BoostYourCompany Delivers Instantly Team Building, Powerful Leadership and Easy Change Management

BoostYourCompany Delivers Instantly Team Building, Powerful Leadership and Easy Change Management

Improve performance of your company by Increasing consciousness level, improving self esteem, improving vitality, stronger health, radiating the things we want, understanding emotions and balancing them.

Edison, NJ (PRWEB) June 4, 2006

BoostYourCompany adds new opportunities to corporate business culture by integrating practical ancient spiritual know-how. This very new approach to business releases step by step all potential value of your employees. Switch on more capabilities hidden in your employees DNA and make use of their 90% idle brain capacity. Imagine what will happen to the productivity inside your company? And why is this approach instantly? Does it require a lot of financial resources? No, because it removes all resistance and contraction in its real essence: the energy blocks within your employees and the contraction inside your company. Expand the energy of your employees, expand the energy of your company and boost the performance of your company.

Project Organization to introduce Spiritual Management into your business.

First faith in the application of Spiritual Science inside customer organizations needs to be created. By means of a project organisation with a project manager of both the customer and boostyourcompany. The same as like any other business project. This project organisation is responsible for introducing, learning and integrating Spiritual Science, Spiritual Management, Emotion Management and Spiritual Leadership into the customer business practises. For this reason it organises a kick off meeting for managers and organises employees in groups of 10 to 15 employees from several departments or teams. It organizes our training sessions on different locations for all the employee groups. And it maintains a support organization for over a period of 2 years. Support is managed with a Service Level Agreement for email support, phone support and face to face coaching of employees. Five workshops of 2 days are offered in order to make the big change. Customers can decide with the Moscow Priority Principle to what extent they want to train all employees in our complete workshop program or diversify. Ask for integrated 12 page Cost Benefit Analysis Worksheet and create scenarios with all cost and benefit variables. A BoostYourCompany consultant can supply support in this proces.

Install and maintain a higher intuitive consciousness level inside a company.

With a higher consciousness level in the customers organization many decisions will be taken rightly and more intuitively and as such faster. In addition the wave line is synchronized and communications between employees and team members, becomes instantly more effective. Everyone understands each other and less demand for mental discussions and power games. It requires maintenance of new energy fields surrounding individuals by means of 10 minutes daily Sacred Geometry meditation by 64% of all team members. By means of 2 Consciousness Increase Workshops. One to improve employees Self Esteem and one to improve employees Vitality and Immune System.

Put positive feelings in the heart of all management team members to create leadership leading to success.

Communication from the heart is more rich and includes feelings. This feeling determines success or failure. A feeling is the summation of a thought (mind), an emotion (belly), an intention (heart), a body cell nutrient (on breath) and movement (radiation to cells creating the reality or outer world). All employees including managers can learn to erase negative thoughts and associated emotions of resistance. In case their body cells are radiating the things they do not want or the things they fear or the skills they lack. As a result they continually attract the situation they want to leave behind. By means of one Leadership Envision Workshop. Teaching programming your cells with Secret Mantra to radiate success to the outer world.

Emotional Balance creates flexible employees who are less self centred and stabilized.

The company they work with is more important then their own role and position. Understanding Anger, Attachment, Pride, Jealousy and Insecurity and applying opponent powers to harmonize these mental delusions can make a big change in managing employees and successful team building. The 2 objectives of emotional balance: satisfaction and equanimity make change management more easy. By means of training in emotional management all employees can be reached which normally demonstrate 1 out of the 7 phases of one or more of the 5 mental delusions. By means of 2 Emotional Management Workshops which supply tools to harmonize individual employees and utilize a spiritual style of management towards employees.

Customers mentally do not belief it until their teams have experienced it. Train one or more of your teams and try it out. The benefits are at extreme levels both for the company and the individual employee. See our website for benefits at different working processes and hierarchical levels.

Major global companies are in our customer base, who are utilizing their competitive edge to the full extent - by empowering their work force. Before the “Intrinsic Spiritual Value” of your employees” is released a clear cost and benefit analysis can be presented. Certainly for large organizations who want to train over 1000 employees.

Every trained employee will become a:

Brilliant Star:

Influences: “the traits one brings into the job”:

Intelligence, intuition, self esteem, energy, positive attitude, reliability and commitment; no insecurity


Balanced Moon:

Influences: “The ability to learn”:

Aptitude, imagination, vision, creativity and how to get things done ;no anger and no attachment


Satisfied Universe

Influences: “Ones motivation to share information, knowledge and experience”:

Team spirit, goal orientation, satisfaction and respect; no pride and no jealousy

BoostYourCompany - a Pan European company operating from Spain and the Netherlands with years of training experience both towards companies and individuals. The Spiritual Science we present and has been integrated into customer organizations has its origin in the Egyptian and Tibetan mystery schools. Spiritual Management in its real essence.

Www. boostyourcompany. com

Mr. Jyotisha Tat

