The Hypnutrition Register

The Hypnutrition Register

The Hypnutrition Register where people find Hypnotherapists that offer weight loss therapy.

(PRWEB) September 2, 2004

The Hypnutrition Register www. Hypnutrition. co. uk was launched today to allow people that are serious about getting down to a healthy weight find a suitable hypnotherapist. The Register is not just UK based, it already has an international page and eventually it will contain at least one page for every country and or state that therapists submit details from.

Hypnotherapy has long been established as a safe and natural way for people to stop unwanted habits, overcome addictions and anxiety, weight loss is no different and Hypnotherapy can really help people by helping them to stick to their diet and in creating specific food aversion.

Bob Hodgkiss from Hypnutrition said "Prospective clients will be able to see details of therapists that practice in their own geographical area on-line and contact them directly by phone or email. The Register is split into major geographical area's and as the register grows it will be subdivided into county or state. On the site there will also be regularly updated news items specific to alternative and complimentary medicine, slimming and general healthcare."

Therapists wishing to register must confirm that they comply with local/national legal requirements and that they are insured before entry into the register is allowed. Registering is easy and FREE for a limited time, therapists can register on line at www. hypnutrition. co. uk or by sending their information to Hypnutrition, address details will be given over the phone on 01543 686308 or by sending an email to admin@hypnutrition. co. uk

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