 250 mg of ForsLean (standardized to 10 percent diterpene forskolin) or a placebo twice daily one half hour before meals for 12 weeks and maintained their usual levels of physical activity and normal diet patterns throughout the course of the study. No statistically significant changes were reported in lipid, renal, liver and thyroid blood biochemistry profiles. 

ForsLean is an extract derived from Coleus forskohlii roots, and the only known plant source of forskolin, a natural compound that has been shown to increase lean body mass and help optimize body composition through cAMP activation. Sabinsa holds U. S. Patent #5,804,596 and European Patent #98 907 537 9 for the use of forskolin as a weight management ingredient and manufactures and supplies various extract strengths for use in a variety of supplements and products. Other international patents are pending. For more information visit www. forslean. com.

Sabinsa Corporation, founded in 1988, is a manufacturer and supplier of herbal extracts, cosmeceuticals, minerals and specialty fine chemicals. Sabinsa's mission is to provide alternative and complementary natural products for human nutrition and well-being. Over the past nine years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 30 standardized botanical extracts and privately funded several clinical studies in conjunction with prestigious institutions in support of these products. With more than 100 scientists working full time conducting ongoing research both in India and the United States, Sabinsa continues to develop and patent phytonutrients for the world market. All products intended for human consumption are certified Kosher. For more information visit www. sabinsa. com or stop by booth #'s 5000/5002 at SupplySide West.

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“H2Om” Water with Intention, Pioneering the Way With a New Wave of Bottled Waters

“H2Om” Water with Intention, Pioneering the Way With a New Wave of Bottled Waters

“Message in a Bottle.”

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) March 29, 2006

H2Om LLC, today announced further details about the world’s first vibrationally charged, interactive, bottled water.

H2Om is a crystal clear natural spring water infused with the power of intention. It resonates with the highest vibratory signatures available. “Love” and “Perfect Health” are the first two varieties to be offered. Several distinctive energetic frequencies are introduced to each bottle of H2Om. The process utilizes words, thought, music and human interaction.

Recent worldwide studies have shown that water registers and faithfully illustrates its response to the frequencies it is exposed to. Photographic documentation has confirmed that water is directly effected by words, sound waves, and thought patterns.

Since its launch February 14th, 2006, H2Om has attracted the attention of scientists, celebrities, philanthropists, and the press worldwide. From ‘The Wall Street Journal’ to ‘InStyle Magazine’ people are beginning to notice that there is something very special about this water.

“What makes H2Om so special is the message in the bottle. It actually came to me in a dream. When I awoke I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to create a bottled water that could inspire people to think positive, live healthy, experience gratitude, and absorb all the positive energy that the water itself could hold? After two years years of research and development, the first ever H2Om infusion process was created. It begins with the words on the label written in many of the world’s languages. The words themselves resonate at a specific frequency which the water receives. Next, we present the water with sound waves and music created with specific intent for each variety. Last but not least, once you buy H2Om at the store, the label’s message serves as a reminder for you to take a moment and focus on the intention. You ‘think it while you drink it.’ As you imagine pure love or perfect health energy being absorbed by your body, you’ve created an energetic interaction with the very element that sustains your life. Your body is in a state which is completely receptive. And as the H2Om joins with the seventy percent of water in your body, you carry that ‘intent’ with you throughout your day and therefore out into the world. It’s that simple.” according to Lex Lang co - founder and CEO.

In an excerpt from the March 10th Wall Street Journal, Science Journal, chemical physicist Anders Nilsson of Stanford says, "It's amazing we don't really understand the structure of water. Liquid water, has a structure totally at odds with what textbooks say and what scientists have believed for more than a century.” Rustum Roy, a materials scientist at Pennsylvania State University and co-author of the paper in Materials Research Innovations said, "People have ignored the possibility that liquid water can have multiple structures, But there is good evidence.” In a new paper, from their review of more than 100 studies, William Tiller, former chairman of materials science at Stanford and his colleagues concluded that "water can indeed have its properties effected and hence its structure changed rather easily."

In alignment with its vision to work alongside non-profit organizations, which strive to create positive change on our planet, H2Om is dedicated to supporting funds, charities, and events which inspire social and environmental awareness and solution building.

