Judges Select Winner of the Ban Asbestos Now Video Search

Judges Select Winner of the Ban Asbestos Now Video Search

Los Angeles Based Team Wins Despite Their Horror Story

Wellesley, MA (PRWEB) May 20, 2010

Sokolove Law (http://www. sokolovelaw. com) announced today the winning video for the “Ban Asbestos Now! (http://banvideos. mesorc. com/)” film search which is part of a campaign to build awareness of the continued use of asbestos in the United States and the health implications due to exposure. Los Angeles residents Arik Cohen (writer/director), Jared Bauer (cameraman), Eric Snyder (actor), and Jake Kowalke (actor) took home first place for their video “The Horror Story” beating out three other submissions. These four winners will enjoy a trip to the 2010 Los Angeles Film Festival and $1,000 cash per individual.

“The Horror Story” starts off with two campers in a tent trading horror stories. One camper tells his story about the ubiquity of asbestos (http://www. mesorc. com/asbestos-exposure/types-of-asbestos/) in the US today and how exposure to it can kill you - leaving the other camper visibly worried and concerned.

“We were pleased with the quality of videos we received for this video search because each blended creativity with serious content about where asbestos is found and why it’s deadly,” explained Sean Galliher, Associate Manager at Sokolove Law. “Through this campaign alone, we were able to drive more than 1,400 visitors to the Ban Asbestos Now! site who voted for their favorite video which helped us to virally spread the word about this campaign. The more we’re able to let people know that asbestos is still used in the U. S. and that it has deadly effects on people who have been exposed to it, the closer we will be to banning it in our country.”

This campaign began earlier this year to draw national attention to the toxic, and often deadly, substance considered “the largest manmade public health crisis in history” according to the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO). Each year, 2000-3000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma (http://www. mesorc. com/), a rare form of cancer which is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. While asbestos has been banned in some 50 countries worldwide, it is still legal in the United States and exists in many places one might not expect.

To help eliminate this deadly killer, the “Ban Asbestos Now!” Campaign requested that interested parties submit videos to drive attention to the national asbestos problem and compel Americans to join the movement to “Ban Asbestos Now!” The videos needed to address questions such as, “Did you know asbestos is still legal in the US?”, “Where can you find it?” and “Do you know what diseases it can cause?”

Judges of the entries included four individuals with varied backgrounds including: a registered nurse, lawyer, art director, and a mesothelioma survivor. The fifth “judge” was the People’s Choice vote – which brought in more than 1,400 votes combined; while the winning team did not take home the People’s Choice vote, they won three out of the five judges’ panel votes.

“I enjoyed watching all the videos that were submitted. It takes a lot of time, energy, and most of all, imagination to put something together that effectively blends factual information with something compelling to watch,” explained Larry Davis, a mesothelioma survivor and judge. “What I personally liked best about the winning entry ‘The Horror Story’ is that it brought me back to my younger days as a boy scout and how camp horror stories would always capture my attention. This video was well done from both a creative and scripting standpoint; you were transported to a time of innocence and yet you also learned the hard hitting message that asbestos is around and exposure to it can kill.”

To make a difference, visit http://www. banasbestosnow. com (http://www. banasbestosnow. com) and sign a letter to Congress urging them to BAN Asbestos Now!

For more information on asbestos, visit www. MesoRC. com, a resource site that is continually expanding to better provide information to those currently living with or caring for a victim of mesothelioma.

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For nearly 30 years, Sokolove Law has reinvented how people obtain legal services. Our mission is to provide equal access to the civil justice system while ensuring superior quality legal representation. As a pioneer in legal advertising, Sokolove Law has grown to be the largest marketer of legal services in the country. Our proven business model matches particular client needs to the more than 400 law firms that we work with. The result is success for our clients and co-counsel. Sokolove Law operates as a limited liability company in all states except Virginia, California, Michigan, and Tennessee, where it operates as a limited liability partnership. Learn more about Sokolove Law at www. sokolovelaw. com.

For more information contact:

Teleia Farrell

Sokolove Law

# 781-489-7867
