Autism is on the rise in South Asia. Massive increases in numbers of people with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome have been predicted - Ivan and Charika Corea have appealed to the Prime Minister of India and SAARC Heads of State, for urgent action on autism in South Asia.

(PRWEB) September 29, 2003


Ivan and Charika Corea of the Autism Awareness Campaign have appealed directly to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee to take action on Autism in the SAARC region. Autism is now a serious education and health issue facing South Asia. Massive increases in numbers in 5 years time have been predicted by international experts.

'India is a key player in the region and we would ask Prime Minister Vajpayee to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Autistic people in India and right across the SAARC region desperately need help and structured support.

To date SAARC Leaders have never ever discussed Autism in terms of people with Disabilities in SAARC. It has never figured in any SAARC Health or Education Summits and yet it is now one of the most serious health and education issues facing the Indian sub-continent,' said Ivan Corea in Colombo.

Autism is on the rise in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives - the countries within the SAARC region.

Ivan and Charika Corea, parents and carers of an autistic child launched a massive Autism Awareness Campaign in Sri Lanka. There are 30,000 autistic people in Sri Lanka, according to international experts there will be a massive rise in 5 years time - in Sri Lanka and all over the SAARC region.

Scientists are still divided as to the causes of autism - parents are still asking the question - is ithe MMR, is it genetic, is it caused by foetal distress at birth. Asian parents need answers to these pressing questions on Autism.

Support for the Autism Awareness Campaign came from the highly influential European Union parliamentarian Nirj Deva MEP. Nirj Deva was born in Sri Lanka, he joins a whole host of dignitaries who support the campaign.

Ivan and Charika Corea initiated 2002 as Autism Awareness Year in the United Kingdom. Their campaign is now the largest ever movement for autism in the UK and has the support of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair and parliamentarians of all parties in the Palace of Westminster in London.

Ivan Corea said,' We need urgent action by the Heads of State and national governments in the SSARC region to look into the rise in autism and find common ways and strategies in tackling the whole issue of autism, joint educational and health strategies, the sharing of good practice from SAARC countries.

SAARC provides a platform for the people of South Asia to work together. We are appealing to the Prime Minister of India to raise the whole subject of the Autistic Community in the SAARC region at a future SAARC Summit.

Wonderful stories have come from India like the story of the autistic teenager Tito who has been an inspiration to others. British television even televised a documentary on his life, the dedication of his mother, his marvellous poetry and writings. There are thousands of Titos in the SAARC region who need urgent help. There are children with severe communication disorders who have no specialist speech therapy. Mothers need respite care because Autism is a 24 hour job.

Our recommendations:

We appeal to the Prime Minister of India and the Indian Government to take the urgent matter up of AUTISM IN SAARC with the Heads of State in the SAARC region.

We urge SAARC Health, Education and Social Services to discuss the matter at their respective Summits. We recommend the setting up of a SAARC Autism Committee comprising of officials from the SAARC countries to discuss ways forward.

We urge SAARC countries to launch a data collection initiative in their respective countries and provide public services for people with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome.

We recommend a common strategy in relation to the training of special educational needs teachers and specialist speech therapists in the SAARC region.

Our appeal to SAARC Leaders - please reach out to the Autistic Community in the SAARC region. Autism is a time bomb waiting to happen. If there is a rise in numbers of people with autism in South Asia, are SAARC countries in a position to provide public services for these people who have a very specific disability. Have staff been trained, what about the dissemination of information on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome in the major languages of the SAARC region.

There are only a handful of organisations in the voluntary sector who are in a position to help the Autistic Community. National Governments must provide the support services for all people with disabilities. We need new ways of thinking where disabilities in the SAARC region is concerned.

We urge action in SAARC on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome.