Dave Roush of Insurance. com to Speak at Thomas Weisel Partners Internet & Digital Media Conference

Dave Roush of Insurance. com to Speak at Thomas Weisel Partners Internet & Digital Media Conference

Insurance. com, the nation's leading online auto insurance agency, today announced that Dave Roush, CEO, will speak at Thomas Weisel Partners Internet & Digital Media Conference on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 1:30 P. M. Pacific Time at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco, California.

Cleveland, OH (PRWEB) March 2, 2007

Insurance. com (http://www. insurance. com/) , the nation's leading online auto insurance agency, today announced that Dave Roush, CEO, will speak at Thomas Weisel Partners Internet & Digital Media Conference on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 1:30 P. M. Pacific Time at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco, California. Mr. Roush will present an overview of Insurance. com, the auto insurance market, and the way Insurance. com operates within the marketplace, outlining the unique comparison shopping model the company offers consumers.

"We're pleased and honored to be involved in this prestigious event. We're looking forward to illustrating the strength and effectiveness of the Insurance. com model, and how it truly empowers consumers by bringing leading auto insurance companies together to compete for the consumer's business," reported Roush.

About Insurance. com

Insurance. com, based in Solon, Ohio, is owned and operated by Insurance. com, Inc, a ComparisonMarket Company. Insurance. com enables consumers to instantly compare and buy competitive auto insurance quotes (http://www. insurance. com/quotes/Auto. aspx) directly from more than a dozen leading insurance companies. When ready to purchase, users have the option of completing the transaction online or talking directly to an unbiased licensed agent. Other products include life, health and home insurance as well as travel, dental and pet health insurance. Insurance. com also operates 4insurance. com (http://www.4insurance. com/).

In addition to Insurance. com, the company provides private labeled auto insurance solutions to financial institutions, affinity groups and online marketplaces to offer their customers real choice and savings opportunities on auto insurance.


Http://www. insurance. com/ (http://www. insurance. com/)

Http://www. insurance. com/quotes/Auto. aspx (http://www. insurance. com/quotes/Auto. aspx)

Http://www.4insurance. com/ (http://www.4insurance. com/)


Dave Roush, CEO

Insurance. com

