A New Online Pharmacy rxbuys. com by RX Corp Offers its Services to International Clients

A New Online Pharmacy rxbuys. com by RX Corp Offers its Services to International Clients

New clients are invited to use the services of a web pharmacy that has been created recently to provide customers with the most popular drugs, like generic Cialis, for the most competitive prices.

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) December 3, 2010

It is natural that all customers using the services of online pharmacies would like to get high quality medicines, paying less for them and getting their order within the shortest possible time. That is why emergence of rxbuys. com is very timely and well-taken. This site assures new and regular clients with a wide range of products, faster service and guarantees of security. It uses the most updated methods to make every client feel protected from cheating and information pilfering. The ways of delivery and payment are various and can be chosen by the customer according to their preferences. Due to all these reasons, this web drugstore appears to be a great helper for everyone concerned with their health.

International customers have a good alternative to local pharmacies represented by rxbuys. com. Such customers can now relax as they have already found a trustworthy, certified and low-cost drugstore that provides fast and cheap delivery. Rxbuys. com is a novice at the field of online pharmacology but still it has already earned approval of new customers who were provided with top quality services and products. They also appreciated all other aspects of its work. The site offers a great variety of generic medications including generic Viagra and generic Cialis that are always in stock.

RX Corp is an estimable pharmaceutical corporation whose destination is to provide clients with the best medicines and services. Its newly created online pharmacy rxbuys. com is proud to offer not only a wide range of products and services of high quality, but also fast delivery and complete privacy of the customer’s information. The shopping becomes more and more pleasant and advantageous. The medications like generic Viagra sold by RX Corp are produced by certified companies and satisfy the requirement of safety and quality.

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EKG Report Management Simplified at Norman Regional with Access's UDP

EKG Report Management Simplified at Norman Regional with Access's UDP

Universal Document Portal Eliminates Manual Tasks and Interfaces EKG Strips Directly into Meditech Scanning and Archiving Module

Sulphur Springs, Texas (PRWEB) June 4, 2009

Healthcare organizations typically struggle to manage output from clinical monitoring devices such as EKG and fetal monitors and glucometers, as there has been no easy way to interface the output into document management systems to be incorporated into electronic medical records (EMR).

As at many facilities, staff at Norman Regional's heart stations and in the HIM department found managing EKG reports time-consuming. Administrators looked for a way to improve the process.

"We needed a way to get EKG reports directly into patient records, and anytime we want to interface information into Meditech's scanning module we turn to Access," said Beth Summers, decision support system analyst.

Access's Universal Document Portal (UDP) captures EKG report print streams and indexes them directly into Meditech Scan Archive, where they are automatically linked to patient records in the Meditech HIS.

"We'd recently purchased a new EKG system and UDP is the final piece of the technology puzzle at our heart stations," said Christie Walkup, senior financial analyst.

One of the benefits offered by UDP is a reduction in manual tasks. Before deploying the product, staff members prepared an EKG report and printed it. HIM personnel then selected the appropriate patient in Meditech and scanned the report. With UDP, managing EKG reports is completely automated.

"Using UDP means staff at our heart stations don't have to scan anything into the record and we've eliminated a cumbersome manual process," Summers said.

A further advantage UDP provides is elimination of potential human errors from Norman Regional's EKG report management.

"Before we had UDP there was the possibility of personnel selecting the wrong patient in Meditech before they scanned the EKG report, and this wouldn't have been noticed until later," Walkup said. "Now we know each report is going to the right place in a timely manner, and the image will be of good diagnostic quality."

The success of any IT project rests upon the skills of the professional services team that facilitate its deployment. Summers finds that Access's staff members have exceeded Norman Regional's expectations in this area.

"As with the other components of our forms automation solution, Access's project planning and service with our UDP implementation was the best," she said. "Their implementation and support teams consistently go above and beyond to get us what we need."

In addition to improving EKG report management, UDP can capture feeds from fetal monitors, glucometers and other clinical monitoring devices and automatically index them in Meditech Scan Archive or any other document management system for easy and seamless assimilation into the EMR.

"UDP is a versatile utility that has great possibilities for our other clinical devices," Walkup said.

About Access

Access provides electronic forms and workflow automation solutions to hundreds of healthcare organizations worldwide. Access products create time and cost savings facility-wide, and integrate with existing HIS, ERP, clinical and document management systems to deliver maximum return on investment. Ease of use, administration and expansion provide even greater value. Learn more about Access solutions at www. accesseforms. com.


Worldwide WLAN Equipment Market Grew 150% in 2001

Worldwide WLAN Equipment Market Grew 150% in 2001

8th consecutive quarter of double-digit growth according to Synergy Research Group

(PRWEB) March 1, 2002

Phoenix, Arizona - The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) market posted its eighth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth and grew over 150 percent from 2000.

According to market analysis by Synergy Research Group, Wireless LAN equipment sales increased almost 12 percent in the Fourth Quarter over the prior quarter with total sales reaching over $450 million and reached $1.47 billion for the year 2001. For the quarter, Enterprise WLAN equipment sales were flat, while SOHO/Home WLAN Equipment sales grew over 25 percent to $225 million and equaled that of the Enterprise.

"Despite a slower quarter in the Enterprise, the overall WLAN market continues to show healthy growth," says Aaron Vance, WLAN Industry Analyst at the Synergy Research Group. "Furthermore, strong growth in the SOHO/Home segment further demonstrates that the 802.11 technology is being adopted by the consumer market. This adoption will be further catalyzed by the continued deployment of WLANs in corporate environments; as people become more familiar with this technology in the workplace, they are going to recognize the benefits that may be realized in the home."

Table 1. WW Enterprise WLAN Revenue Market Share

  4Q01  YE 2001

Cisco  35.4%  31.1%

Agere  18.4%  20.4%

Symbol  13.0%  11.6%

Table 2. WW SOHO/Home WLAN Revenue Market Share

  4Q01  YE 2001

Linksys 22.1%  21.1%

Buffalo 19.2%  20.2%

D-Link  10.7%  10.0%

Other players with strong quarters were Alvarion, Avaya, Linksys and Buffalo, all posting quarter-to-quarter growth of more than 40 percent respectively. In the SOHO/Home segment, Linksys and Buffalo each gained nearly 3 market share points, while in the Enterprise segment, Symbol gained more than two.

About Synergy Research Group

Synergy Research Group Incorporated (SRG) is a market research firm that provides quarterly market analysis, market share, and forecasting for the communication Equipment markets. The markets Synergy tracks include Access Concentrators, Access Servers, ATM Access Concentrators, ATM CPE Devices, Broadband Aggregation, Broadband Cable Head-End, Broadband Wireless, Cable Modems, DSLAMs, IP Service Switches (Ipsec & non-Ipsec), LAN Telephony, MultiService WAN switches (ATM, FR, MPLS), Port Speeds, Routers, Service Provider Voice Packet Gateways, Soft Switches, SONET/SDH, Traditional Circuit Voice, Voice Application Servers, Voice over Broadband Gateways, VPN Gateways, XDSL IADs/modems, Wireless LANs, and LAN Switching. For more information, www. synergyresearchgroup. com.

The contents of this press release represent SRG's interpretation and analysis of statistics and information collected from authorized company representatives, industry sources, and SRG estimates. SRG does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the statistics or information contained in this release.

Color Printing Speeds to Success in New York City

Color Printing Speeds to Success in New York City

Advanced Business Group, Inc. has learned that success comes in many forms, especially by listening to its customers and relentlessly building upon that knowledge. Today, the company is pleased to announce its continued expansion of customized print applications. Better known as “ABG Print” to its clients, Advanced Business Group, Inc. is a leading print services provider in the heart of New York City and offers its immediate response commitment to deliver jobs in 12 hours or less. The company provides the very best combination of service, quality and price in several areas including Color Printing, Creative Design, Direct Mail, Document Services and Finishing. With its advanced software technology and streamlined operations, ABG Print also offers a single source for graphic communication solutions.

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 3, 2006

Advanced Business Group, Inc. has learned that success comes in many forms, especially by listening to its customers and relentlessly building upon that knowledge. Today, the company is pleased to announce its continued expansion of customized print applications. “The exponential interest for color printing services delivered in less than 12 hours has grown more than 30% in the past 15 months based on our tracking,” said Michael J. Mulligan, President and CEO of the company. He attributes this increased business result to a growing demand, the improved quality in digital color, professional service 24/7 and the delivery of price performance to customers.

Better known as “ABG Print” to its clients, Advanced Business Group, Inc. is a leading print services provider in the heart of New York City and offers its immediate response commitment to deliver jobs in 12 hours or less. The company provides the very best combination of service, quality and price in several areas including Color Printing, Creative Design, Direct Mail, Document Services and Finishing.

With its advanced software technology and streamlined operations, ABG Print also offers a single source for graphic communication solutions. The acquisition of a Heidelberg Printmaster Plus, a full-color printing press, optimizes processes and print quality, as well as turnaround time. “For our customers,” Michael J. Mulligan also says, “this means high-quality printed materials delivered in a fraction of the time. We specialize in on-demand printing and the press allows us to make last minute changes on multicolor pieces and meet very tight deadlines. Just last week, we printed 80,000 color pieces in less than 24 hours.”

The press also adds value to ABG Print’s variable data capability, which offers full offset color-marketing pieces and further expands the portfolio of services. In addition to printing, finishing and binding, ABG Print offers graphic design, marketing and direct mailing services. “Firms don’t just want another printer; they want a one-stop source of integrated business solutions tailored specifically for them,” says Robert G. Reiss, a longtime client and the Chairman of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. “For us, ABG Print serves as such a provider. It’s a matter of confidence and knowing that we can rely on them.”