“It is very important to us to be working with creative people that are like minded regarding the long term protection and enhancement of our natural environment. We are currently participating in events with the Rainforest Foundation Fund, Comedy for a Cure, The Love Planet Foundation, and we actively support the millennium goals of United Nation’s Water for Life, International Decade for Action campaign” said Sandy Fox co-founder and president.

H2Om will be sold through health food stores, spas and yoga studios at an MSRP of $1.59 per half-liter bottle, less than the cost of many of today's premium waters.

What is the message? Love. Give. Be grateful. Live a positive healthy life. Stay hydrated. And whichever variety of H2Om water you decide to drink, “Think it while you drink it.”™


Knowledge Source, Inc. and Mark Farrah Associates Launch Health Insurer Insights

Knowledge Source, Inc. and Mark Farrah Associates Launch Health Insurer Insights

Health Insurer Insights is a company profile series that responds to the healthcare industry's need for competitive snapshots about leading health insurance companies. These reports are available online at www. knowsource. com

Trumbull, CT (PRWEB) June 29, 2006

Knowledge Source, Inc. and Mark Farrah Associates announced today that they have launched Health Insurer Insights which are available at knowsource. com (http://www. knowsource. com) or by calling 203-377-0460.

Knowledge Source's Health Insurer Insights, priced at $100, features a summary of recent corporate developments with strategy insights; health plan performance data; a competitor comparison; and a SWOT analysis.

Companies profiled to date include: Aetna, Assurant, CIGNA HealthCare, Coventry Health Care, Health Care Service Corporation, Health Net, Humana, Kaiser Permanente, UnitedHealth Group, and WellPoint.

Health Insurer Insights may be purchased as single profiles for $100 each, in quantities of 5 or more at a 15% discount, or on an annual subscription basis.

For additional information on Health Insurer Insights or other research reports published by Knowledge Source, please contact John Santilli at 203-377-0460 or visit Knowledge Source (http://www. knowsource. com) Health Insurer Insights are purchasable for $100 with immediate online delivery.

About Knowledge Source

Knowledge Source, headquartered in Trumbull, Connecticut, has been a leading source of healthcare business information and analyses since 1989. Products include Health Insurer Insights, Health Care Market Overviews and BusIntell Reports. The company also provides custom research services that include strategic opportunity assessment; market/industry analysis; competitive analysis; marketing and customer analysis; and survey research.

About Mark Farrah Associates

Mark Farrah Associates, headquartered in Kennebunk, Maine, provides health insurance market data and analysis. The company's portfolio includes online data products, industry-focused market reports and research consulting services. Since 1997, Mark Farrah Associates has been recognized as a leader in analyzing market data and trends. Products include Health Insurer Insights, Health Plans USA, Medicare Business Online, Medicare Advantage Market Reports, and Northeast Health Plans Online.

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VIE Healthcare's Equipment Lease Auditing and Lease Management Services

VIE Healthcare's Equipment Lease Auditing and Lease Management Services

Most hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory surgical centers and physician practices will make equipment and IT purchases within the next 12 months through leasing.

Neptune, NJ (PRWEB) December 20, 2006

The leasing market within healthcare is growing, 7% annually and is expected to exceed $8 billion in volume in 2007.

VIE Healthcare announces its proprietary equipment pre-lease review, lease audit and lease management service dedicated to healthcare organizations.

VIE's Equipment Lease Auditing and Management Services will uncover errors and overpayments in your current leases, provide an essential pre-lease audit of pricing, terms and conditions before you sign the lease agreement, assist healthcare organizations in competitive lease bids, and manage leases throughout the term in order to avoid unnecessary costs, overpayments and to identify strategic opportunities for cost reduction.

"In our experience, VIE Healthcare has identified many healthcare organizations paying too much for equipment and software leases over the term of the lease agreement", says Jacqueline Oberst, Vice President of VIE Healthcare, Inc.

VIE Healthcare guarantees the lowest equipment and software lease price and terms available in the marketplace as the need to negotiate and maintain flexible leasing options is critical to healthcare organizations that rely on leasing as a way to stay competitive with new technology.

"Our goal is to strategically oversee the entire lease process for our healthcare clients." Equipment leasing agreements are complex and organizations have different needs and requirements" says Oberst.

Hiring VIE Healthcare requires no funding, no budgetary review, no capital outlay, no risk - and no time. VIE does all the work and your organization achieves the significant return of savings!

