National Radio Show To Help Retirees Avoid The Little-Known Money-Traps That Routinely Cost Them Thousands

National Radio Show To Help Retirees Avoid The Little-Known Money-Traps That Routinely Cost Them Thousands

This practical put to use type show offers strategies to help retirees with their number one concern-making sure they don’t run out of money during their golden years. By tuning into www. healthylife. net at 3pm(CST) you’re almost guaranteed to discover that you’re stuck in one of these ‘money traps’ but don’t know it.

Arlington, NE (PRWEB) February 2, 2005

Many retirees are caught in ‘money traps’ and don’t even know it, needlessly costing thousands of dollars each year.

Most people are startled to find that there are now more Americans over age 65 than there are teenagers and that the fastest growing age segment in the United States is age 85 and older. With this rapid “graying of America”, it should be no surprise that the senior population controls the vast majority of wealth in this country, yet the looming question remains whether or not they will be able to effectively preserve this wealth for their spouses, heirs and future generations. The good news is that the median net worth of persons age 65 and older has increased by 70% between 1984 and 1999 while the poverty rate for these seniors has been cut by over two-thirds.

However, the bad news is that for a couple turning age 65, there is a 75% chance that one of them will need long term care – and 50% of all couples are impoverished within 6-months after one spouse is admitted to a nursing home (70% of single people admitted to a nursing home go broke within 3-months). Therefore it is no wonder that both wealth accumulation and wealth preservation have become so important.

When questioned about retirement and financial preparedness, most seniors readily admit that they are lacking many vital estate planning and retirement planning documents. Statistics show that fully 83% of people age 50 and older do not have even the most basic combination of legal documents such as a written will, a durable power of attorney and a living trust. The numbers are even more dramatic when including a living will or patient advocacy to the basic combination of legal documents.

In commenting on these shocking demographics, Matthew T. Marshall, Financial Advisor, president of Katam Financial & Wealth Services, and the host of national radio show “Money Evolution” said, “The only consistently successful way for seniors to guard income, protect assets, and maintain or accumulate a financial legacy that they can eventually pass on to the heirs, is to implement simple yet proven financial solutions. It is this overwhelming need for us to share valuable financial information that has spurred us to host a National Radio Show.”

The show titled, “Money Evolution” is aired on www. healthylife. net at 3pm (CST) on Mondays. When asked why he choose to host a show on this station and through this format he responded “It is one of the few stations that will allow a listener in ANY city, state, our country with internet access, the ability to gain insight from our show. Some of our shows will be archived so our listeners can tune in at whatever time is convenient for them. This will also give our listeners the ability to go to www. healthylife. net 24 hours a days 7 days a week to address their financial concerns. There will also be a schedule of upcoming topics and guests (both national & local) for our listeners. They can pay special attention when a topics or topics of their concern are covered”. 

A very popular segment has been the “Listener inquiry of the week”. Listeners can submit their questions to evolution@katamfinancial. com to be considered for this segment. By submitting their questions, the listeners are entered into a drawing for one of the shows FREE Reports “10 Biggest Mistakes People Make When It Comes To Their Retirement or “The 13 Things You Should Know When Choosing An Investment Professional.“ The show also discusses hot issues impacting retirees today in its “Inside Wire Segment”. The rest of the show is dedicated to a specific trap/topic that can routinely cost many retirees thousands.

Topics and Traps discussed so far or on upcoming future shows:

-Why Every Retiree must have an Asset Cycle Portfolio

-How to set up/update your Asset Cycle Portfolio

-What to do and not to do with your next 5 year of your retirement income-so you can sleep at night

-Making sure your donÂ’t disinherit your grandchildren-unintentionally

-Why you advanced IRA strategy must be current or Uncle Sam will thank you

-When and where the use of a trust makes sense

-Improper titling of Assets-One of the most overlooked areas

-How to handle your Long Term Care concern without paying all the expensive premiums

-Savings Bonds-Make sure your state doesnÂ’t come after yours

Katam Financial and Wealth Services is known as the leading provider of the Asset Cycle Portfolio. Their mission is to “Guide retirees with respect to understanding, defining, and achieving their retirement objectives” The show will allow them to compliment their workshops “Professional Solutions To Potential Retirement Disasters” on a local & national level.

This practical put to use type show offers strategies to help retirees with their number one concern-making sure they don’t run out of money during their golden years. By tuning into www. healthylife. net at 3pm(CST) you’re almost guaranteed to discover that you’re stuck in one of these ‘money traps’ but don’t know it.

For Questions call: Katam Financial & Wealth Services at

402-478-5638 or 1-877-452-2245 or evolution@katamfinancial. com.