As an active member of the Better Business Bureau, ABG Print has earned the reputation of The Responsible Printer®.

For more information, please visit their corporate website at www. abgusa. com or call (212) 398-1010.

(Editor’s Note: Michael J. Mulligan is available for interviews if you want to expand this story.)

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Holiday Resource Center With Toy Finder, Green Gift Ideas, Crafts & Recipes on FamilyEducation

Holiday Resource Center With Toy Finder, Green Gift Ideas, Crafts & Recipes on FamilyEducation

Popular Parenting Site Features Tips and Tools for Planning Festive and Memorable Holiday Season

Boston, MA (PRWEB) November 24, 2009

The holidays are upon us once again, and families can turn to FamilyEducation for gift, craft and entertainment ideas to make this season festive and memorable. With a few clicks of the mouse, parents can use the popular parenting site's interactive Children's Toy Finder (http://fun. familyeducation. com/toy-finder-gift-guide/) to ensure that every kid in the family gets the perfect gift. Searchable by age, category and price, the Toy Finder features the season's top items in categories such as active play toys, musical toys, games and puzzles, arts and crafts, and more. FamilyEducation also features information about the latest toy recalls (http://life. familyeducation. com/slideshow/toy-safety/53357.html) so parents can be sure that the items on their children's wish lists are safe.

While gift giving is fun, it is also important to manage money carefully this time of year. Families can stay on top of their finances this season with FamilyEducation's free printable holiday budget worksheet. By simply typing in the names of friends and family, gift descriptions and their total budget, parents can use the worksheet to calculate how much they have spent as they complete their holiday shopping.

"As the year comes to an end and we celebrate the winter holidays, friends and families come together to share in traditions and create new memories. But the holidays can also be a stressful time, especially with the current economy," said Jess M. Brallier, publisher, Family Education Network. "This year, FamilyEducation has created a number of special tools and resources to help families maximize their holiday fun and keep stress at a minimum."

The site offers many "green gift" ideas for environmentally conscious givers and receivers. Eco-conscious teens and adults might like a solar-powered backpack, recycled stationery or an eco-friendly snowboard or skateboard - all featured in FamilyEducation's "Top 10 Green Gifts for Teens and Adults (http://fun. familyeducation. com/slideshow/green-gifts/64540.html)." Young environmentalists can learn more about recycling, reducing waste and helping the environment with the fun and eco-friendly gifts featured on the site's "Top 10 Green Gifts for Kids."

FamilyEducation also presents one-stop shopping for new and inexpensive ideas for filling everyone's holiday stockings. The slideshow, "Top 10 Stocking Stuffer Ideas (http://fun. familyeducation. com/slideshow/christmas/48955.html) ," features unique small gift items sure to please every young heart, such as paper airplanes, music accessories, puzzles and craft items. Other "Top 10" slideshows on FamilyEducation feature entertainment gift ideas such as movies, video games and books for every member of the family.

When it comes to decorating the house and sending out holiday cards, FamilyEducation provides families with plenty of creative projects that they can complete together. Families will find great ideas for ornaments and holiday crafts for kids (http://fun. familyeducation. com/slideshow/crafts/48963.html) to make, as well as holiday card projects that are fun and easy to do.

Once the shopping and decorating are done, families can relax and enjoy the spirit of the holiday by choosing from the "Top 10 Holiday Movies for 2009" or the "Top 10 Christmas Movies (http://fun. familyeducation. com/slideshow/christmas/48951.html) " featured on FamilyEducation. And while everyone is watching a favorite holiday feature, the baker in the family can find some tasty recipes for everyone to enjoy, in the site's slideshow, "Best Holiday Cookie Recipes (http://fun. familyeducation. com/christmas/foods/35013.html)."

About FamilyEducation

FamilyEducation is the leading online publisher of practical parenting guidance, expert family advice, printables, skill-building exercises and activities for children. FamilyEducation. com is dedicated to educating parents and parents-to-be so they can raise healthy, educated and well-rounded children.

FamilyEducation is part of Pearson, the education, services and technology company. Pearson's other primary operations include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group.


Research and Markets: Security Remains the Key Issue Restricting the Take-Up of Online Financial Services

Research and Markets: Security Remains the Key Issue Restricting the Take-Up of Online Financial Services

Dublin (PRWEB) July 27, 2005

Research and Markets (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c21338 (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c21338)) has announced the addition of Financial Services Organisations on the Internet - Market Assessment 2005 to their offering

This report analyses the development of personal online financial services in the UK and their outlook for the future. Retail banking remains the most important sector of the market, with an estimated 20 million users at the end of 2004. Other areas with relatively high levels of penetration in terms of online customers include personal loans, building societies and general insurance. However, the Internet has yet to make any significant impact in areas such as pensions and mortgages, where, given the complicated nature of the products, consumers still prefer face-to-face contact with providers. Meanwhile, the independent investment sector has experienced a decline in terms of volume, which mirrors the fall in stock markets that has taken place since 2000; despite the rally that has taken place over the past 2 years (since 2003), UK shares remain well below the peak they reached in 1999.

Take-up of online financial services is clearly related to the proportion of homes with access to the Internet. In the final quarter of 2004, 52% of UK households (12.6 million) could access the Internet from home, compared with only 9% (2.2 million) in the final quarter of 1998, according to National Statistics data. The increasing penetration of broadband Internet access is also likely to boost demand for online financial services. By April 2005, more than 5 million people in Great Britain had broadband access. It is likely that more than half of all Internet users in the UK will be on a broadband connection by 2006 or 2007. British Telecommunications (BT) has already stated that, by summer 2005, 99.6% of British homes will be connected to exchanges capable of providing broadband Internet access.

Security is probably the main barrier the industry faces in persuading more consumers to go online. There have certainly been many instances of breaches of security. `Phishing' attacks, which typically use fake versions of bank websites to grab login details of customers, boomed during 2004. Many household names have been the subject of security scares, so the growing level of consumer concern is unsurprising. Research specifically commissioned for this report found that security is an issue that concerns almost six out of ten adults, and could deter around four in ten people from managing their finances online. Furthermore, approximately half of all 45 to 54 year-olds — who are generally among the wealthiest members of society and are therefore the prime target of financial-services organisations — are so concerned about online security and identify fraud that these issues would prevent them from managing their finances online.

In terms of future prospects, this report predicts that overall demand for online financial services will continue to increase at a healthy rate over the next 5 years (to 2009). However, growth in key sectors such as online banking is expected to slow as the market matures, while the state of the economy between 2005 and 2009 is likely to have a negative impact on demand for products such as consumer loans. According to this report significant growth in the pensions and life insurance sector is not expected, due to the complicated nature of these products. There also seems to be little prospect of the stock market picking up so sharply that investors will flood back to independent online brokers or to stocks and shares individual savings accounts (ISAs). Meanwhile, demand for mortgages is likely to be affected by stagnation in the housing market over the next few years. However, the general insurance sector should continue to fare well.

It is believed that security will continue to be a key issue restricting take-up. The fact that many consumers are reluctant to trust their finances to the Internet is likely to limit the growth of online banking, in particular.

For more information visit http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c21338 (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c21338)

Laura Wood

Senior Manager

Research and Markets

Fax: +353 1 4100 980


DigitalGrit Expands New York City Office

DigitalGrit Expands New York City Office

Interactive marketing firm more than doubles Manhattan footprint.

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 25, 2006

DigitalGrit, a New Jersey-based interactive marketing agency is announcing the expansion of its New York City office to more than double its former size. The new office is centrally located at 1250 Broadway (32nd street) on the 20th floor.

SVP and GM Scott Delea says, “Our new space will allow us to get even closer to our clients, attract additional talent and further collaborate with partners. NYC is a special place. Our expansion reflects our commitment to New York, as well as the overall health of DigitalGrit.”

Best known for its success in search engine marketing and search engine optimization, DigitalGrit is seeking passionate interactive marketing professionals at all career levels to staff the new office.

Those interested in career opportunities at DigitalGrit should send resumes to dgresume @ digitalgrit. com.

About DigitalGrit, Inc.

Established in 2000, DigitalGrit is a leading and innovative interactive marketing firm. Combining online marketing channels, proprietary and existing technology, and years of marketing expertise, DigitalGrit is dedicated to helping businesses realize the full potential of the Internet to build brands and drive sales results.

The firm's client list includes some of world's best-known companies, like ADP, American Express, Consumer Reports, Digene, Morgans Hotel Group, and Sony.

Learn more about DigitalGrit at http://www. digitalgrit. com (http://www. digitalgrit. com) and on the company’s blog at http://digitalgrit. typepad. com (http://digitalgrit. typepad. com).

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Perfect Acai Named the Top Acai Berry Supplement for 2009 by PowerSupplements. Com

Perfect Acai Named the Top Acai Berry Supplement for 2009 by PowerSupplements. Com

The Perfect Acai brand, due to its 100% pure Organic Acai Berry formula, has been named the top Acai supplement in 2009 by PowerSupplements. Learn more about why Perfect Acai was selected as the highest quality Acai supplement for 2009.

New York, NY (Vocus) December 31, 2009

New York, NY -- Consumers looking for the highest quality pure Acai Berry are encouraged to try the Perfect Acai brand according to a year end report by PowerSupplements. Com. While 2009 has seen a record number of acai berry fruit products being launched, the report finds that 100% pure Organic Freeze Dried Acai Berry are still the most effective way to get Acai into your diet.

