New Website Offers Meeting Place and Information About Breast Augmentation

New Website Offers Meeting Place and Information About Breast Augmentation

The new website http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com is not only a source of information for those interested in breast augmentation, but it's also a meeting place for those who have questions about the surgery as well as their options. By combining the sense of community as well as easy to read articles, this website is making well-informed patients out of its readers.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) December 17, 2006

The new website http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com (http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com) is not only a source of information for those interested in breast augmentation, but it's also a meeting place for those who have questions about the surgery as well as their options. By combining the sense of community as well as easy to read articles, this website is making well-informed patients out of its readers.

"One of the things that I noticed about women who were interested in breast augmentation was the stigma that sometimes is attached to it. Women are hesitant to ask for information about the surgery and in doing so, can make choices about their health without the proper background," says Julia Tanner, founder of http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com (http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com). "Women need a place to turn to where they can get honest information, but also in a supportive environment."

The simple article format of http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com (http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com) allows women to read articles such as:

 Breast augmentation for teens  The benefits of breast enhancers  The difference in a breast lift  Boob job myths revealed

"What I wanted to offer was a broad spectrum of options for women that feel their breasts are not the right shape or size," explains Julia Tanner. "The truth is that not everyone is the right candidate for a breast augmentation, but there are alternatives that can help them feel better about their body. I try to include explanations of their choices, so that they make the right one for themselves."

The honesty that is apparent on http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com (http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com) offers readers the chance to finally be honest with their own feelings as well as with other women in the same position. With a comments section, readers can offer their own experiences as well as thoughts, but interact with a 'Democracy' section with a questionnaire.

"Women need support during this kind of decision," reminds Julia. "Often the idea of breast augmentation is limited to being a medical procedure, when in fact; it can be just as much an emotional shift as a physical one. By establishing a website that gives all sides of the story, women can feel validated in their fears as well as in their concerns."

Another function of the website is to remind readers of the alternatives to breast augmentation - many of which most readers will not have learned about beforehand. Topics like breast lifts and breast enhancers show the reader that surgery is not their only alternative and that extensive medical care is not the only way.

"The truth is that many websites focus on the idea that breast augmentation is the only way for a woman to feel better about themselves," says Julia. "But I wanted to make sure that the woman realizes that it's not the new look that she's getting with the surgery or other breast enhancement; it's the new outlook that she will get on life."

Geared toward anyone that might have questions about breast augmentation, this website is open to teens, mothers, breast cancer survivors, and any woman that needs to know more about her options. Go to http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com (http://www. breastaugmentationlounge. com) for more information.
