Tri-Life Health Offers NTR Addiction Recovery Center in Fort Collins, CO

Tri-Life Health Offers NTR Addiction Recovery Center in Fort Collins, CO

The Tri-Life Health Treatment Center is one of the most cutting edge drug and alcohol detox centers in the United States. With the opening of this NTR addiction recovery center, Tri-Life Health is able to offer a comprehensive program that treats the root of addiction, offering a more effective (and more comfortable) treatment than conventional methods.

Fort Collins, CO (PRWEB) February 23, 2009

Tri-Life Health (http://www. trilifehealth. com), a private medical office in Fort Collins, now offers an outpatient drug detox center that boasts an 80% recovery rate. Tri-Life's integrative program utilizes a modern and proven detox treatment called NTR, or neurotransmitter restoration, which treats the root cause of the addiction without replacing it with a new one.

A family member of an NTR patient described the treatment, saying: "The difference in (her) condition after the first treatment was nothing short of miraculous, and as she received subsequent treatments, her mental and physical health have continued to improve."

NTR treats the mind and the body using IV nutrients, antioxidants and amino acids to heal the receptors in the brain that have been damaged by drug use. This effectively eliminates the body's cravings for the drug's effects and returns the brain to a neutral state of clarity. Tri-Life Health combines the NTR treatment with biochemical balancing, the treatment of biochemical and genetic imbalances in the body, to restore the foundations of true health.

"When I discovered the NTR process I knew it was the perfect recovery solution to offer at Tri-Life Health. I am excited to offer this detox technique at a modern medical facility where people can restore hope and health to their lives…right here in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains," said Dr. Billica, president of Tri-Life Health, PC.

The experienced Tri-Life Health staff helps patients develop a long-term strategy for improved wellness, disease resistance, and relapse prevention. Addictions are tough to beat, but with the help of an NTR program, thousands of people worldwide have overcome their struggle with alcohol, methamphetamine, narcotics, cocaine, and other addictive substances.

The NTR recovery center (http://www. ntrdetox. com), which opened in September 2008, is a bright and welcoming private facility situated among ponds and pathways. It is on the perimeter of Fort Collins, the small city that Money Magazine called America's "best place to live."

The drug detox center offers a 10-day outpatient program that includes biochemical testing, neurotransmitter restoration (NTR), personalized counseling for relapse prevention, and supplemental therapies such as soft tissue massage and Far Infrared Sauna Immersion. Comprehensive program costs average between $7,500 and $9,200, depending upon the complexity of the individual's needs.

The NTR detox program is just one of the services offered at Tri-Life Health. Since 2001 the practice has focused on preventive and functional medicine, and uses an integrative approach that incorporates alternative remedies as well as Western medicine to achieve results. Tri-Life Health strives to uncover and correct the underlying causes of a patient's health problems to help him or her reach optimal health.

About Dr. Billica:

Dr. Roger Billica is a graduate of the North Carolina School of Medicine. During his 25 years as a practicing physician he has worked in family practice, emergency medicine, and has received international recognition for his pioneering efforts in the field of preventative and space medicine. Dr. Billica served as the NASA Chief of Medical Operations at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, from 1990 - 2001. Shortly after he opened the Tri-Life Health Center in Fort Collins, Colorado, he rigorously trained in the NTR process.

In opening the NTR treatment center, Dr. Billica hopes to continue making advancements in the field of functional medicine.