The Acai berry has gained international recognition as one of the highest antioxidant fruits in the world. Dr. Perricone named the Acai berry as the #1 Superfood on the Oprah Winfrey show. Acai has been featured on the Today Show, The CBS Early Show, Wall Street Jounal and the New York Times. The Acai berry grows in the tall Acai Palm trees of the Amazon Rainforest and is very high in antioxidants, healthy Omega fats, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. While other foods and fruits may be high in certain key nutrients, what makes Acai the top superfood is its complete nutritional profile.

“When it comes to Acai, pure and simple is the way to go. We are somewhat amazed by the number of acai supplements that blend Acai with other ingredients – this just decreases the amount of Acai you get in your supplement. Perfect Acai keeps things as pure and simple as possible – you get 100% freeze dried Acai berry and absolutely no other ingredients” states Bob Peters, Director of Communications for PowerSupplements. Com.

PowerSupplements. Com decision to name Perfect Acai the top Acai supplement of 2009 was based on a number of factors. Here are some of the key reasons Perfect Acai was picked as the top Acai supplement:

100% Freeze Dried Organic Acai (http://www. powersupplements. com/acai/acai-compare. html) Acai is frozen within 18 hours of being picked No Other Ingredients – just pure Acai (http://www. powersupplements. com/acai/) No fillers or flowing agents Vegetable Capsules - no gelatin - great for vegetarians. Pure Acai Capsules 100% Money Back Guarantee - return an empty bottle and receive a full refund No maltodextrin No sugar, animal products, yeast, wheat, gluten, artificial coloring or artificial flavoring

Peters states “Perfect Acai is the highest quality Acai we have found, in addition, the Perfect Acai is backed by a Consumer Bill of Rights which we think is absolutely necessary when buying Acai these days.”

Perfect Acai is backed by a Consumer Bill of Rights in order to ensure that consumers can have access to legitimate acai supplements, without having to worry about being autobilled or having to cancel any membership programs.

The Perfect Acai Consumer Bill of Rights guarantees:

You will never be auto billed for anything No free trial acai scams or membership programs No auto ship programs you need to opt out of You will receive 100% Organic Freeze Dried Acai You will never get Acai Seeds (inedible) in your supplement You always get pure Acai Berry – no other ingredients You have the right to a 100% Money Back Guarantee You have the right to talk to a customer service representative

Peters concludes, “The Perfect Acai brand really is the Perfect way to take Acai. Now Perfect Acai is available as a Acai powder (http://www. powersupplements. com/acai/acai-powder. html) or Acai capsules (http://www. powersupplements. com/acai/acai-research. html). A 100% Pure Acai product, a Consumer Bill of Rights… picking Perfect Acai as the top Acai product of 2009 was an easy choice.”

About Power Supplements, LLC:

Power Supplements, LLC does research regarding food, health, supplements and diet. PowerSupplements reviews clinical studies and research to locate supplements and foods that are proven to be effective with real science.


Bob Peters, Director of Communications

PowerSupplements, LLC



ANT+ Member, Digifit™, One of Four Finalists in CTIA Hot for the Holidays Contest

ANT+ Member, Digifit™, One of Four Finalists in CTIA Hot for the Holidays Contest

Digifit™ Ecosystem to be Showcased in Hot for the Holidays Booth at CTIA Enterprise and Applications in Mascone Center in San Francisco October 6 to 8, 2010. Digifit’s iSpinner™ Also Highlighted in Spinning® Booth at Interbike in Las Vegas Convention Center September 22 to 25, 2010.

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) September 22, 2010

ANT Wireless ("ANT" www. thisisant. com), a division of Dynastream Innovations Inc. and ANT+ member iTMP Technology (maker of Digifit) today announced that Digifit is a finalist for best app in the fitness category in CTIA’s “Hot for the Holidays” competition.

“Digifit is clearly an innovator in the mobile fitness and health computing space,” stated Rod Morris Director of ANT Wireless. “They were the first to market with our latest ANT AP2 radio and first to integrate heart rate monitoring on the iPhone. Their personal monitoring solution leverages ANT+ sensors to enable millions of iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users with a plug-and-play alternative for tracking fitness and health. It’s a seamless, end-to-end solution."

Digifit will feature live demos of their iSpinner™ app at Interbike, North America’s largest bicycle trade event, September 22-24 in the Spinning® booth (# 3446 (IB10)). The Digifit Ecosystem will also be showcased with other finalists at the Mascone Center in San Francisco, October 6-8 at the “Hot for the Holidays” booth at CTIA Enterprise and Applications. You can preview these innovative products and vote for your favorites at http://tinyurl. com/Hot-for-the-Holidays (http://tinyurl. com/Hot-for-the-Holidays), now through October 4th at 5:00pm pacific.

“Our Digifit Ecosystem is the most comprehensive mobile fitness and health tracking solution available on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad,” said Michael Williams, founder and CEO of iTMP Technology. “Because we chose ANT+, an open emerging digital standard, we integrate with dozens of ANT+ interoperable sensors including those offered by leading brands like Garmin, Adidas and Spinning.”

CTIA recently rebranded its fall show to CTIA Enterprise & Applications.™ Building on the success of the show’s fifteen year legacy, the event will demonstrate the increasing benefits of wireless data in enterprise and the expanding market for applications and content.

Details from the CTIA website:

“We received hundreds of entries in 10 categories and we invite you to go through this website, view these innovative products and VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES! You may even get some great gift ideas for this holiday season! As you review the many entries, please mark the products that are your favorite, your ‘vote’ will determine the winner of the "CTIA Hottest Web Pick 2010" award.”

VOTING ENDS ON: Monday, October 4, 5:00 PM pacific time.”

All winners will be announced at the CTIA 2010 Hot for the Holidays Awards Ceremony at the CTIA ENTERPRISE & APPLICATIONS™ 2010 show.”

Hot for the Holidays Awards Ceremony

Thursday, October 7, 2010 @ 2:00 PM

Innovations Stage Moscone West Convention Center - 2nd Level Lobby.”

IPhone and iPod touch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

About ANT / ANT+ (www. thisisant. com) ANT is a proven protocol and silicon solution for ultra-low power (ULP) practical wireless networking applications. ANT+ facilitates interoperability between ANT+ Alliance member devices and the collection, automatic transfer and tracking of sensor data. Applicable in sport, wellness management and home health monitoring, ANT+ (built on the base ANT protocol) defines device profiles that specify data formats, channel parameters and network key. The ANT+ Alliance is an open special interest group of companies who have adopted the ANT+ promise of interoperability. The Alliance ensures standardized communications through optimized brand value and partnerships with other top tier products. The company behind ANT Wireless is Dynastream Innovations Inc. Dynastream was established in 1998 and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Garmin International Inc. in December 2006. Dynastream is based in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada, and is a world innovator in the research and development of inertial and wireless technology. www. dynastream. com

Over 295 leading brands, manufacturers and developers now participate in the established ANT+ interoperable ecosystem and contribute many million products to the market. Recognized as the leading digital standard in ultra low power wireless communication, ANT+ ensures efficient, seamless and practical functionality while requiring very little battery life.

ANT is available on Nordic Semiconductor products (the AP1 and AP2 family). A family of network node products will be available from Texas Instruments starting 2Q 2010. All ANT parts support ANT+. Native ANT support is now available on mobile platforms with Texas Instruments’ WiLink™ multi protocol chip.

About iTMP Technology, Inc. (www. digifit. com) iTMP Technology, Inc. was founded in Santa Barbara, California, to revolutionize fitness and health tracking and computing. Our mission is to empower our customers to get and stay healthy by offering a totally simple and completely automatic way to track and share relevant fitness and health data. Our patent pending Digifit Ecosystem, the most comprehensive mobile fitness and health solution available on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, provides our customers with a Dashboard for Healthy Living℠.

About CTIA Shows CTIA shows bring together all industries advanced by wireless technology for intense business, learning and networking. CTIA ENTERPRISE & APPLICATIONS™ 2010 takes place in San Francisco, October 6-8. International CTIA WIRELESS® 2011 takes place at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, March 22-24. Visit http://www. ctiashow. com/ (http://www. ctiashow. com/).

CTIA–The Wireless Association® is an international organization representing the wireless communications industry. Membership in the association includes wireless carriers and their suppliers, as well as providers and manufacturers of wireless data services and products. CTIA advocates on behalf of its members at all levels of government. The association also coordinates the industry’s voluntary best practices and initiatives, and produces the industry’s leading tradeshows. CTIA was founded in 1984 and is based in Washington, D. C. Visit http://www. ctia. org/ (http://www. ctia. org/).


Ever-Evolving truth® Campaign Celebrates Tenth Year of Saving Lives

Ever-Evolving truth® Campaign Celebrates Tenth Year of Saving Lives

2010 marks the ten-year anniversary of the country’s most successful youth smoking prevention campaign -- truth®. In the past decade, the truth® campaign has kept hundreds of thousands of teens from smoking, protecting them from years of addiction and tobacco-related disease and saving countless lives.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) April 8, 2010

2010 marks the ten-year anniversary of the country’s most successful youth smoking prevention campaign -- truth®. In the past decade, the truth® campaign has kept hundreds of thousands of teens from smoking, protecting them from years of addiction and tobacco-related disease and saving countless lives.

The campaign is directed and funded by Legacy, a national public health foundation with the dual mission of keeping young people from smoking and helping all smokers quit. Over the past decade, the campaign has:

Seen a growing body of research illustrate the efficacy of the campaign in saving lives by keeping teens from starting to smoke. Research published in the April 2009 issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that truth® is responsible for keeping 450,000 teens from starting to smoke between 2000-2004. A second study published in that same journal in April 2009 found that the campaign not only paid for itself in its first two years, but also saved between $1.9 and $5.4 billion in medical care costs to society.

