DotWORLDS is Better Than Triple Viagra, Claims Dr Zilli Nillqvist, Renowned Swedish Psychologist

DotWORLDS is Better Than Triple Viagra, Claims Dr Zilli Nillqvist, Renowned Swedish Psychologist.

Hanselngretal Clinic, Stockholm: Staff are buzzing today with the incredible news that at last something can be cured without the need for tremendously expensive pills. However, elsewhere in the world, it seems that others are not quite so happy!

London, England (PRWEB) March 12, 2004

The Phamaceutical world is aghast today with the latest Report from Sweden that medical conditions may no longer need any prescriptions. Neither Glaxo nor ICI were available for comment, but rumours abound that many want to kill the Report's author, Dr Nillqvist, really slowly and without any anaesthetic. There is great concern here that soon many thousands of patients could be restored to health without any tablets, and that Christmas Bonuses for the medical industry will become a thing of the past.

It all started, says Dr Nillqvist, when a Mr Yolly, 57 from Trondheim, came to see me in a most distressed state. He told me that his latest wife had been complaining about his performance (or rather lack of it) and wanted a divorce. It transpired that this was Mr YollyÂ’s fifth wife and that all the other four had left him for exactly the same reason. In desperation, he had been taking every product under the sun (both internally and externally) but unfortunately without success. Mr Yolly was indeed in a critical condition.

Says Dr Nillqvist, I felt that something had to be done immediately. It was clear to me that Mr Yolly was running out of money (due to his many divorce settlements) and in grave danger of not being able to pay my bill. Obviously his condition had psychological overtones and it was indeed fortunate that I had recently heard about dotWORLDS domain names (www. dotworlds. net). I knew that dotWORLDS provide unlimited possibilities for all those wanting personalisation and easy-to-remember options, including domain names that you can create yourself. The cure was simple and without further delay, I gave Mr Yolly a brand new domain name www. incredible. lover. Straight away this had a soothing and calming effect on him, so I told him to go home to his wife and report back to me in seven days.

Of course, I was quietly confident of the outcome, says Dr Nillquvist, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. Mr Yolly returned to my surgery the following week with tears of joy in his eyes. He told me that his wife was now happily suffering from complete exhaustion and required hospitalisation. Not only this, but shortly thereafter, all his other wives had returned home and were voluntarily depositing all their divorce settlements back in his bank account. All of them were now living together.

Unfortunately though, as with many new hi-tech treatments, Mr Yolly suffered from some uncomfortable side effects. After all the excitement, Mr Yolly is looking a lot older and more recently has had some difficulty walking around. Still, this does not matter, as Dr Zilli Nillqvist will find a dotWORLDS cure for that too.

So, get with the programme and you too could be the most popular and attractive person you know. Get the excting new domain names at www. dotworlds. net. Join the growing band of converts, and get there FIRST!

DotWORLDS (www. dotworlds. net) building on the success of their Internet Communities is now giving away all their "Personality" domain names completely free to encourage more users to come aboard. Some of the totally free domain names currently on offer are ".cool", ".sexy", .genius and many more. To get these free domain names, simply visit www. dotworlds. net and select the "Personality" Radio Button for the complete list.

DotWORLDS Ltd is a UK company based in London that specializes in providing fully personalized internet domains and email addresses, offering the widest range, both free and paid, through its global infrastructure. Please see website for full details.


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