WebslingerZ Releases smartASK 2.0, Signs New Enterprise Customers

WebslingerZ Releases smartASK 2.0, Signs New Enterprise Customers

Today webslingerZ released version 2.0 of its smartASK survey software. In addition, the company announced the signing of new enterprise customers including Boeing, Nortel Networks, and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.

New York, NY (PRWEB) July 26, 2004

webslingerZ, Inc. today announced the release of smartASK 2.0, the latest version of the company's web-based survey software. webslingerZ also announced the signing of its latest enterprise customers, including Boeing, Nortel Networks, and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.

"The continued adoption of our software by major enterprise customers clearly demonstrates the demand for powerful yet elegantly simple tools

For corporate and public sector information retrieval," said Jeffrey Hoffman, President and CEO of webslingerZ. "With a multitude of possible

Applications, including customer satisfaction, employee reviews, institutional research, and website feedback, smartASK provides the perfect solution for driving business intelligence."

SmartASK includes a variety of features that will appeal to enterprise customers, including:

Complete administrative user management and granularity across application features

Full survey internationalization via Unicode

Relational database support for Oracle 8.0 and higher, DB2 7.2 and higher, and SQL Server 7.0 and higher

More information about smartASK and its features

Can be found at: http://smartASK. biz (http://smartASK. biz)

Contact information:

Jeffrey Hoffman

Jhoffman@webslingerZ. com

Http://webslingerZ. com (http://webslingerZ. com)


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