Become a summer concert institution through a grassroots tour. Traveling with the VANS Warped Tour for ten summers, truth® brand ambassadors have connected personally with more than five million teens with anti-tobacco messages.

Successfully prevailed in the court of law after a nearly six-year lawsuit with a tobacco company regarding the content of select truth® advertisements.

Produced groundbreaking and highly-lauded advertising, winning more than 400 awards, including Emmys, ADDYs, Clios and a Grand Effie. ”Looking back over the accomplishments of the truth® campaign in the last decade reveals a host of milestones in the fight for a healthier America, by reducing the impact of tobacco on our teens,” said Cheryl G. Healton, DrPH, President and CEO of Legacy. “truth® has become an iconic part of teen popular culture by not compromising on the idea that teens appreciate being asked to make their own, informed decisions and not being told what to do. Of course, the way in which truth® presents information has been, and will continue to be provocative because that is what teens most at risk of smoking respond to best.”

The campaign was born out of the November 1998 Master Settlement Agreement between three of the largest tobacco companies, and 46 states and five U. S territories. Funds from the MSA were directed to create a national public health organization devoted to helping adults who want to quit and keeping teens from starting. Foundation leaders, partners and an expert panel funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked to the latest social science, marketing and public health research - along with the State of Florida’s successful truth® youth smoking campaign -- to expand the truth® campaign and bring it to a national audience.

“With truth®, we knew that preaching to kids about not smoking wouldn’t work,” said Pete Favat, Chief Creative Officer at Arnold Worldwide, Legacy’s advertising partner. “So we wanted to do something different. We set out to harness teenage rebellion and make an intangible thing like ‘anti-smoking’ into a tangible brand. To have youth communicate to other youth about the real, unfiltered facts involving cigarettes and the manipulative tobacco industry. Then kids could make up their own minds about smoking. It’s been a lot of work and a great partnership over the years and it’s been exciting to see how the campaign has evolved. But most importantly we’re so proud of the way truth® has been able to impact teenager’s lives in such a positive and meaningful way.”

Truth® is the largest national youth smoking prevention campaign and the only national campaign not directed by the tobacco industry. The campaign exposes the tactics of the tobacco industry, the truth about addiction, and the health effects and social consequences of smoking - allowing teens to make informed choices about tobacco use by giving them the facts about the industry and its products. It is designed to engage teens by exposing Big Tobacco’s marketing and manufacturing practices, as well as highlighting the toll of tobacco in relevant and innovative ways.

Truth® remains a multi-channel, constantly evolving campaign. From its beginnings in iconic television ads, the campaign has also included radio, print and cinema advertising. Over the decade, the campaign has had an increasingly comprehensive online presence, and an experiential presence via a popular summer tour. All efforts are focused directly to teens that are most likely to smoke and need information most.

In its ten years, truth® has had 3 distinct phases, as the campaign’s audience has “migrated”, and outreach efforts reflect that:

traditional advertising: TV spots, truth® ads in print publications popular with teens, and radio. traditional advertising to online: In response, the campaign boosted its interactive presence, built social networking profiles, and continues to grow and build a robust Web site with polls, games, interactive activities, video, etc online to experiential – Responding to an audience that is creating its own content and looking for further engagement with brands and campaigns, the truth® tour will take on an even more central role in the years to come, and the truth® “experience” will be enhanced further through engaging content and integrations. While campaign funds have been in decline since 2003, Legacy has evolved the campaign to extend the truth® message in even more efficient and cost-effective ways. Partnerships with like-minded brands, such as MTV, Virgin Mobile, fuse and fuel extended the campaign’s reach and provided value-added opportunities. Grant funding from such partners as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allowed the campaign to grow its presence in many smaller and rural communities throughout the nation. In addition, campaign managers constantly assess the media channels used by the campaign and its creative approach to make sure truth® continues to hit teens with relevant messages in relevant mediums.

While ten years ago much of truth®’s efforts were focused around traditional advertising, with iconic TV spots like Body Bags putting truth® on the map and highly-visible with teens, significant changes in media tools and consumption with the teen audience over the last decade has driven routine shifts in strategy to embrace other marketing tools. To meet these challenges, truth® continues to look beyond traditional means and the 30-second spot.

“With the campaign now facing a funding cliff and the tobacco industry spending approximately $34 million per day on marketing, truth® will continue to work hard to reach teens and help them make informed decisions about tobacco use,” said Dr. Benjamin Chu, chairman of the Legacy Board of Directors. “As we enter the next decade, the landscape around youth marketing continues to shift, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Digital media will continue to be the driving force for engagement with teens, message distribution, and for fundraising with audiences beyond the core audience. The truth® campaign has recognized these trends and will continue to embrace new methods of youth engagement."

To learn more about highlights from the last ten years of truth®, please visit: http://www. legacyforhealth. org/truthnews. aspx (http://www. legacyforhealth. org/truthnews. aspx).

To learn more about truth visit http://www. thetruth. com (http://www. thetruth. com) and http://www. youtube. com/truthorange (http://www. youtube. com/truthorange).

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AP9 Todays Escapes Plays Cupid -- Offers Advice on Romantic Valentine's Day Getaways

AP9 Todays Escapes Plays Cupid -- Offers Advice on Romantic Valentine's Day Getaways

AP9 TodaysEscapes helps put your heart in the right place.

Norwalk, CN (PRWEB) January 15, 2007

For all the passionate souls out there, help is on the way. AP9 TodaysEscapes (http://www. todaysescapes-program. com/), a premier travel and entertainment savings program offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC, gives its members valuable tips for making this coming Valentine's Day a special one.

February 14 is fast approaching, but there's still time to plan a romantic getaway. With the following tips from AP9 Todays Escapes (http://www. todaysescapes. com/) as food for thought, it's not too late to surprise your significant other with a romantic getaway plan that would make even ol' Cupid himself green with envy:

-- Voice those romantic intentions. To start the plan off on the right note, be sure to make it clear to any travel agent, hotel employee or innkeeper that everything needs to be perfect! Let them know that the plans being made call for nothing short of the royal treatment -- a special room, a great view and maybe even a bottle of that special person's favorite beverage of choice.

-- Location, location, location -- get specific when arranging the room. All that good romantic energy won't amount to much if you end up with a view of the hotel parking lot! When arranging for the room, be specific. Ask guest services which rooms are considered "especially romantic" (e. g., a nice view, very private), and at the very least, reserve a room on the second floor or above. This way, the windows can be left open, and there will be some element of privacy.

-- Pack with passion in mind. Even the most passionate among us can benefit from having some romantic extras on hand -- perhaps some slinky clothing (e. g., lingerie or silk boxer shorts), chocolates or bubble bath should find its way into the suitcase. Other Valentine's Day special touches might include flowers, some appropriate romantic music and even candles for a little

Old-fashioned mood lighting.

-- Don't settle for anything less than the best. Considering all the planning and plotting that goes into a romantic getaway, make sure the accommodations are up to snuff. If they're not, ask the manager to fix the problem -- pronto. Advanced notice for special requests/VIP treatment should be, and usually are, honored.

AP9 TodaysEscapes notes that Valentine's Day is really something of a multi-purpose holiday -- calling for romantic acts based on everything from love to lust, even to acts of forgiveness and second chances. Whatever romantic circumstances may apply, now is a good time to start planning a getaway for that special someone. It's all possible with an ardent heart and a little help from AP9 Todays Escapes.

About AP9 Todays Escapes

AP9 TodaysEscapes (http://www. todaysescapes-program. com/TodaysEscapes_ResourceCenter. html) is a leading membership discount program offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC (http://www. adaptivemarketing. com/). Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., Adaptive Marketing is a category leader in both membership and loyalty programs, bringing value direct to consumers through an array of benefits in healthcare, discounts, security, personal property and personals. Members may access their benefits at TodaysEscapes. com (http://www. todaysescapes. com/). With broad online and offline distribution capabilities, Adaptive Marketing offers its corporate client partners effective tools to enhance market presence, strengthen customer affinity and generate additional value through programs such as AP9 TodaysEscapes.


First Dates...The Top 10 List

First Dates...The Top 10 List

According to ItÂ’s Just Lunch, the premier dating service for busy professionals, with over 80 locations worldwide, these are the top ten must knows for first dates based on a survey on 7,814 singles.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) August 20, 2005

According to ItÂ’s Just Lunch, the premier dating service for busy professionals, with over 80 locations worldwide, these are the top ten must knows for first dates based on a survey on 7,814 singles.

1. If youÂ’re a picky eaterÂ…order something you know youÂ’ll like. Sending back food or modifying something is obnoxious.

2. Talking about how great you are is superÂ…for a job interview. Ask questions, but stay away from salary, weight and exÂ’s.

3. Be kind to your waiter or waitress. Be generous and add at least a 20% tip.

4. Chewing gum may be great for fresh breath—but the smacking will pop the flow of any good conversation, so donÂ’t blow it. Have a Tic Tac instead.

5. Create a business card just for your social life—itÂ’s a great way to express your creativity without giving out all of your professional information.

6. Most definitely turn your cell phone ringer off. They came to talk to you, not to listen to you talk to someone else.

7. Ailments and current health issues should be saved for a later date.

8. Everyone seems so busy these days, but be careful. You may seem so busy that the other person thinks you have no time for a relationship.

9. Leave work at work.

10. Actually be a good listener. If youÂ’re doing all the talking, youÂ’re not on a date; youÂ’re on stage giving a speech.

About ItÂ’s Just Lunch

Since It’s Just Lunch was founded in 1991, the company has arranged millions of fun, first date lunches or drinks after work—an atmosphere where singles can feel comfortable with the process of meeting a new person. With over 80 locations worldwide, each day IJL arranges hundreds of fun, first dates over lunch or drinks after work at over 1,100 restaurants. With many introductions leading to second dates, It’s Just Lunch is the world’s leading first date authority.

