Best-Selling Book, The Thyroid Diet, Explains Why Oprah Winfrey Doesn't Need to Weight 200 Pounds

Best-Selling Book, The Thyroid Diet, Explains Why Oprah Winfrey Doesn't Need to Weight 200 Pounds

Oprah Winfrey has announced that she has gained 40 pounds since her 1997 diagnosis of thyroid disease, and now weighs 200 pounds. Mary Shomon, nationally known thyroid patient advocate says that Oprah -- like millions of other American women struggling with thyroid and weight problems - doesn't need to face such an uphill battle. Shomon's New York Times best-selling book "The Thyroid Diet," explains how to get thyroid problems like Oprah's diagnosed and properly treated, and the unique approaches thyroid sufferers - including Oprah - can follow in order to successfully lose weight.

Kensington, MD (PRWEB) January 5, 2009

Attention is again focused on the connection between thyroid disease and weight problems, after talk show host Oprah Winfrey announced that she gained 40 pounds since her own 1997 diagnosis of thyroid disease, and now weighs 200 pounds.

As many as 50 million Americans have thyroid conditions - and more than half of them are undiagnosed. Many thyroid sufferers experience metabolism that is slowed to levels that make dieting and weight loss seemingly impossible.

Mary Shomon, nationally known thyroid patient advocate, says that Oprah Winfrey, like millions of other American women struggling with thyroid and weight problems, does not need to face such an uphill battle. Shomon's New York Times best-selling book "The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss," is the only book to help many previously unsuccessful dieters finally overcome this major - but often overlooked -- impediment to weight loss. Detailed information on "The Thyroid Diet," available at the book's website, http://www. thyroid-info. com (http://www. thyroid-info. com) --- which also features a free downloadable Ebook from Shomon, titled "Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?"

In "The Thyroid Diet," millions of frustrated dieters will discover that diagnosis and proper thyroid treatment may be all that's needed to successfully restore the metabolism to normal and begin to lose weight. "The Thyroid Diet" features a "Symptoms Checklist," along with detailed guidelines on how to get diagnosed and properly treated.

Proper treatment can be far more complicated than patients are led to believe. Oprah Winfrey has, in fact, revealed that she has stopped taking thyroid medication because she didn't feel better.

Says Shomon: "Oprah's situation points out how tricky it can be to find the right medication, at the right dose, for the right amount of time, or order to start feeling the benefits. Many women are prescribed the popular thyroid drug, Synthroid, and if they don't feel well a few weeks later, they think it's not working, and give up. Instead of abandoning thyroid treatment, thyroid patients need to know their options, and how to navigate through the many treatment approaches to find what will work for them."

Shomon has summarized some important points about Oprah's thyroid and weight loss situation in an article "The Six Reasons Why Oprah Winfrey Doesn't Have to Weigh 200 Pounds" (http://thyroid. about. com/b/a/257719.htm) -- located at http://thyroid. about. com/b/a/257719.htm (http://thyroid. about. com/b/a/257719.htm) at the popular About. com thyroid site where she has been Guide since 1997.

Even with the best possible diagnosis and treatment, weight loss can still be more difficult for thyroid patients. Says Shomon: "In The Thyroid Diet, I've put together the best advice from practitioners around the country - and the patients who have successfully lost weight - on the thyroid treatments, foods, approaches, supplements, herbs, nutrients and exercise that can help even the playing field for thyroid patients trying to lose weight."

"The Thyroid Diet" was published to acclaim, reaching the New York Times Best Seller List, the Amazon. com "Diet and Weight Loss" Bestsellers List, and was a Quills award semi-finalist. "The Thyroid Diet" also spent more than a month in the Amazon's Top 100 Bestsellers list.

In "The Thyroid Diet" readers will learn...

Why more than half of the almost 30 million Americans with thyroid problems haven't been diagnosed The three physical signs that almost guarantee you have an undiagnosed thyroid problem Why your doctor isn't likely to test you for this common diet saboteur, and what you can do Why frequent "mini-meals" may be the worst thing for your weight loss effort Herbal remedy from Africa that can dramatically cut appetite, without dangerous side effects The so-called "health food" that Oprah - and millions of women - eats that may be sabotaging her diet

"The Thyroid Diet" discusses optimal dietary changes, focusing on the "low-glycemic" diet -- the healthier evolution of the low-carb craze. Readers also learn about optimal timing of meals for maximum hormonal impact, thyroid-damaging foods to avoid, helpful herbs and supplements, and more. The advice of numerous nationally-known doctors and practitioners is featured in the book.

The book contains several different eating plans, food lists, and a set of delicious and healthy recipes. Handy worksheets aid in weight loss tracking, and a special resource section features websites, books, and support groups.

Mary Shomon has transformed her own health challenges into more than a decade as America's leading thyroid patient advocate, founder/editor of a series of health newsletters, and founder/editor editor of her popular Thyroid-Info website (http://www. thyroid-info. com) , and guide to the About. com Thyroid Disease site (http://thyroid. about. com) since 1997. She is author of a series of best-selling books on thyroid disease and health, including "Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough," "Living Well With Hypothyroidism," "Living Well With Autoimmune Disease," and "Living Well With Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism," among others. Mary Shomon is a member of the Endocrine Society, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare.

Key Thyroid Resources:

Thyroid-Info Site: http://www. thyroid-info. com (http://www. thyroid-info. com)

About. com Thyroid Site: http://thyroid. about. com (http://thyroid. about. com)

Thyroid Diet: http://www. thyroid-info. com/diet (http://www. thyroid-info. com/diet)

Thyroid Newsletters: http://www. thyroid-info. com/newsletters. htm (http://www. thyroid-info. com/newsletters. htm)