There are no upfront costs for VIE's equipment lease analysis and recommendations.

VIE will reduce your equipment lease costs and improve the ongoing management of your equipment leases.

Call us today to learn more about VIE Healthcare working with your organization to reduce the costs of your equipment leases.

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New Transcend Available January 21, 2011 to Help Travelers With Sleep Apnea; First Radical Advancement Since CPAPs Were Invented

New Transcend Available January 21, 2011 to Help Travelers With Sleep Apnea; First Radical Advancement Since CPAPs Were Invented

Wearable Therapy System Offers Hassle-Free Convenience, Unlimited Mobility and Freedom to Sleep Anywhere; Surpasses Any Conventional CPAP in Size, Design, and Technology

Minneapolis, MN (Vocus/PRWEB) January 10, 2011

Ask any sleep apnea patient about traveling with a traditional CPAP machine and you’ll learn that real hurdles exist: they’re bulky and difficult to pack; depend on a reliable power source, preventing most from traveling to remote destinations; and require advance planning when traveling overseas.

Designed to fit today’s active lifestyle, Transcend is the first practical, wearable sleep apnea therapy system on the market that offers patients an innovative replacement to their old-fashion, cumbersome CPAPs. Overcoming the burdens faced by travelers who have sleep apnea, Transcend will be available for sale direct to consumers on January 21, 2011.

According to Ralph Germscheid, President of Somnetics, LLC, the maker of Transcend, “We’ve developed a completely new kind of therapy system. Transcend is FDA-approved and weighs approximately one pound. Its compact design, unique patent-pending heat moisture exchange technology, and portable power options make it ideal for travel and provide users with convenience and mobility not available from existing CPAP machines.”

Patients who participated in testing Transcend agree. “This device is more comfortable than my current CPAP,” said one patient. “I like to sleep with the window open. If I did that with my existing CPAP, the mask would fill up with water; with Transcend that doesn’t happen.”

Another patient commented, “The HME is remarkable. There’s no dripping water. It’s really sweet.” And yet another patient said, “Transcend is quick and easy to use. There’s no set up and it was no problem to sleep with it on my head.”

How Transcend is Different

In the evolution of sleep apnea therapy, Transcend is distinctly different from today’s conventional CPAP. Based on feedback from sleep apnea patients, Transcend was designed to overcome frustrations and hassles experienced by CPAP users including the need for:

Small Size, Less Bulk - CPAPs generally consist of the machine, a humidifier, six-foot hose, power cord, and mask. Packing a CPAP is cumbersome, especially when space is a premium; when flying, a CPAP means another carry-on bag. Transcend uses a short hose, weighs less than one pound, and measures about the size of a 12-ounce package of coffee beans. It is small and compact enough to fit into a carry-on, rather than be a separate carry-on.

Unlimited Mobility - Transcend fits comfortably on the head, uses a short hose and delivers vibration-free therapy. These unique features allow easy movement while sleeping and prevent mask leakage, problems often associated with standard CPAP systems. When used with a battery pack, Transcend lets the user rise during the night—to use the restroom, get a drink of water, close a window—without removing the device.

Uncomplicated Humidification - Transcend uses a small, disposable hygienic heat moisture exchanger (HME) in place of a chamber humidifier found with traditional CPAPs. The HME captures moisture from the patient’s exhaled breath, which provides warm humidification to prevent nose irritation and congestion. Though HME technology is used every day in ventilators found in hospital critical care and surgical departments, Transcend is the first sleep apnea therapy system to fully accommodate this technology.

Power that doesn’t drain vehicle battery - Access to power is a necessity when using a sleep apnea therapy device. Battery packs generally do not have the ability to power a conventional CPAP and heated humidifier and DC mobile power options can drain a vehicle’s battery. Because Transcend uses HME technology instead of a chamber humidifier, a low amount of power is needed to provide a full night’s restorative sleep with humidification—even when using a battery pack.

Hassle-Free Maintenance – Transcend has few parts to clean. HME technology eliminates the cleaning and sanitation issues associated with conventional CPAP humidifiers and the HME is disposable. Transcend’s “dry mode” feature blows air through the system to dry it at the end of each use and LED lights alert the patient when it’s time to replace the inlet filter.