The U. S. dating industry is estimated at nearly $1.5 billion, and growing at 25% annually, with 110 million single adults in the United States alone.

For additional information, log on to www. itsjustlunch. com

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Kids Create Own Healthy Recipes to Win National Contest

Kids Create Own Healthy Recipes to Win National Contest

Healthy Kids Challenge and Del Monte announce winners of their national recipe contest, Stirring Up Health. Over 2,000 middle school students developed their own healthier recipes. The contest is representative of the First Lady's challenge to develop simple solutions to combat childhood obesity.

Wichita, KS (Vocus) April 22, 2010

Healthy Kids Challenge, a leading non-profit educating families to eat, move and enjoy a healthier balanced lifestyle, has announced the winners of their 8th annual Stirring Up Health national recipe contest that started last fall at the beginning of the new school year.

Almost 2,000 middle school students from across the country participated in creating or modifying existing recipes using healthy ingredients from the contest sponsor, Del Monte. Students were asked to incorporate Del Monte canned fruits, vegetables or tomato products as a primary ingredient.

The five winners included middle school classroom teams from New Jersey and Hawaii, as well as individual contestant winners from Hawaii, Ohio and Oregon.

Dietitian and director of Healthy Kids Challenge, Vickie L. James, R. D., L. D. exclaimed, “Our recipe contest is a perfect example of what Michelle Obama is calling for to end childhood obesity through fun, real world solutions to help change habits for a lifetime. Healthy Kids Challenge is excited to be answering the First Lady’s call to help America’s kids!”

Each of the winners will receive a presentation at their school from a Johnson & Wales University culinary chef who will prepare the winning recipes with assistance from the students. The presentations inspire kids to take the Healthy Kids Challenge’s “eat, move and enjoy healthy balance” message and make it a daily reality.

“The Stirring Up Health recipe contest was a good learning experience,” said Jennifer Klaus, a family and consumer science teacher from Ontario Middle School in Ontario, Ohio. I made the recipe contest part of a class assignment.” Her student, 7th grader, Hannah Beh, was one of the five selected national winners.

Sarah Ludmer, RD, LD, Senior Nutritionist for Del Monte Foods said, “Getting kids involved in the kitchen provides an opportunity for families to spend more time together. It can also get kids interested in learning about and trying new fruits and vegetables. The Stirring Up Health recipe contest is one more way that Del Monte is delivering against its mission of nourishing families and enriching lives every day.”

The winners and their recipes are Hannah M. Beh from Ontario Middle School, Ontario, Ohio with Healthy Breakfast Pita Pockets; Matt R. Bernards from Yamhill-Carlton Intermediate School, Yamhill, Oregon with a Fruity Quinoa Salad; Christine Kim, Alexandra Scarangella and Shannon Herbert from Charles Dewolf Middle School, Old Tappan, New Jersey for Fruity Snowballs; Conrad “Kaleo” Salazar for Spinach Spin-Wheels and Joshua & Micah Davis for the Healthy Kid’s Cocktail Cubes, all from Pahoa High & Intermediate School, Pahoa, Hawaii.

“Having basic cooking skills with a focus on health can provide an indelible skill that leads to lifelong healthier habits and a lot of fun,” said James. “If kids learn confidence in the kitchen, and can enjoy being active and choosing healthy foods from an early age, they are much more likely to continue such practices in adulthood.”

Full recipes can be found on the Healthy Kids Challenge Website, www. healthykidchallenge. com.

About Del Monte Foods

Del Monte Foods is one of the country's largest and most well-known producers, distributors and marketers of premium quality, branded food and pet products for the U. S. retail market, generating approximately $3.6 billion in net sales in fiscal 2009. With a powerful portfolio of brands including Del Monte®, S&W®, Contadina®, College Inn®, Meow Mix®, Kibbles 'n Bits®, 9Lives®, Milk-Bone®, Pup-Peroni®, Meaty Bone®, Snausages® and Pounce®, Del Monte products are found in eight out of ten U. S. households. The Company also produces, distributes and markets private label food and pet products. For more information on Del Monte Foods Company (NYSE: DLM) visit the Company’s website at www. delmonte. com.

Del Monte. Nourishing Families. Enriching Lives. Every Day.

About Healthy Kids Challenge

Healthy Kids Challenge (HKC), a nationally recognized nonprofit, helps school, community, business, and health leaders take action for kids to eat, move, and enjoy a healthy balance. Created by registered dietitians, Healthy Kids Challenge offers solutions through workshops, events, toolkits, a website, newsletters and programming. Six healthy eating and active play practices make teaching and learning simple and fun.


Gerald M. Levin Elected Chairman of OasisTV

Gerald M. Levin Elected Chairman of OasisTV

Former Time Warner Chairman/CEO Sees Opportunities for Programmer in TV Revolution. Oasis TV, a low cost video content producer and aggregator with multiple revenue streams in a space that’s currently the fastest growing consumer category, names industry veteran Gerald "Jerry" Levin Chairman. His term starts on the close of series A-1 funding. Until that time, he will function as Chairman-elect in a senior advisory role.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 9, 2010

Oasis TV, the country’s premier multi-platform Body-Mind-Spirit content provider, today announced that Gerald M. Levin has come on board as Senior Advisor to the company.

As Senior Advisor, Levin is helping guide the company’s capitalization and strategy, and moves into his full chairmanship role upon closing of its series A-1 funding.

“Oasis TV is poised to benefit tremendously by the new collaborative alchemy Jerry brings to the company,” said Oasis TV Founder and President/CEO Robert Schnitzer.

Prior to joining Oasis TV, Levin served from 1992 through 2002 as Chairman/CEO of the media conglomerate Time Warner. Starting in 1972, Levin pioneered the creation of HBO and helped develop the modern cable industry.

“I look forward to supporting the management and its goal to grow the company into the leading Body-Mind-Spirit programming service in the world,” Levin said, adding “It’s also about a lifestyle I personally believe in.”

Oasis TV’s current library contains more than 500 hours of original and acquired programming. Content categories include Personal Growth, Spirituality, Natural Health, Current Affairs, Earth & Environment and Love, Sex & Relationships.

“Our investors are delighted Jerry is as comfortable and enthusiastic about a nimble, boutique venture like us as he was with Fortune 100 companies,” said Schnitzer.

In addition to his new role at Oasis TV, Levin currently is the Presiding Director of Moonview Sanctuary, a holistic mental health institute in Santa Monica, California, and a partner in Connectivity, a consultancy devoted to helping entrepreneurs and start-ups.

About Gerald Levin

Gerald (Jerry) Levin is the former CEO of Time Warner Inc. He was the prime mover in the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications in 1990, Time Warner’s merger with Turner Broadcasting and CNN in 1996, and with AOL in 2001. He also served as a Director of the New York Stock Exchange and the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Previously, Levin was an attorney with Simpson Thacher and Bartlett, and then COO of D&R, an international investment and management firm.

Levin graduated from Haverford College, where he eventually served as Chairman of the Board, and received a legal degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a Trustee Emeritus of Hampshire College.

Currently, Levin is the Presiding Director of Moonview Sanctuary, a holistic mental health institute in Santa Monica, California, founded by his wife, Dr. Laurie Ann Levin. He is a partner with Bill West in Connectivity, a consultancy devoted to helping entrepreneurs and start-ups. He is also on the Board and an investor in Organized Wisdom.

About Oasis TV

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Oasis TV is a boutique TV network owned and operated by OTV Media Group, Inc. Currently available on demand in 9.9 million cable and satellite households nationwide, Oasis TV is the premier multi-platform Body Mind Spirit programming service. Content categories include Personal Growth, Spirituality, Natural Health, Current Affairs, Earth & Environment and Love, Sex & Relationships. Its smart TV widgets are bringing Oasis TV content to Sony, LG, Samsung and Vizio TVs, and smart mobile apps to the iPhone, Droid, BlackBerry and iPad in Q4 of 2010. Oasis TV is launching a companion linear channel in Q2 of 2011.

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Eden Home Celebrates Valentine's Day with Free Shipping

Eden Home Celebrates Valentine's Day with Free Shipping

Stylish Online Organic Emporium Offers Free Shipping on Orders Over $75 Through February 14th

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) February 6, 2009

Eden Home, the destination for naturally stylish goods, is sweetening Valentine's Day shopping by offering free shipping on orders over $75.

Eden Home, an online destination boutique for organic and sustainably produced items, is dedicated to finding the purest and most stylish products available. The health of individuals and the community as a whole is important to Eden Home, so all products are produced with the purest ingredients and materials under Fair Trade guidelines.

"Eden Home is the perfect resource to find unique gifts that are natural and pure. They tell your loved ones that you truly care about their well-being," said Rachael Sparwasser, co-founder of Eden Home. "Eden Home's free shipping offer is our Valentine's Day gift to our customers to tell them how much we appreciate them."

At Eden Home, you'll find a range of gifts sure to please:

•Tea for two: You'll love our tea strainer (http://www. edenhome. com/Heart-Tea-Strainer-P240.aspx) for the perfect pot of tea with charming heart-shaped rest hand cast in lead-free pewter.

•Oh baby: Nothing is better for snuggling than an organic cotton heart onesie (http://www. edenhome. com/Organic-Cotton-Heart-Baby-OnesieToddler-Tee-P343.aspx) that will surround your little one with softness.

•Blissful bathing: Soak away stress and celebrate relaxation with Aromafloria Geranium & Cedarwood Certified Organic Mineral Bath Salt (http://www. edenhome. com/Aromafloria-Geranium-Cedarwood-Certified-Organic-Mineral-Bath-Salt-P438.aspx).

