Genesis Fertility Centre Applauds New Recommendations for Elective Single Embryo Transfer Following In Vitro Fertilization

Genesis Fertility Centre Applauds New Recommendations for Elective Single Embryo Transfer Following In Vitro Fertilization

Genesis Fertility Centre (www. genesis-fertility. com) has been at the forefront of a reproductive procedure called elective single embryo transfer (eSET), a version of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) that involves transferring just one fertilized egg, rather than the two or more usually transferred. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of twins while offering acceptable birth rates for women under 35 who have a good prognosis to conceive.

Vancouver, Canada (PRWEB) April 19, 2010

While the explosion of celebrity moms giving birth to twins suggests that having multiples is the new normal, most women don't realize the serious risks associated with twin pregnancies, according to fertility specialist, Dr Jason Hitkari.

Genesis Fertility Centre (www. genesis-fertility. com) has been at the forefront of a reproductive procedure called elective single embryo transfer (eSET), a version of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) that involves transferring just one fertilized egg, rather than the two or more usually transferred.

According to the new guidelines, jointly released by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada(SOGC) and the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS), this procedure significantly reduces the risk of twins while offering acceptable birth rates for women under 35 who have a good prognosis to conceive.

Genesis has been offering this group of women the option of eSET since 2006. "To date, our clinic has performed the most eSETs of any clinic in Canada," says Dr Hitkari. "With a 68-per-cent pregnancy rate for women under 35, we feel confident that we can provide women with an excellent chance of getting pregnant without the higher risk of miscarriage or health problems associated with multiple pregnancy."

Studies have shown that for multiples, even twins, there is a higher risk of premature birth, cerebral palsy, respiratory diseases, blindness, deafness and death as compared to singleton pregnancies.

Along with providing health benefits to mother and baby, the new SOGC guidelines stress the cost benefit of eSET for the health care system and recommend that IVF should be publicly funded to encourage the most women to undergo this procedure.

Dr Hitkari is optimistic that the use of eSET will grow as fertility clinics across the country adopt these guidelines and encourage women under the age of 35 to opt for the safest procedure. "We are excited that the pregnancy rates we are seeing at Genesis with eSET are as good or better than transferring multiple embryos. Now we just need to get public funding for fertility treatments like IVF."

Since opening its doors in 1995, Genesis has grown to be one of the largest IVF clinics in Canada offering a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive technologies, including IUI, IVF, ICSI, PGD, surgical sperm retrieval, cryopreservation, oocyte and sperm donation.

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