AP9 PrivacyMatters Plots a Course for Safe Shopping Offline

AP9 PrivacyMatters Plots a Course for Safe Shopping Offline

AP9 PrivacyMatters offers tips on how to create the ideal offline shopping trip.

Norwalk, CONN (PRWEB) December 12, 2006

Even though the Internet has revolutionized how many of us shop, some people still enjoy the occasional jaunt out to retail land. AP9 Privacy Matters (http://www. privacymatters-program. com/?cmpid=PRWeb), a leading membership security program offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC, offers its members some helpful hints on how to stay protected, safe and aware while out on an offline-shopping run.

In addition to learning offline-shopping practices geared to keeping things safe and secure, members of AP9 Privacy Matters may access their benefits at PrivacyMatters. com, a secure members-only online portal.

Hitting the local shopping mall, specialty retail store or supermarket can certainly be fun at times, but it can also be dangerous. AP9 PrivacyMatters (http://www. privacymatters-program. com/?cmpid=PRWeb) offers the following important tips and cautionary notes for when it's time to leave the online shopping environment and hit the stores:

-- Just carry the essentials. It may sound silly, but a lot of people start the day deciding how many different people they're going to rob. Be smart. Carry only the essentials in a purse or wallet. Carry an ID and any needed credit cards, but leave the non-essentials (and large amounts of cash) at home. Thieves are opportunists, and, like poorly lit ATM machines, large shopping outlets are notorious havens for stickups and the like.

-- Let there be light. Park in well-lit areas. Those same thieves love to strike in parking lots. Park near other cars -- not out in "no man's land."

-- Stand by on the panic button. Most of today's cars feature automatic locking devices that include an audible "panic" mode. If it seems like there might be trouble, press that button. Having the keys out and ready to go before arriving back at the car is another good preventative measure.

-- Stash the stuff. Most people make multiple stops when shopping. Keep would-be thieves honest by obscuring purchases left in your vehicle from plain view. Additionally, stopping at home to drop off recent purchases before the next errand is always smart.

Every consumer is a potential target for thieves. So let AP9 PrivacyMatters help keep offline shopping fun and safe. Members can also get comprehensive credit monitoring, easy access to critical information and computer protection. Life affords enough worry. So why not keep that worry in check with a little help from AP9 Privacy Matters?

About AP9 Privacy Matters

AP9 PrivacyMatters (http://www. privacymatters-program. com/?cmpid=PRWeb) is a leading security and privacy membership program offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., Adaptive Marketing is a category leader in both membership and loyalty programs, bringing value direct to consumers through an array of benefits in healthcare, discounts, security, personal property and personals. Members may access their benefits at PrivacyMatters. com (http://www. privacymatters. com/?cmpid=PRWeb). With broad online and offline distribution capabilities, Adaptive Marketing (http://www. adaptivemarketing. com/?cmpid=PRWeb) offers its corporate client partners effective tools to enhance market presence, strengthen customer affinity and generate additional value through programs such as AP9 Privacy Matters.