•Faithful friend: Don't forget your four-legged Valentine - treat your furry friend to Real Brooklyn Pizza Organic Dog Biscuits (http://www. edenhome. com/Sale-Real-Brooklyn-Pizza-Organic-Dog-Biscuits-Lets-Go-For-a-Walk-Tin-P480.aspx) - organic and veterinarian approved.

Eden Home provides customers with peace of mind as its "Leaf of Approval" seal ensures that products are carefully selected to be organic or all natural in processing from start to finish. Visit www. EdenHome. com to find the perfect Valentine's Day gifts for your loved ones.

About Eden Home

Eden Home, the destination for naturally stylish goods, offers the most comprehensive selection of organic products for the home, women and children. Eden Home's healthy choices range from organic clothes for baby to luxurious organic bed and bath linens; and from natural cookware to organic skincare. If it's organic and stylish, you'll find it at Eden Home. Our customers can rest assured that we monitor the organic quality of our products to ensure that the entire process to create them is pure from start to finish. Eden Home…naturally stylish.

To learn more about Eden Home, please visit www. EdenHome. com.

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HP iPAQ Pocket PC, T-Mobile, Runs Visual CE Software

HP iPAQ Pocket PC, T-Mobile, Runs Visual CE Software

HP iPAQ h6315 Pocket PC-- With Service from T-Mobile-- Runs Award-Winning SYWARE Visual CE Software

CAMBRIDGE, MA (PRWEB) May 19, 2005

SYWARE, Inc., announced Hewlett-Packard iPAQ h6315 users can enjoy the benefits of running SYWARE’s Visual CE software on their Pocket PCs. SYWARE empowers mobile users to collect data and create feature-rich database applications that can be deployed on any Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Windows CE device— wherever they need to work. SYWARE allows users in a wide variety of market sectors to mobilize business information between the enterprise and the field to rapidly convert PC or paper-based processes into fully mobile applications that can be deployed on any Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Windows CE device. Business or user-specific data can be downloaded, collected, displayed, modified and automatically synchronized. SYWARE enables users to create feature-rich, easy-to-use database applications without programming.

SYWARE solutions enable users to build applications, on desktops or handhelds, 10x faster than other market alternatives.

“HP’s iPAQ h6315—with service from T-Mobile, coupled with SYWARE’s Visual CE software, provides the market with a powerful solution for users to mobilize information between the enterprise and the field on any Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Windows CE device,” said Sy Danberg, President, SYWARE, Inc.

SYWARE previously announced a diverse, international panel of industry experts awarded SYWARE Pocket PC magazine’s “Best Software Award 2004” in the database category for the company’s Visual CE product. The annual Pocket PC magazine Best Software Awards help users select software that best suits their Windows Mobile Pocket PC needs by honoring companies that produce outstanding software. To try, buy or learn more about Visual CE, visit http://www. syware. com/lp/visualce (http://www. syware. com/lp/visualce)

About SYWARE, Inc.

SYWARE empowers mobile users to collect data and create feature-rich database applications that can be deployed on any Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Windows CE device— wherever they need to work. Industry or user-specific data can be downloaded, collected, displayed, modified and synchronized, without programming. SYWARE provides low cost of ownership, rapid deployment and return-on-investment without requiring users to expand IT departments to manage software and data between desktops and servers to devices. SYWARE removes obstacles to commerce and enables users to share data seamlessly over wireless, LAN, WAN or Internet connections in a wide variety of market sectors, including municipalities, healthcare, transportation, government, life sciences, financial services, manufacturing, automotive, energy, aerospace and other markets.

The cornerstone of SYWARE’s product line is Visual CE®, the award-winning database and forms development tool for Windows Mobile and Windows CE handhelds. A diverse, international panel of industry experts awarded SYWARE Pocket PC magazine’s “Best Software Award 2004” in the database category, as Visual CE is used by small-to-medium-sized businesses around the world— and trusted by FedEx (NYSE: FDX), ChevronTexaco Corp. (NYSE: CVX), Cargill, Inc., Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO), General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) and the U. S. Geological Survey. SYWARE is also the creator of mEnable®, a flexible software architecture for real-time wireless access to enterprise data located on corporate servers, and FoneDB®, the first database software for Microsoft Smartphone devices.

For media inquiries, contact Joe Romano, Partner, HighGround, Inc. at 781-279-1320 x 208 or jromano@highgroundinc. com. For sales inquiries, visit www. syware. com or contact Frank Yacano, Director of Business Development, SYWARE, Inc. at frank@syware. com or 617-497-1375.

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BlueBridge Networks Responds to the Red Cross Appeal to Provide Blood To Local Hospitals

BlueBridge Networks Responds to the Red Cross Appeal to Provide Blood To Local Hospitals

BlueBridge Networks, LLC has responded to the American Red Cross, Northern Ohio Region Blood Services appeal during the present blood shortage.

Cleveland, OH (PRWEB) August 30, 2006

BlueBridge Networks, LLC has responded to the American Red Cross, Northern Ohio Region Blood Services appeal during the present blood shortage. Mr. Adelman, CEO of BlueBridge said, "We are opening our doors to the Red Cross to carry out their critical mission on August 31st, 2006 from 9 a. m.-2 p. m." He further stated, "We have a moral responsibility to think of others in need at this time; the shortage is real and we can all do our part to bridge the gap."

Local hospitals are not presently receiving needed blood on a timely basis because the northern Ohio Red Cross inventory cannot support the requests. At this time there are orders for about 250 pints of blood that cannot be provided until supplies are replenished by blood donors. Some recent days have begun with only a two-hour supply of type O positive blood, less than a half-day supply of type A negative and less than a day of type O negative. Platelets, a component of blood used to help cancer patients, for example, are also at critically low levels.

Some hospitals are considering canceling scheduled surgeries if the needed blood cannot be supplied soon. Because the need for blood is increasing faster than the number of people donating it, northeast Ohioans are urged to donate blood as soon as possible.

A plea is being made to those who have never donated blood before to please try to donate now. To donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in general good health.

According to Douglas E. Mekinda, Donor Recruitment Representative, "Potential donors can call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE, or go to www. redcrossdonor. org to find a location in their area of work or home in order to donate blood." He continued, "Those who donate Blood up to September 4, 2006 are eligible for a chance to win (one of) six $500 gas cards or the grand prize, a two year lease on a 2007 Dodge Dakota 4x2 Club Cab St From Norris Mega Mall of Lodi, compliments of Jeff & Gary - The Mega car Guys (please visit www. RedCrossDonor. org for rules)."

American Red Cross Mission

The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.

American Red Cross Biomedical Services Mission

American Red Cross Biomedical Services will fulfill the need of the American people for the safest, most reliable, most cost-effective blood services through voluntary donations.

American Red Cross Values

Our values provide the foundation for the way we behave and the standards to which we hold ourselves. According to volunteers and employees throughout the country, the central values, which are shared universally throughout the American Red Cross, are:

Accountability Collaboration Commitment Results Trustworthiness Humanitarianism

About BlueBridge Networks

BlueBridge Networks is a leader in business continuity, disaster avoidance and recovery. BlueBridge specializes in securing clients' critical data and IT assets, ensuring that these functions and data remain available before, during and after a disaster. Utilizing unique data centers, BlueBridge eliminates downtime by providing a safe haven for IT systems necessary to keep any company in business.

BlueBridge Networks services include:

BlueHost®: Secure Data Center Hosting BluePipe®: Dedicated Internet & Network Access BlueSecure®: Managed Network Security BlueVault®: Managed Storage Solutions

BlueBridge Networks, LLC, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and owns and operates a number of Internet data centers in Ohio. For more information visit its website at http://www. bluebridgenetworks. com (http://www. bluebridgenetworks. com), or contact Media Relations at (216) 621-2583, ext. 2221.

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New Early HIV Testing Clinic Home Service Launched Across the UK by Freedomhealth, London, UK

New Early HIV Testing Clinic Home Service Launched Across the UK by Freedomhealth, London, UK

Early HIV testing is readily available in London UK but availability is limited or patchy through the rest of the UK. A new early HIV testing clinic Home Visit Service is now available across the UK provided via clinicians at London’s Private HIV and Sexual Health Clinic, Freedomhealth. A full range of state of the art very early HIV blood testing including the HIV DUO test and HIV 1 and 2 RNA PCR test is offered. Freedomhealth continues to offer a comprehensive, dedicated expert early HIV test and treatment service at its London Clinic.

(PRWeb UK) August 5, 2010

Early HIV testing is readily available in London (http://www. freedomhealth. co. uk/sexual-health/hiv-test-hiv-testing-london/125/) UK but availability is limited or patchy through the rest of the UK. A new early HIV testing clinic Home Visit Service is now available across the UK provided via clinicians at London’s Private HIV and Sexual Health Clinic (http://www. freedomhealth. co. uk/sexual-health/private-gum-std-sti-hiv-testing-harley-street-clinic-london/128/), Freedomhealth. A full range of state of the art very early HIV blood testing including the HIV DUO test and HIV 1 and 2 RNA PCR test is offered. Freedomhealth continues to offer a comprehensive, dedicated expert early HIV test and treatment service at its London Clinic.

The HIV testing emphasis in the UK has been passive to date with HIV testing facilities offering antibody testing at a three month interval to the majority of patients who request HIV tests. The arrival of new testing modalities such as the HIV 1 and 2 RNA PCR test and also new logistical approaches to HIV blood sample collection means that Freedomhealth has a truly UK – wide national reach with dedicated, experienced phlebotomists providing a bespoke blood sampling service.

