Every Woman Has the Right To Be Beautiful

Every Woman Has the Right To Be Beautiful

Tonya Zavasta grew up believing that she was and never would be considered beautiful. Afflicted with hip problems that have required extensive surgeries, she nevertheless set out to find how to improve her appearance Â… and in the process improved her general health. Now this 45-year-old woman turns heads wherever she goes.

(PRWEB) January 22, 2004

In her book “Your Right to be Beautiful, How to Halt the Train of Aging & Meet the Most Beautiful You” she shares her philosophy about beauty and her methods for attaining the beauty that is every woman’s right, based on a diet of raw plant food. Tonya’s attitude to beauty is based on the acknowledgement that health is the internal beauty of the body, and that fostering inner beauty (i. e. health) will promote outward attractiveness too. Using the same determination and intelligence that allowed her to achieve advance degrees in engineering and mathematics she has spent the last 5 years researching the scientific data on health and nutrition. She became convinced that the solution to her lifelong quest for beauty and health was to be found in the raw food lifestyle or the Rawsome Diet as she calls it.

The Rawsome Diet eliminates the damaging waste that accumulates from eating foodstuffs that do not respect human physiology. It also restores the integrity of tissue at a cellular level and so facilitates the operation of all our organ systems. Some of the methods that Tonya recommends include:

• Make use of the blender and food processor: Tonya provides many innovative recipes based on raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds – but she also includes adaptations of traditional dishes.

• Acquire a juicer! As Tonya notes: “Juicing is a must. On any given day, the only option I allow myself is whether to juice once or twice, not whether to juice or not to juice.” • Prepare fermented foods (such as sauerkraut and fermented vegetables) to stimulate helpful colonic bacteria and promote digestion.

• Perform a 24-hour weekly fast to eliminate toxins (and dramatically improve your appearance immediately afterwards).

• Carry out a Meridian Facial massage every day: use acupressure and massage on specific meridian points over the face to relieve facial tension and improve functioning of internal organs related to those points.

In “Your Right to be Beautiful, How to Halt the Train of Aging& Meet the Most Beautiful You” Tonya has provided women everywhere with a resource to help them look biologically beautiful at any age through their own actions, and to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem from their improved appearance.

Your Right To Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging & Meet the Most Beautiful

ISBN 097424340X

360 pages

Trade Paperback $19.95 plus shipping

Available online www. beautifulonraw. com

Media kits, review copies, and interviews available on request.

Contact: Tonya Zavasta 901-266-3358

E-mail: Tonyazavasta@hotmail. com

Visit: www. Beautifulonraw. com

Country: US

Company: BR Publishing

Http://www. BeautifulOnRaw. com (http://www. BeautifulOnRaw. com)

Phone: (901)266-3358
