Rally America to Oppose Temporary Worker Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Rally America to Oppose Temporary Worker Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Organizations move to rally the American public to oppose a push for Amnesty for illegal aliens in the US Congress.

(PRWEB) December 2, 2005

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, or ALIPAC, called on all immigration enforcement organizations, talk radio personalities, and the American public to rally against the push by the Open Borders Lobby in Washington to grant a 'Temporary Worker' Amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens currently in the United States.

“The big business Open Borders Lobby is in a full court press to pass this pig wrapped in blankets,” says William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. “They know that they have to pass this now because next year is an election year and most members of Congress will have opposition in their districts that will attack on this issue. We must do all we can on behalf of the majority of Americans that oppose this disguised amnesty legislation. We call it Shamnesty!”

The Bush administration has dropped the term Guest Worker Program and is now calling it a Temporary Worker Program. Several national polls indicate that somewhere between 50-75% of Americans oppose any such program.

“Our organization will openly call for the removal of any member of Congress that votes for any reward such as a Temporary Worker program for illegal aliens currently in the US,” Gheen says. “We are calling it the TEMPORARY Temporary Worker Program, because if Congress passes this amnesty, then our goal will be to remove all supporters of the bill from Congress in the 2006 elections and move to revoke this legislation in 2007. With close to 3 out of 4 Americans on our side, some members of Congress may become our ‘Temporary Worker.’”

ALIPAC’s citizen activists in every state are being urged to bombard Congress, the White House, and talk radio shows with calls to rally the nation and send the message “No Temporary Worker Amnesty!” Members of the media are encouraged to let the public know that there is strong grass roots opposition brewing to this Amnesty plan.

Temporary Worker Amnesty legislation is a bad idea because it will lead to more massive illegal immigration (http://www. alipac. us) from 3rd world areas, cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars, overwhelm health care and educational resources, and add downward pressure on American salaries and quality of life issues.

Http://www. alipac. us/article-897-thread-1-0.html (http://www. alipac. us/article-897-thread-1-0.html)


Americans for Legal Immigration PAC / ALIPAC

WilliamG@alipac. us


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