Dr Sean Cummings commented “ This new early HIV testing service with blood sampling in the privacy of a patients home is a further very important step towards making early HIV testing a universal possibility in the UK. Home HIV testing represents a further part of the Freedomhealth continual Sexual Health development strategy”

Lack of privacy, difficulty with appointment times, unhelpful GUM clinic staff, lack of availability or knowledge of the most modern HIV tests make take up rates for HIV testing amongst groups most at risk relatively poor.

How does the early HIV Testing Home Visit Service Work?

Freedomhealth is renowned for its innovative approach in the HIV and STD testing arena. The new service entails a patient making a telephone consultation (http://www. freedomhealth. co. uk/medical-services/telephone-appointments-talk-to-a-doctor/77/) with one of our expert, friendly and extremely knowledgeable doctors. This appointment is charged at our standard telephone consultation rate. Full details of the possible HIV exposure or risk event are taken and discussed and the doctor will provide a detailed risk assessment. During the telephone consultation the doctor and patient will agree a strategy to go forward with.

Blood testing for HIV and other blood borne viruses is well established to be far superior to oral testing. Oral testing kits are not licensed for use in the EU because the total test process does not meet CE requirements. They are not indicated for HIV diagnosis in the UK or EU.

Smart well-trained and fully insured phlebotomy services.

The agreed strategy between Freedomhealth and the patient may involve testing using a number or even combination of different HIV and STD tests (http://www. freedomhealth. co. uk/sexual-health/private-gum-std-sti-hiv-testing-harley-street-clinic-london/128/). Blood testing is commonly required and we will arrange for a specialist phlebotomist to attend the patients preferred address at home, office, hotel or airport all over the UK. The phlebotomists are specialists in taking blood samples and are hand selected for their caring, customer centred approach. All phlebotomists are extensively trained, fully insured, fully conversant with infection control and risk minimization procedures and attend by appointment in smart casual attire.

Early testing for HIV infections (http://www. freedomhealth. co. uk/sexual-health/hiv-test-hiv-testing-london/125/) will allow for reduction of onward transmission of HIV by more than 50%. Plasma HIV RNA PCR testing allows for very early identification of new HIV infection well before HIV antibody tests may become positive. Typically after new HIV infection, antibodies will take 2 to 6 weeks to form and become detectable. The detection of antibodies will vary depending on the individual patient’s immune system but also on the quality of the HIV test and which generation HIV test is used. Modern third generation HIV tests will correctly identify greater than 99% of newly acquired HIV infection by 6 weeks post exposure. By contrast, the HIV 1 and 2 RNA PCR test will correctly identify greater than 99% of new infections at 7 days after exposure.

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DUNMORE's Bristol, PA Facility Receives OSHA's VPP Star Certification

DUNMORE's Bristol, PA Facility Receives OSHA's VPP Star Certification

DUNMORE Corporation celebrates receiving the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star Certification for its Bristol PA film manufacturing facility, demonstrating its commitment to health and safety in the workplace.

Bristol, PA (PRWEB) April 21, 2010

DUNMORE Corporation received the U. S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star certification for superior workplace safety earlier this year. There are less than 2000 VPP Star certified sites in the United States equating to less than one percent of worksites in the country. DUNMORE celebrated the achievement during a small ceremony on April 20, 2010 at DUNMORE’s headquarters and film contract manufacturing (http://www. dunmore. com/services/contract-manufacturing. html) location in Bristol, PA. The company has been continuously improving its Safety and Health programs during its entire 40 year history. This achievement marks the latest milestone in the continuing effort to ensure that DUNMORE produces top performing products with safety as the first consideration.

OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) promotes effective worksite safety and health. In the VPP, management, labor, and OSHA establish cooperative relationships at workplaces that have implemented a comprehensive safety and health management system. VPP Star certification indicates that DUNMORE’s Bristol PA facility meets or exceeds VPP criteria for safety and health programs (http://www. dunmore. com/osha-vpp. html).

“We feel it is critical to get everyone at DUNMORE actively involved in safety at the workplace,” commented Brian Malnati, Environmental, Health & Safety Manager at DUNMORE Corporation. Joe Helms, a long term manufacturing team member who has recently assumed the chairmanship of the company’s VPP Steering Committee, said “The organization fully embraces the safety-focused culture that VPP requires. DUNMORE’s VPP Star status doesn’t end in a celebration but begins with one.”

“DUNMORE has pursued this certification to enhance the framework to drive future improvement in our already strong Health and Safety systems,” said Tom Rimel, Vice-President, Operations & Development at DUNMORE Corporation. “Safety and associate well-being is a core value of the company, and we believe that no activity of our business is as important as associate safety.”

DUNMORE has already begun work to seek this certification for its Brewster, NY facility in the upcoming year.


DUNMORE Corporation is one of the world’s top engineered and laminated film companies. DUNMORE produces coated film (http://www. dunmore. com/products/coated-films. html), metallized film (http://www. dunmore. com/products/metallized-films. html) and laminating film substrates (http://www. dunmore. com/products/plastic-metal-wood. html) for the photovoltaic, graphic arts, packaging, aerospace, insulation, surfacing and fashion industries. DUNMORE offers film conversion services such as coating, metallizing and laminating along with contract film manufacturing. DUNMORE is privately held and ISO 9001-2000 registered. For complete information on DUNMORE’s products, services and industries served, please visit DUNMORE’s website http://www. dummore. com/ (http://www. dummore. com/)].


Universal Background Screening Announces USA CriminalSearch™ Products

Universal Background Screening Announces USA CriminalSearch™ Products

Universal Background Screening today announced the availability of USACriminalSearch Plus, the next generation of multi-source database available for employment screening purposes – including criminal, sex offender and national security sources. The announcement was made in conjunction with IMAGE 2006, the annual conference of the National Association for Health Care Recruitment (NAHCR).

Boston, MA (PRWEB) July 13, 2006 ––

Universal Background Screening today announced the availability of USACriminalSearch Plus, the next generation of multi-source database available for employment screening purposes – including criminal, sex offender and national security sources. The announcement was made in conjunction with IMAGE 2006, the annual conference of the National Association for Health Care Recruitment (NAHCR) in Boston, where Universal is an exhibitor this week.

Multi-jurisdictional criminal databases have been gaining in popularity with employers as a supplement to traditional county criminal searches, long established as the best practice in background screening. The inclusion of a supplemental database search is becoming the new gold standard for a thorough and complete employment background check.

USA CriminalSearch includes criminal history data from statewide court record repositories for 22 states and department of corrections records for 45 states, resulting in extensive coverage across 45 states plus the District of Columbia. More importantly, this criminal history coverage represents over 94% of the United States population.

When USA CriminalSearch is combined with USA OffenderSearch, Universal’s nationwide sex offender check, and USA SecuritySearch, the company’s fourteen source anti-terrorism and security database, USA CriminalSearch Plus provides an unequaled number of data sources. It includes over 240 million criminal, sex offender and national security records from 320 data sources.

“USA CriminalSearch Plus is the most comprehensive multi-source criminal database of its kind available to employers today,” said Julie Chase, Executive Vice President of Universal Background Screening. “Sources are frequently updated and results are fully compliant with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and state laws.”

Unlike the results from many multi-jurisdictional criminal databases that can create information overload due to unconfirmed results of common names, Universal Background Screening’s quality assurance team carefully reviews the content of each USA CriminalSearch, positively matching the applicant’s identity to the record before reporting to the employer. The final background check is fully compliant with Section 613 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and contains verified information that managers can use with confidence to make a well-informed hiring decision.

USA CriminalSearch Plus is available immediately from Universal Background Screening. The company is offering qualified employers five free searches to compare USA CriminalSearch Plus to their current screening program. More information about the free trial can be found online at www. USACriminalSearch. com.

About Universal Background Screening

Universal Background Screening (http://www. universalbackground. com) delivers comprehensive employment screening solutions driven by proactive customer service, industry-leading turnaround time and advanced technology. Nationwide services include criminal background checks, driving records, credit reports, employment verifications, reference checks, drug testing and more. Serving over 1100 clients in 45 states, Universal is a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) and a recognized leader in the employment screening industry. Additional information can be found online at www. universalbackground. com.


Aitech Defense Systems, Inc., Has Announced Its Rugged New C106 Single Board Computer

Aitech Defense Systems, Inc., Has Announced Its Rugged New C106 Single Board Computer

Aitech Defense Systems, Inc., a world leader in the design and manufacture of board and subsystem level products for space and harsh environment defense and aerospace applications, has announced its rugged new C106 Single Board Computer (SBC), a VME64x-compliant solution featuring up to 1.5 GHz of processing power and 4 GB of on-board NAND Flash memory.

Chatsworth, CA (PRWEB) March 16, 2005

Aitech Defense Systems, Inc., a world leader in the design and manufacture of board and subsystem level products for space and harsh environment defense and aerospace applications, has announced its rugged new C106 Single Board Computer (SBC), a VME64x-compliant solution featuring up to 1.5 GHz of processing power and 4 GB of on-board NAND Flash memory. The new SBC is designed to satisfy the demands for expanded I/O capabilities and powerful processing in harsh-environment applications, such as mission computers, remotely piloted vehicles, fire control processing, platform stabilization and mission control subsystems.

The integrated on-board NAND Flash memory, which functions similarly to a USB memory stick without the need for a PMC site or USB interface, is independent of user application program Flash. In addition, the newly upgraded C106 features Flash Memory Manager (FMM) software that automatically treats the Flash memory as the systemÂ’s disk drive, with automatic wear leveling to ensure that write-erase cycles are uniformly balanced across the entire device, preventing any one block from wearing out. The boardÂ’s unique, on-board Flash File System (FFS) is perfect for storing large local maps and databases as well as capturing Sigint waveforms, radar or sonar images, mission data profiles, and health data.

