HCGDietDallas. us | Top 3 Arguments That hCG Diet Does Not Lead to Weight Loss

HCGDietDallas. us | Top 3 Arguments That hCG Diet Does Not Lead to Weight Loss

The hCG diet has given hope to many people fighting their weight. Not surprisingly, naysayers have seen this hope and have taken it upon themselves to crush the dreams of these people who have found something to believe in. hCGDietDallas. us has compiled a list to defend the hopes, dreams and goals of hCG dieters.

Plano, TX (Vocus) September 9, 2010

The most common reaction hCG dieters face when explaining their weight loss plan to family and friends is, “you want to do what?!?!” In their defense, the hCG protocol is far from any typical weight loss plan. hCGDietDallas. us has compiled a short list to help hCG dieters defend against these often passionate debates.

Reason 1: “Anyone on a 500 calorie diet will lose weight”

Every single person that has ever used hCG for weight loss (http://hcgdietdallas. us) has heard this argument. Logic coupled with biophysics clearly proves this statement to be true. That being said, simply losing “weight” is not the primary objective with the hCG diet. The hCG diet accelerates abnormal fat loss by giving the body access to abnormal fat storages that are not accessible under normal conditions. Individuals eating 500 calories per day without the assistance of hCG risk massive muscle loss. Since your heart and other organs are muscles, eating 500 calories daily is not healthy and definitely not advisable to anyone.

One side-benefit of hCG is the natural production of testosterone in individuals who are deficient. There are many cases where hCG patients actually have gained muscle while losing large amounts of fat due to this side-benefit. A healthy, natural boost in testosterone would never occur with someone simply on a 500 calorie diet.

Reason 2: “Clinical studies indicate hCG does not influence weight loss”

This statement often comes from caring friends or family that did a little research. It is true that an overwhelming majority of clinical studies from 1960-present indicate that hCG is not effective for weight loss. However, comparing these clinical studies to the actual hCG protocol will lead to surprising results. By design, they deviated far enough from the hCG protocol to produce the result they want. In one particular, well-cited, anti-hCG clinical study they more than doubled the daily calorie consumption. Another clinical study deviated from the protocol and gave hCG injections (http://inshapemd. com) six days a week instead of seven, while no reason or explanation was provided.

Additionally, the hCG protocol is more a medical procedure then a diet. Injections must be given every single day at a specific time, and calorie consumption must strictly be adhered to. There is no other diet where eating a salted almond can set you back two pounds.

Reason 3: “I have read that hCG is dangerous.”

There are several websites out there that give a list of dangerous side effects. If hCG is as dangerous as these websites indicate then pregnant women would be dropping like flies. The hCG protocol recommends daily injections of 125 IU, and a pregnant woman produces approximately 10,000 times that amount daily. The side effects on these websites are often exhibited by any woman in her first trimester. Other side effects are commonly seen with any weight loss program.
