Flashback Produces Product Video for Sunrise Medical. One of the leading production companies in the Boulder / Denver metropolitan area has completed a sales and promotional product video for the Home Health Care division of Sunrise Medical. The video w

Flashback Produces Product Video for Sunrise Medical. One of the leading production companies in the Boulder / Denver metropolitan area has completed a sales and promotional product video for the Home Health Care division of Sunrise Medical. The video w

Flashback Video Productions, one of the leading production companies in the Boulder / Denver metropolitan area has completed a sales and promotional product video for the Home Health Care division of Sunrise Medical. The video was written, produced and edited at Flashback.

(PRWEB) March 16, 2002

Contact: Bunnie Strassner  

Boulder, Colorado - February 02. Flashback Video Productions, one of the leading production companies in the Boulder / Denver metropolitan area has completed a sales and promotional product video for the Home Health Care division of Sunrise Medical. The video was written, produced and edited at Flashback.

The 11-minute video is an informative program about the patient transport systems manufactured by Sunrise. It functions as a demonstration and sales piece and will be distributed to their international sales offices and to consumers.

“It was a pleasure to work with professionals who not only are creative but also provided the organizational skills that made this project to our time schedule and budget”, says Sue Jotblad, Marketing Manager for Sunrise, “The feedback that I got from our sales representatives was "Wow!" This is a difficult product to demonstrate and the video has removed that obstacle. By speaking to the potential buyer, it also becomes a tool that our dealers can use to market the product. You sure made my job easy.”

In addition to the American version, Flashback is translating the program into 6 international languages for use overseas and all production is being done in-house.

For over 18 years, Flashback has been providing award winning video production services to the corporate/industrial, advertising, educational and broadcast communities of Colorado. Winner of six Communicator Awards, the coveted BMA Gold Key Award, a US International Film and Video Festival Award for Creative Excellence, two Aurora Gold Awards, an Aurora Platinum and 11 TELLYs. Flashback has also produced video projects for AT&T BIS, CASTA, IBM, NOAA, Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals, the US Air Force, Wild Oats Markets and many other clients.
