Help for Infertility and Miscarriages?

Help for Infertility and Miscarriages?

Everyone knows that stress is part of the problem when it comes to fertility and miscarriages. Unfortunately everyone thinks stress is mostly worry, fear and anger, but there are different types of stresses. Plus stress is cumulative -- the more you tax your body with stress the more you disrupt the balance of your progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) September 16, 2007

Dr. Len Lopez author of "To Burn or Not to Burn, Fat is the Question," (Brown Books) makes a visit to the popular CBN television show "Living the Life" this coming Monday the 17th to discuss some natural approaches to help with infertility and miscarriages.

Indigestion, blood sugar imbalances and exercise can be just as stress producing as mental-emotional worry, fear and anxiety. Stress is cumulative and as you add all the different types of stress on the body it can lead to adrenal exhaustion and fatigue, which throws all your reproductive hormones out of balance.

Overworking our adrenal glands, which produce our stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline will create an imbalance of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It's the lack of progesterone that is mostly attributed to infertility and miscarriages that is often overlooked.

Dr. Lopez offers some natural, holistic suggestions that can help you recognize where some of your stress is coming from, along with how to overcome those problems that could be leading to your infertility.

Living the Life is broadcast on the Family Channel 9:30 AM, Cornerstone TV 2:30 p. m. and Family Net 1:30 p. m. (EST).

For more information on Dr. Lopez or to contact him he can be reached at (972) 360-6408 or go to www. DrLenLopez. com.

To learn more about stress, adrenal depletion and infertility go to www. HealthTipswithDrlen. com

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