Bay Area Talk Radio Host Prescribes Daily Dose of Happiness: Dr. Schinnerer Talks Positive Psychology & Science Behind Staying Happy

Bay Area Talk Radio Host Prescribes Daily Dose of Happiness: Dr. Schinnerer Talks Positive Psychology & Science Behind Staying Happy

Dr. John Schinnerer, a positive psychologist and optimistic talk show host of Guide to Self Radio, coaches listeners from a state of merely surviving to absolutely thriving.

Richmond, CA (PRWEB) February 14, 2006

Dr. John Schinnerer, a positive psychologist and optimistic talk show host of Guide to Self Radio, coaches listeners from a state of merely surviving to absolutely thriving.

Aired live on KDIA 1640 AM’s radio network Monday through Fridays at 5:00 pm, Guide To Self Radio focuses on helping listeners identify their God-given strengths and use them to get engaged and passionate at home and at work. Greater engagement leads to a life of happiness and meaning. “Where most people look at the negative, point out limitations, and focus on destructive behaviors,” explains Dr. John Schinnerer, “Guide To Self finds the positive, explores possibilities and focuses on the positive traits.” To date, the radio show has broadcast over 150 programs to more than 12,000 listeners, which includes interviews with special guests like authors Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Fred Luskin and topics covering from forgiveness to how the brain works to dealing with toxic people to building greater resiliency to creating a more passionate life to increasing emotional awareness.

“Scientific research has recently shown that everyone can learn to increase their level of happiness, emotional intelligence, passion and satisfaction with life,” continues Dr. Schinnerer. “The most exciting part it is that my work is not merely motivational speech or bits of baseless self help advice. It’s science.”

The key to a happy and successful life lies within the acronym InSPIRE:

'In' for Inward-looking

'S' for Spiritual

'P' for Physical

'I' for Intellectual

'R' for Relational

'E' for Emotional

Developments of each of the areas listed above are possible by using simple yet powerful exercises that have proven to increase satisfaction in life.

These new approaches to the world are taught through Guide To Self's clinically proven exercises. For instance, the first exercise is called The Three Blessings and requires listeners to write down three things that went well in their lives each day. They can be big events - such as having a new baby - or little events, such as staying calm during an upsetting confrontation at work. Right next to the positive event, clients write down why they think these things went well.

It’s a simple yet profound way to slowly move the client from negative to positive mindset, from pessimistic to optimistic. "It is an incredibly powerful yet easy exercise which shows people how to appreciate all the good things that occur in their lives every day, and how they contribute to these good things, as opposed to rehashing past mistakes," says Dr. John Schinnerer, president and CEO of Guide To Self. "The most important thing is that these exercises have been proven in scientific studies to help most folks reduce their sadness and irritability and increase their happiness."

About John Schinnerer

John Schinnerer, PhD founded Guide To Self in 2004. He is a psychologist out of U. C. Berkeley, and has been a coach and counselor for over 10 years. Dr. Schinnerer sits on the Leadership Council for The Wellness Community. He has served two terms on the Leadership Team of HR ExecNet and was past-President of the Tri-Valley Human Resources Association (TVHRA). His areas of expertise range from emotional self-awareness and control, to overcoming fear to ethical and moral development to parenting. He is a noted writer and speaker on topics such as emotional intelligence, optimizing brain functioning, and creating a healthy and efficient workplace. Raised in San Ramon, CA, Dr. John Schinnerer is married with four children and resides in Alamo, CA. For more information, go to www. guidetoself. com.

Photos and Interviews Available

PR Contact: Debbie Fitzgerald,

Fitzgerald PR, Inc. (770) 887-6060 - EST
