Swapagift. com and the National Prostate Cancer Coalition Team Up this Father's Day to Make a Difference in Men's Health

Swapagift. com and the National Prostate Cancer Coalition Team Up this Father's Day to Make a Difference in Men's Health

Swapagift. com Cards that Care™ program paves the way for unique and effective use of gift cards in the fight against prostate cancer.

Langhorne, PA (PRWEB) June 11, 2007

Swapagift. com, the leading web site for buying, selling and trading unused gift cards, is helping to end the nation's epidemic of prostate cancer. Partnering with the National Prostate Cancer Coalition (NPCC), Swapagift. com is launching a Father's Day fundraising program using its Cards that Care™ program. The NPCC is asking supporters to donate their unused gift cards, which will then be sold Swapagift. com. The proceeds from the sale of these discounted gift cards will benefit the NPCC in its fight against prostate cancer.

Participants in this first-of-its-kind campaign will have the satisfaction of knowing their gift card contributions are helping to eradicate a disease that strikes 1 in 6 men in the United States during their lifetimes. All donations to the program are tax-deductible, and NPCC welcomes contributions made in honor of others.

"Swapagift. com is enthusiastic about working with NPCC in its fight against prostate cancer," said Mike Kelly, CEO of Swapagift. com. "In honor of Father's Day and the important men in our lives, we are partnering with the NPCC to raise funds that increase awareness, outreach, and advocacy. Through our Cards that Care™ program, supporters can contribute to this important cause simply by donating unused gift cards, or by purchasing one or more of the specially-marked gift cards on Swapagift. com. What better gift can we give our fathers on Father's Day than the gift of good health" said Mike Kelly, CEO of Swapagift. com.

"Millions of Americans receive gift cards that go unused every year. Swapagift. com has decided to make a direct impact on the lives of men and families affected by prostate cancer by launching this fundraising and awareness campaign," added Kelly.

Dr. Richard Atkins, NPCC CEO, expressed gratitude for choosing the prostate cancer organization as Swapagift. com's first charity partner in the Cards that Care™ program. "We are always pleased when America's corporations create new opportunities to stop the surge of prostate cancer among our nation's baby-boomer families. We want to make sure that men in their prime years at work and family life are not torn from their roles as fathers, grandfathers, uncles and friends."

The Swapagift. com campaign with NPCC was co-developed by the Los Angeles based, Perfect Pitch Marketing. The company will oversee and manage the campaign on behalf of NPCC.

"Re-gifting through the Swapagift. com Cards that Care™ program will allow non-profit organizations like NPCC to participate in new channels and applications in the $5-$10 billion unused gift card market,", said Prissi Cohen, president of Perfect Pitch Marketing. "Swapagift. com's pioneering work opens up a lucrative and novel revenue stream for our nation's charities. An added bonus is that Cards that Care™ brings together corporate sponsors like Boston Medical Group with worthy corporations and non-profit partners, like Swapagift. com and NPCC, in the common goal of impacting the new and growing field of men's health."

About Swapagift. com

Swapagift. com® is the leading web site for buying, selling, and trading unused gift cards. Swapagift. com offers consumers multiple channels and methods for extracting the maximum value from their unused gift cards including: online trading and selling, 150+ national redemption locations, and charitable giving programs. Founded in 2003, Swapagift. com maintains offices in Langhorne, PA. For more information, visit www. swapagift. com.

About the National Prostate Cancer Coalition

The National Prostate Cancer Coalition (NPCC) sets the standard for

Rapidly reducing the burden of prostate cancer on American men and their

Families through awareness, outreach, and advocacy.

For more information, visit www. fightprostatecancer. org.

About Perfect Pitch Marketing

Perfect Pitch Marketing is a boutique marketing company specializing in the development and implementation of innovative marketing programs in the non-profit sector, as well as developing marketing strategies and sponsorship programs for small businesses.