Built around a high-performance Motorola PowerPC G4+ MPC7447A microprocessor with integrated on-chip L1 and L2 caches, the unit provides an unprecedented array of versatile on-board I/O interfaces. These include three fast Ethernet ports, two dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553B interfaces, two USB 2.0 ports, ten standard UART serial ports, and several types of discrete I/O channels. In addition to its enhanced on-board I/O capabilities, the C106 is also equipped for expansion with two on-board PMC sites and 64-bit 66 MHz PCI bus on P0, and offers up to 1 GB of on-board SDRAM operating at 133 MHz.

The C106 supports several real-time operating systems (RTOS) including WindRiver VxWorks, Green Hills INTEGRITY and INTEGRITY-178, and TimeSys Embedded Linux. Other RTOS Board Support Packages are available upon request. An extensive firmware package is supplied with each board – including startup software, diagnostic tools, and monitoring/debugging tools.

Users can specify C106 SBCs to meet one of three levels of ruggedization – commercial, rugged, or military. The boards are also available in both air-cooled and conduction-cooled formats, each as a single-slot 6U module.

Pricing for the C106 starts at $6,400 with production units available from stock.

For more information about capability and configuration options for the C106 family of SBCs, please call 818-700-2000, visit www. rugged. com, or e-mail sales@rugged. com.

About Aitech

Established in 1983, Aitech offers military and space-qualified, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products for defense and aerospace applications, radiation tolerant and MIL-SPEC solutions; VMEbus and Compact PCI boards, power subsystems, mass memory, enclosures and hardware subsystem integration along with configuration and component obsolescence management services. In addition, Aitech utilizes its broad base of off-the-shelf products and technologies to develop customer-specific solutions, deliver superior cost-performance and reliability, and expedite time to market. Applications for its products range from mission processors, fire control and mission control subsystems for ground vehicles, surface and subsurface naval platforms, tactical and strategic fixed - and rotary-wing aircraft, and low - to high-earth orbit space vehicles.


My Pet Garden Announces My Pet Garden HOWLoween Celebration

My Pet Garden Announces My Pet Garden HOWLoween Celebration

Announcement: The My Pet Garden HOWLoween Celebration! Bring your pets, kids, or just yourself. Just show up for a HOWLoween celebration!

Pasadena, CA (PRWEB) October 10, 2007

My Pet Garden announces the My Pet Garden HOWLoween Celebration! Bring your pets, kids, or just yourself. Just show up for a HOWLoween celebration!

My Pet Garden has the reputation for being the leader in healthy pet foods, the best grooming, and a place where the whole family will see something magical and talk about their visit for days. Isn't it time you stepped into the My Pet Garden experience.

If you missed the "Super Amazing My Pet Garden Pet Food Party Menu Cook-off" in September, when humans ate pet food, now is your chance to experience the My Pet Garden commitment to "Crazy for Pets and Plants" for HOWLoween.

The My Pet Garden HOWLoween Celebration! is Sunday October 28th, 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. Whether you want to talk with the Pet Psychic or participate in the Scarecrow Building Contest, bring your pets, dressed in Costume, for the My Pet Garden Pet Costume Contest. Also, they will be featuring info on "How to Keep Pets Safe During Halloween", plus Apple Cider Doughnuts and other tasty refreshments.

Bring your kids and your pet (or just yourself!) and celebrate HOWLoween (Halloween) with My Pet Garden… Sunday October 28th, 2 P. M. to 5 P. M.

My Pet Garden is located at 2245 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107

Phone: 626-449-1600

They're so excited to see you! And remember, at My Pet Garden they are "Crazy about Pets and Plants"!

Www. mypetgarden. com

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New DuPont "Gen-3" OLED Displays Technology Achieves Record 1 Million Hours Lifetime

New DuPont "Gen-3" OLED Displays Technology Achieves Record 1 Million Hours Lifetime

Performance Paves the Way for Commercial OLED Displays in TVs, Mobile Devices

Wilmington, Del. (Vocus) June 23, 2009

DuPont today announced the development of its new, proprietary "Gen-3" solution-based organic light emitting diode (OLED) materials technology that can last a record lifetime of more than 1 million hours - equivalent to over 100 years of constant use.

The milestone achievement for the Gen-3 green OLED material has led to substantial performance gains for printable OLED light-emitting materials, while two new Gen-3 solution blue materials also have been developed that set new standards for longevity and color. These OLED materials can meet or exceed the performance of today's vapor deposited materials, and are paving the way for manufacturers to develop future low-cost OLED displays for use in mobile devices, notebook PCs and televisions.

"Printing OLEDs significantly lowers the cost to manufacture displays, and with our advances in material technology, display manufacturers can see the material lifetimes and performance required for commercialization," said William Feehery, global business director -- DuPont OLED Displays. "With lifetime five times better than just a couple years ago, these new materials will allow solution OLEDs to be used in mobile displays, and also to begin to penetrate the television and general lighting markets at a lower cost than today's evaporated OLED technology."

Although green material lifetimes already exceed those of red and blue, the significance is that in a display, green contributes more to the white brightness. The longer lifetime also can lead to an increase in total display lifetime.

Historically, performance of blue light-emitting materials has been the most challenging, however, DuPont Gen 3 solution blue materials are demonstrating significant performance gains. One of the blue materials has demonstrated a lifetime of 38,000 hours, which is one of the longest blue OLED material lifetimes publicly reported. A second material has been developed with exceptionally deep blue color coordinates, with a lifetime of approximately 41,000 hours. As commonly reported in the industry, materials lifetimes refers to the time for the luminance to decrease to half the initial value starting from 1,000 cd/m2, as estimated from accelerated tests.

According to DisplaySearch, the total OLED display market is forecasted to grow to $5.5 billion by 2015, from $600 million in 2008, with a compound annual growth rate of 37 percent. DisplaySearch also forecasts that in 2015, televisions will pass mobile phone main displays to become the highest-revenue application at $1.92 billion.

For further information on DuPont Displays, please visit http://displays. dupont. com.

DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations, estimates and projections. The company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements as a result of future developments or new information. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future, including statements about the company's strategy for growth, product development, market position, expected expenditures and financial results are forward-looking statements. Some of the forward-looking statements may be identified by words like "expects," "anticipates," "plans," "intends," "projects," "indicates," and similar expressions. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors, including those discussed more fully elsewhere in this release and in DuPont's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly its latest annual report on Form 10-K, as well as others, could cause results to differ materially from those stated. These factors include, but are not limited to changes in the laws, regulations, policies and economic conditions of countries in which the company does business; competitive pressures; successful integration of structural changes, including acquisitions, divestitures and alliances; research and development of new products, including regulatory approval and market acceptance, and seasonality of sales of agricultural products.


DuPont Automotive Talks at SPE Conference about New Ways to Take Weight, Cost From Vehicle Components

DuPont Automotive Talks at SPE Conference about New Ways to Take Weight, Cost From Vehicle Components

A new breakthrough nylon – DuPont™ Zytel® PLUS – and new materials to enable laser welding techniques are the focus of two DuPont Automotive Performance Polymers talks scheduled for the April 27 SPE Automotive Engineering Plastics Conference (AutoEPCON) at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy, Mich.

Troy, Mich. (Vocus) April 20, 2010

A new breakthrough nylon – DuPont™ Zytel® PLUS – and new materials to enable laser welding techniques are the focus of two DuPont Automotive Performance Polymers talks scheduled for the April 27 SPE Automotive Engineering Plastics Conference (AutoEPCON) at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy, Mich.

“NEW DuPont nylon resin can double performance life of components exposed to heat, corrosive fluids and chemicals,” will be presented by Gianluigi Molteni, DuPont Automotive Performance Polymers global powertrain segment manager at 10:15 a. m. “Employing laser welding for creative and cost-effective solutions,” will be presented by Dan Jones, DuPont Automotive Performance Polymers technical service representative specializing in assembly techniques at 10:45 a. m.

“Delivering innovation in a cost-effective manner is imperative in today’s competitive environment,” said Mike Day, DuPont Automotive Performance Polymers marketing director - Americas. “DuPont continues its commitment to inventing new materials and solutions that help differentiate and improve performance, drawing from its rich history of invention and global team of technical and development experts.”

“The drive to reduce cost and weight will introduce plastics in applications never before considered,” said Molteni. “Zytel® PLUS nylon delivers exceptionally long-term performance despite exposure to heat and chemicals, inviting new ways to replace metal, especially under the hood, in transmissions and exhaust systems.”

Whether exposed to calcium chloride or to 3,000 or 4,000 hours of hot air, hot oil, water, long-life coolant, members of the Zytel® PLUS nylon family outperform traditional nylon products on the market today, according to recent tests.

Laser welding has found a niche in applications where components must be kept clean, are susceptible to thermal damage, require precision alignment, or may be damaged by other traditional assembly methods, according to Jones. “More than that, laser welding invites new design ideas for plastic assemblies, most of which can simplify the molding process, integrate multiple components and ultimately drive out cost.

“Knowing when to use laser welding, how to select process-compatible materials and how to optimize part design is essential to successful application development,” said Jones, who plans to use real-world examples to highlight cost-saving design ideas, provide insights into when to use it and how to select the right materials.

DuPont Automotive offers more than 100 materials and products to the global automotive industry and through its global application development network is committed to delivering cost-effective solutions to help reduce vehicle weight for better fuel economy and CO2 emission reductions, to integrate part functionality to simplify assembly and eliminate cost; and help bring invention to market fast, better and more cost-effectively. For more information, visit automotive. dupont. com.

DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.