Effective Therapy - Transcend provides a wide range of therapy pressure. It regulates prescribed therapy pressure in the mask, resulting in comfortable and extremely tight pressure regulation, and a ramp feature allows users to acclimate to air pressure as they fall asleep. Transcend also automatically adjusts to altitudes up to 8,000 feet, making it easy to use at high altitudes.

Transcend Availability – Transcend and its accessories will be available for sale online beginning on January 21, 2011, by the following dealers: CPAP. com, CPAP Supply USA, CPAPXchange. com, and Direct Home Medical. Transcend comes with a two-year manufacturer’s warranty. Health insurance coverage is dependent on each individual patient’s plan; each patient must check with the medical equipment dealer to determine if his/her insurance can be used to purchase Transcend.

About Sleep Apnea

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, nearly 20 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and those with obstructive sleep apnea—a condition that causes a person to stop breathing during sleep when the soft tissue in the throat collapses—tend to have high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, and memory problems. OSA can also be linked to job impairment and motor vehicle crashes. Both men and women can develop sleep apnea, but it is more common in men, particularly middle-age men who are also overweight. Approximately half of those suffering from sleep apnea also have a snoring problem.

Transcend is a Somnetics, LLC Product

Somnetics, LLC is a privately held Minnesota-based medical device company and is an emerging leader in customer-driven design, development, and production of respiratory medical devices. Somnetics’ mission is focused on integrating technology, customer input, and employee creativity to provide innovative, high quality products that improve the lives of people with respiratory disorders. It received FDA market clearance for the Transcend CPAP machine in July 2010. Transcend is protected by several issued and pending US and foreign patents.


Xlibris Releases Before the Holocaust

Xlibris Releases Before the Holocaust:

New Book examines the German-Jewish experience 1870-1939 through three autobiographies

Belmont, MA (Vocus/PRWEB) December 14, 2010

Many books have been written about one of history’s darkest episodes, the Holocaust, but fewer have explored the time leading up to this horrific event. Author Thomas Dunlap guides readers of Before The Holocaust through the lives of three German Jews spanning the years from 1870 to 1939: Käte Frankenthal, Max Moses Polke, and Joseph Benjamin Levy.

Käte Frankenthal, was an unconventional, independent-minded, secular, intellectual feminist and passionate social democrat. Defying the conventions of the time, she pursued a professional life as a physician and politician. Being Jewish was to her "a fate of birth," and little else, for she never expresses any attachment to Judaism. Her real commitment was to her work as a doctor, to socialist politics, and to public health reform. Her autobiography reveals a keen and observant mind, self-aware and self-critical. We can learn much from her story about education and university life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the medical profession, the First World War and the dislocation and disorientation of German life in its aftermath. An important figure in Weimar politics, she gives us a rare and perceptive insider view of this turbulent and complex period. Her years in exile as she wanders about Europe shed light on the difficult plight of Jewish refugees in a largely unwelcoming world.

Max Moses Polke takes readers to Breslau, the capital of Silesia and home to the third-largest Jewish community in Germany. He was a practicing Jew and early supporter of Zionism. The account of the early years of his life is particularly noteworthy for the description of the nationalistic indoctrination at school prior to the First World War and the militaristic spirit that so deeply pervaded much of German life. Max Polke served his country in the First World War and came face to face with what seemed to be an ineradicable anti-Semitism. After the war he continued his studies and became a lawyer and notary. His story chronicles the transformation of German life in the Weimar Republic and after the rise of the Nazis from within the legal community. His extensive use of contemporary documents allows us to follow in some detail how the Nazi state went about systematically destroying the livelihood of Jewish lawyers.

Joseph Benjamin Levy, a teacher and cantor in Frankfurt for most of his working life, provides a broad insight into the Jewish community, offering details of community life from the schools to the B'nai B’rith lodges. In his identity as a Jew he is at the other end of the spectrum from the radically secular Käte Frankenthal. At the same time, of all three he is the most passionate and eloquent about his German identity, intensely and proudly patriotic. He represents that large segment of German Jews who were thoroughly convinced that one could be completely German and completely Jewish. All the greater was his anguish and pain at being systematically excluded from German society, whose values he had tried so hard to embrace all his life.

These autobiographies reveal what sort of lives were possible for Jews in the years after the establishment of the Reich in 1871, when German Jews were finally granted full political and civic right. They provide insight into German society, into the turbulent history and politics of the Weimar period, and into the circumstances that led to the rise of the National Socialists. Finally, they chronicle the assault on the Jewish community in the years 1933 to 1939, before the onset of systematic genocide.

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to http://www. Xlibris. com.

About the Author

Thomas Dunlap (M. A. History, Harvard University) is an academic translator. His published translations include Karl Dietrich Bracher, Turning Points in Modern History: Essays on European and German History (Harvard University Press, 1995), Ute Deichmann, Biologists under Hitler (Harvard University Press, 1996), Michael Stolleis, The Law under the Swastika: Studies on Legal History in the Third Reich (The University of Chicago Press, 1998), Kiran Klaus Patel, Soldiers of Labor: Labor Service in Germany and the US, 1933-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2005), Wolfgang Benz, A Concise History of the Third Reich (California University Press, 2006), and Dirk Schumann, Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933: Battle for the Streets and Fear of Civil War (Berghahn Books, 2009). He lives in Belmont, Massachusetts.

Before The Holocaust

Three German-Jewish Lives, 1870-1939

Edited and translated by Thomas Dunlap

Publication Date: December 9, 2010

Trade Paperback; $24.99; 455 pages; 978-1-4568-1863-0

Trade Hardback; $34.99; 455 pages; 978-1-4568-1864-7

EBook; $9.99; 978-1-4568-1865-4

Members of the media who wish to review this book may request a complimentary paperback copy by contacting the publisher at +0800-644-6988. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at 44-203-006-8880 or call +0800-644-6988.

For more information on self-publishing or marketing with Xlibris, visit http://www. Xlibris. com. To receive a free publishing guide, please call (888) 795-4274.


Holistic Junction Presents Featured Authors and Artists on Weekly Winners and More, August 22, 2004!

Holistic Junction Presents Featured Authors and Artists on Weekly Winners and More, August 22, 2004!

Holistic Junction lists Featured Authors and Artists week of August 22nd, 2004!

(PRWEB) August 24, 2004

Holistic Junction is exhibiting this weeks' featured authors and artists. We would like to thank all of our valued contributors as they are a priceless resource to readers and viewers everywhere.

Our Featured Authors and Articles:

Cave Used by John the Baptist Found?; and What Can I Say, but My Anxiety is Just Too Damn High by Mitch Battros

Nine Effective Tips for Improving Your Website's Usability by Roger Brown

It Is Time to Remember Who You Are; and 2004 Olympic Games - A Powerful Opportunity by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Alone in the Kitchen: Stirring Up Mindfulness by Maya Talisman Frost

Rules for Achieving Online Success; and Promote your website using Newsgroups by Nowshade Kabir

How to Set up a Professional Website on Your Own Using Web Templates by P Mark

The Power of Communication in Management; ABC's on Leadership (1); ABC's on Leadership (2); and Ignorance is the Darkest Night by Dr. Joan Marques

A Beginner's Guide to Setting up a Successful Online Store by M Mukesh

New Medicare Prescription Drug Bill: What Happens in 2006?; and Kerry Did Not Vote to Go to War - He voted for a Resolution Period by Evelyn Pringle

Psoriasis and Immune System Disorder by Jerry G. Scott

Setting Goals? Things to Think About; and What Once Was - Ain't No More by Gene Simmons

Leadership Is Power: Test Your Ethics by Gerri D Smith

The Importance Of Feeling Important; and Don't Let Finances Rule over Your Self-Esteem by Terry L. Sumerlin

A Guide to Purchasing Professional XP Icons Online and Enhancing Your Applications by P Thomas

Do You Smell Good? by Jan Tincher

Be Your Own Herbal Expert - Part 1 by Susun Weed

Our Featured Authors and Opinions:

An Opinion Vital to World Health: Myia Jones and Multicultural Youth In Action (MYIA) to the Rescue! by Burton Danet, Ph. D.

The Right to Choose to Think by Yvette Dubel

Citizens for Honest Fighter Pilots Say...; Prescription Drug BULL May Cost Bush the Election; and Citizens for Honest Fighter Pilots May Have Answer to AWOL Questions by Evelyn Pringle

Our Featured Artists and Art:

Leo by C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot

To be considered for inclusion for our Weekly Winners and More feature, feel free to become a personal or Business Member at HolisticJunction. com and submit your original work to our site!

Please review our submission guidelines prior to sending in your articles and artwork.

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